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Classic Books

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Published almost a century ago in 1925, the story of the striving Jay Gatsby is still deeply influential in its exploration of class, society, and the false promise that money can buy happiness. Gatsby’s misguided chase for his first love is a sad tale that spans the ages. At the time, the book was considered a commercial failure, but you’d be hard to find a high school course today that didn’t include it.

Catcher in the Rye
J.D. Salinger

Written in 1951, Catcher in the Rye brilliantly describes the lonely teen experience of having to grow up and leave the tenderness and innocence(纯真)of childhood behind. Though young adult fiction didn’t exist in its current form when J.D. Salinger wrote the novel, it’s considered one of the first teen books and constantly appears on high school reading lists.

Mary Shelley

Written in 1818, this classic from Mary Shelley tells the tale of Victor Frankenstein and the monster(怪物) he creates. The themes of creation and responsibility the book explores still exist today, as technology and science produce more possibilities and power than ever before.

Little Women
Louis May Alcott

The story of the March sisters is a true American classic, and one of the most popular books written by a woman. Published in 1868 and set in the time of the Civil War, the book is popular because of its description of strong women and sisterly love. Not only is the novel a classic, but its film adaptations (of which there have been many) became classics in their own right.

1. What do the first two books have in common?
A.They belong to children’s books.B.They explore the theme of love.
C.They are read in high school.D.They are based on students’ stories.
2. What is special about Frankenstein?
A.It reflects present subjects.B.It is connected with science.
C.It produces more possibilities.D.It is about Mary Shelley’s story.
3. Which book will you choose if you are interested in the family story?
A.The Great Gatsby.B.Catcher in the Rye
C.Frankenstein.D.Little Women.
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【推荐1】Nine Pints

Author: Rose George

Price $ 55 (20 percent discount for 3 or more)

If you’re like me, you’ll enjoy his deep dive into what makes up our blood by a British journalist with an especially personal connection and special job experiences to the subject. It’s filled with super-interesting facts that will leave you with a new appreciation of blood in the body.

A Gentleman in Moscow

Author: Amor Towles

Price $ 50 (10 percent discount for 2 or more)

It seems everyone that I know has read this book. Towles’s novel about a nobleman sentenced to life under house arrest is fun, clever, and surprisingly optimistic. Even if you don’t enjoy reading about Russia as much as I do. A Gentleman in Moscow is an amazing story that anyone can enjoy.

President of War

Author: Michael Beschloss

Price $ 60(10 percent discount for 2, and 25 percent for 3 or more)

My Interest in all aspects of the Vietnam War is the main reason I decided to pick up this book. By the time I finished it, I learned a lot not only about Vietnam but about the eight major conflicts (冲突) the U.S. entered between the turn of the 19th century and the 1970s.

The Future of Capitalism (资本主义)

Author: Paul Collier

Price $ 75 (10 percent discount for 2, and 25 percent for 3 or more)

Collier’s newest book is a thought-provoking (发人深省的) look at a hot topic. Although I don’t agree with him about everything-I think his analysis is better than his recommended solutions-his background as a developed economist and a former director at the World Bank gives him a smart viewpoint on where capitalism is headed, which is detailed in the book.

1. Who will most probably buy Nine Pints?
A.Graduates wanting a job.
B.People interested in driving.
C.Journalists seeking for news.
D.Students majoring in biology.
2. Which book will cost least if you want to buy two copies?
A.Nine Pints.B.A Gentleman in Moscow.
C.President of War.D.The Future of Capitalism.
3. What do we know about the author of the last book?
A.His book is mainly about hot conflicts.
B.His background is detailed in the book.
C.His working experience helps with his writing.
D.His opinions on capitalism aren’t recognized.
2021-02-25更新 | 54次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Running to the library

There are literally thousands of books about running, each with their unique stories and angles. Here are four that might interest you.

· Advanced Marathoning-2nd Edition

by Pete Pfitzinger, Scott Douglas ($38. 13)

Shave minutes off your time using the latest in science-based training for serious runners. Advanced Marathoning has all the information you need to train smarter and arrive on the start line ready to ruin the marathon of your life. Including marathon-pace runs and tempo runs, Advanced Marathoning provides only the most effective methods of training. You'll learn how to improve your running workouts with strength, core, flexibility, and form training.

· Determined to Win: The Overcoming Spirit of Jean Driscoll

by Jean Driscoll ($10. 99)

Jean Driscoll was named 25th of the top 100 women athletes in the century by Sports Illustrated for Women. Born with spina bifida (脊柱裂), Jean was never supposed to walk. But because of her intense determination, she not only learned to walk but to fly-in a wheelchair across the finish line.

In her autobiography, Jean chronicles (按事件发生顺序记载) her flight from physical paralysis(瘫痪) to true spiritual freedom. She shows us what perseverance can achieve.

· Boston Marathon Portraits: Pictures of Inspiration

by Raymond Britt ($19. 99)

Boston Marathon Portraits features dramatic images of an exceptional race: the Boston Marathon. On race day, Boston comes alive with anticipation, excitement and determination. This book presents these emotions and the action of the Boston Marathon, focusing on striking scenes and photos of runners before the race, at the starting line, the finish line and when the celebration of finishing begins.

· Women Runners

by Irene Reti, Bettianne Shoney Sien ($11. 18)

This book of literary fiction, poems, and essays by women runners captures the essence of running, and the many hopes and dreams of women.

1. Which book would be your best choice if you were looking for tips on marathon training?
A.Advanced Marathoning-2nd Edition.
B.Determined to Win: The Overcoming Spirit of Jean Driscoll.
C.Boston Marathon Portraits: Pictures of Inspiration.
D.Women Runners.
2. Which category does Determined to Win: The Overcoming Spirit of Jean Driscoll fall into?
A.A science fiction.
B.A self-help book.
C.A biography.
D.A historical fiction.
3. Who is Irene Reti?
A.A novelist.
B.An editor.
C.A marathon winner.
D.A photographer.
2023-02-18更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Which book should you read based on your next travel destination?

As you’re traveling around Amsterdam, read “The Fault in Our Stars”.

There’s also a film version of this book. Amazon

Previously adapted into a film in 2014, John Green’s story of star-crossed teenagers famously includes a trip to Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House and The Rijks museum are two of many major destinations mentioned in the book.

Plus, the bench from the film adaption of this novel has even become its own tourist spot.

Bring “One Hundred Years of Solitude” to read in South America.

The book is set in South America. Amazon

A significant work of literature, Gabriel García Márquez’s classic follows generations of the Buendía family as they live in their South-American town. García Márquez’s magical realism paired with his lush descriptions make the book a perfect read for visiting some of the breathtaking sights of South America.

“Call Me by Your Name” by André Aciman should perhaps be read in the summertime, in Italy.

The novel is set in part of Italy. Amazon

André Aciman’s novel is said to take place in the Northern-Italian seaside region of Liguria. And if you’ve seen the 2017 coming-of-age film adaptation of the book, you’ll already know the story depicts beautiful summers in Northern Italy, complete with seaside encounters and lush greenery.

If you’re visiting New York City, enter the mind of Holden Caulfield.

The book mentions plenty of NYC landmarks. Penguin Books

“The Catcher in the Rye” is a classic tale of a lost teenager’s unplanned trip to New York City. In the JD-Salinger novel, Holden visits a nightclub in the East Village, goes ice skating in Rockefeller Center, and takes his sister to the Central Park Zoo.

“Midnight’s Children” is a fantastical novel that illuminates some of the histories of India.

The book features plenty of magical elements. Amazon

Salman Rushdie’s story begins at midnight, on the night of India’s independence, when the 1,001 children born that hour are found to possess magical powers. Featuring lush imagery and magical realism, the book is set during 20th-century India.

1. What do “The Fault in Our Stars” and “Call Me by Your Name” have in common?
A.They were set in summer seaside.
B.They included famous characters.
C.They highlighted local destination.
D.They were once adapted into films.
2. What makes “One Hundred Years of Solitude” a must to read during the trip to South America?
A.The vivid description combined with magical realism.
B.The breathtaking sights described in this work.
C.The generations living in the South-America town.
D.The work’s significance in modern literature.
3. Which is you best choice if you are going to New York City?
A.“Midnight’s Children”B.“Call Me by Your Name”
C.“The Catcher in the Rye”D.“The Fault in Our Stars”
2024-01-06更新 | 94次组卷
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