组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 户外探险 > 海洋探险
题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:96 题号:20072847

Rachel had always been fascinated with the mysteries of the sea. She dreamed of exploring the     1    (deep)of it and discovering unknown creatures. Her obsession intensified when she discovered an old map in her grandfather’s attic(顶楼), which showed a place marked “hidden treasure”. Ignoring     2     her mother had warned, she started a small-boat adventure. After hours of searching with no luck, a friendly giant octopus appeared, guiding her to a secret cave     3     she found treasures beyond her wildest dreams. From this experience, Rachel     4    (know)that the bravest seekers often find the greatest treasures.

【知识点】 海洋探险


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

On behalf of his captain, Peter gave a report on their voyage last Friday.

    1     (strength) the crew’s cooperation and harmonious relationships, the captain adopted Peter’s advice to make a voyage across the gulf last month. Before departing from the shore, they packed up and loaded the ship with the compass and the log.     2     (subsequent), they began to navigate along the predetermined route. One night, they were navigating on the sea     3    a violent hurricane hit them. In an instant, all the crew aboard got into a panic,    4     (freeze) on the deck and not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, the ship began to leak as if it would sink at once. Some of the crew even intended to dive into the sea. Contrary     5     the panicked crew, the captain remained calm in the chaos. He convinced the crew to keep calm despite facing the fact that he was bleeding heavily. Regardless of his own     6     (safe), he risked his life to find out the leaking pipe and cut it off, which greatly astonished all the     7     (sailor). It was at the moment when they were praying for safety     8     the violent hurricane was over.

This was     9     unforgettable episode in their life. The captain     10       (acknowledge) as the most exceptional captain by the crew.

2024-06-27更新 | 21次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

Between 1405 and 1433, Zheng He, one of China’s greatest explorers, made a total of seven voyages, with china, silk, tea and other treasures     1     gifts for foreign rulers, and paying friendly visits to more than 30 countries and regions. As they sailed, the     2    (navigator) took compass readings, kept logs of their voyages and charted the coast. Later the detailed maps became Zheng Hes Navigation Map.

Zheng He’s seven voyages had a far­reaching impact on China and its neighbours,     3     helped develop and strengthen     4     (harmony) relations with these countries and regions, exposing foreign people to Chinese culture, and allowing the Chinese to better understand overseas lands.

Some historians     5     (dismiss) the records of these voyages as legends till an enormous shipyard was discovered in Nanjing, where the fleet had been built. Zheng He’s accomplishments are now widely     6     (acknowledge), and he is remembered as one of China’s most influential explorers.

The explorer Christopher Columbus born in a port city loved sailing and showed great interest in geography when young. In the     7     (challenge) journey he started on 3 August 1492, Columbus succeeded in finding some new islands. He     8     (convince) that the islands he reached were in the East Indies. However, the shores they had reached were of the Caribbean, not the East Indies.

Columbus “discovered” the New World, which     9     (inspire) explorers to explore and discover more vast areas of the world. His voyages opened a new chapter of the Age of Exploration, a period witnessing many important geographical findings and also allowing     10     an international exchange of ideas and cultures.

7日内更新 | 11次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲的是Perce Blackborow加入由Ernest Shackleton爵士领导的南极探险队的经过以及耐力号在航行过程中遇险被弃的始末。

After seeing the advertisement in the newspaper, Perce Blackborow resolved     1     (join) the Antarctic expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton no matter what challenges might lie ahead. Unfortunately, his application was turned     2     because he was too young and not qualified     3    the expedition. However, he managed to get aboard the Endurance with his friend’s help. He     4     (hide) in a cupboard, but was soon discovered and brought to Shackleton. Although the captain was angry, he assigned the boy     5     (cook) for the crew. Their voyage did not go smoothly, and the Endurance became     6     (stick) in the ice. Before the Endurance was crushed and    7     (sink) into the sea, Shackleton had the ship     8     (abandon), and the crew had to camp on ice. They then sailed to Elephant Island. Soon after that, Shackleton selected a boat party and set off     9     South Georgia Island to seek help.

2024-04-28更新 | 25次组卷
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