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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:37 题号:20237361

Four Habits to Help You Succeed

We all want to succeed, whether it’s in losing weight or learning the guitar. For those who have tried and failed, success seems difficult to understand. Why does one person succeed while another person fails?     1    

1. Discover your core (核心) values.

Finding your core values is in line with creating inner motivation (动机).     2     Pick a handful of things and actually write them down. Remind yourself of your values every day, and think whether you are honoring those values through your work.

2. Pick a goal and focus on it.

Choose one goal to start something large enough that will give you a sense of success, while adjusting well to your core values. Focus is key here.     3     If you do many tasks at a time, you might never complete your projects because they will take far too long.

3. Set a deadline for success.

Set a date for success. Decide when you hope to achieve your goal.     4     By setting a time limit, you are making the process more real.

4.     5    

Failure can’t be avoided when you take risks. By its very definition, the desire to succeed means you are risking failure. Many people give up far too early. Don’t fall into this trap! Remember your mindset earlier. Know it will happen. A failure means you are working out the details and learning what works and what doesn’t. Use failure. Treat it as a good thing, and march on!

A.Stick to your goal.
B.Make the right decision.
C.Sit and think about what you value most.
D.Keep it realistic, while not giving you too much time.
E.I’ve made a list of four habits to help you set goals and achieve them.
F.The more focused you are on one goal, the higher chance you have of success.
G.Push yourself to be courageous, and take that next step.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Accept Tricky Feelings

Imagine that you only felt so-called positive feelings, like excitement, joy and safety.     1    . Being human means we experience various emotions, even painful or uncomfortable ones. Accepting them is important and can improve your well-being.

Do you notice uncomfortable feelings?

When you accept that difficult emotions are normal and temporary, you’re often able to cope with them. Psychologists have found that people who allow themselves to feel a range of emotions, including painful ones, are often more at peace than people who try to avoid or push uncomfortable feelings away.    2    

Does that mean all behaviour is OK?

If you allow yourself to feel angry, for example, that doesn’t mean you can throw things around or behave unkindly. Anita Garai, a well-being teacher and author of Being With Our Feelings, says that if we allow ourselves to feel painful emotions,including anger, it’s less likely these feelings will boil over and result in unpleasant actions. “    3    ,” she says. “By listening to them, you can learn more about your needs and choose the best way to respond.”

    4    ?

Garai suggeststhe first step is to notice and examine the uncomfortable feeling in your body. “Where in your body can you feel it? Is it still or moving? Can you describe the movement?” she says. It may be that the feeling reminds you of a colour, shape, sound or texture. “By paying attention to the feeling in this way, it’s less likely that you’ll ignore it,” explains Garai.     5    . Many people find it comforting and inspiring to read about characters who accept, manage and overcome tricky emotions.

A.Another tool is to read
B.You may feel it’s like a wonderland
C.It might sound great but it’s unrealistic
D.Do you examine the tricky feelings in your body
E.How can you learn to accept uncomfortable feelings
F.Uncomfortable feelings actually help to keep us well
G.By noticing tricky feelings and allowing them to exist, you are being kind to yourself
2023-05-09更新 | 182次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When I was seven years old, I got the greatest Christmas gift ever.     1         Now I realize I actually have the power to be a superhero. I may not be able to fly, but I can make a difference to someone's life. We all have the power to be a superhero to someone. Here are four ways you can be a real-life superhero.

         2     Think about what it is. It could be your support, time, advice, a small gift or a thank-you card. Sometimes, even just the most harmless message can bring someone out of darkness and into the light. It's something that you give that can help others.

Keep yourself healthy.     3     Look after your body and helping people will be easier. You'll have a clear mind and energy to achieve any task in your way.

Pick your fight. Every superhero has a battle. It's something that drives them to be the person they are.     4     It could be anything such as working towards helping reduce the number of homeless people on the street. The fight does not need to be big, but it needs to be powerful.

Make someone's day. Real-life superheroes try to improve the lives of all the people they meet.     5     You can also try your best to absolutely make someone's day every once in a while. The people who get your help will thank you for it.

A.What's your fight?
B.Stay happy all the time.
C.Use the thing you have to help someone without it.
D.It was a Batman costume, complete with a belt and shoes.
E.You can't be a superhero if you don't take care of your body.
F.They try their best to turn someone's bad day into a good one.
G.They just want to get up, save the world and forget it ever happened.
2019-07-30更新 | 85次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约790词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We all do it. We put off that dreaded task for five more minutes, then for thirty minutes, then for another hour, until it doesn’t get done at all. And the worst part is we still weren’t able to enjoy our day. We spend so much time stressing over that looming task that it deprives us from actually being able to focus on other tasks.

Why do we do it? We know it never ends well. The problem is that the cycle can feel nearly impossible to break. We get so caught up in the cycle of procrastination that we almost forget how to effectively tackle hard tasks.

Here are five tips for nipping procrastination in the bud and taking back control over your daily life.

Tackle the most difficult task first.

You’re probably thinking “Duh, I already knew that.” But you may not have realized that there’s scientific backing for this suggestion. We only have a limited supply of willpower. Once it’s been used up for the day, chances of us tackling hard tasks are pretty slim. Dive into your hardest task when your energy level is at its highest. This will ensure the best results.

When we push the hard tasks to the end of the day, it takes a toll on our energy all day long. In the end, stressing for hours over the task we’re procrastinating negatively affects all the other tasks on our list.

So next time you’re scheduling the items on your list, make sure to start out with worst one. It may not necessarily be the largest, but it should be the one you’re dreading the most. By accomplishing it so early in the day, you will feel energized and productive. You’ll know the rest of the day is all downhill and cruise through the list with remarkable speed.

Divide the task into smaller tasks.

We tend to get overwhelmed when a giant project looms ahead of us. We don’t know where to start or what to do first. Keep in mind that forests are made up of individual trees. Though you may not be able to take down a whole forest at once, you could certainly start with one tree (or even a branch).

If you need to organize your entire kitchen, start by working on just one cupboard. Organizing one cupboard is much more feasible than trying to get everything done in one swoop. Make a commitment to complete a small step each day, and you’ll find the task becoming less and less daunting with each new task that you accomplish.

Set a mid-day alarm.

There’s nothing more guilt-inducing than ending a day and realizing you haven’t accomplished a single task. We can avoid this rut by setting an alarm on our phone to ring every day around 1 p.m. When the ringer goes off, assess how many things on your list have been attended to.

Re-plan your schedule for the remainder of the afternoon and shift it around to take care of the most important item first. If necessary, you can indulge in a second cup of coffee to jumpstart your “second morning.” By doing this, you will avoid going to bed at night mulling over all the things you didn’t get done.

Dedicate yourself for a small period of time.

To stimulate productivity, there’s an old trick of setting a timer for ten minutes. By frantically racing the clock for that short period, you’ll likely find you become engrossed in your tasks and continue working.

The feeling of dread that has been on your mind will quickly be replaced with a sense of pride and satisfaction. Seeing what you can accomplish in ten minutes when you put your mind to it is quite motivating.

Schedule your tasks on the calendar.

Creating a game plan will help you move past the initial paralysis you feel. Instead of just writing the tasks down in a to-do list, take it a step further and identify when and how you’ll accomplish it.

For example, plan to go to the grocery store at 4:00 p.m. and start cooking dinner promptly at 4:30. By clearing up the anticipatory stress, you’ll avoid a large part of the dread that holds you back. Creating the plan is half the battle!

Though it feels impossible, you have it in you to accomplish everything that you need to every single day. With a fresh perspective, a little prodding (敦促), and a detailed plan, you’ll be well on your way to ending the procrastination cycle once and for all.

1. The word “procrastination” most likely means _______.
2. The phrase “nipping procrastination in the bud” suggests that one should______.
A.fully realize the importance and severity of the problem of procrastination
B.make an effort to keep the problem of procrastination well under control
C.take our time to identify the root problem of the habit of procrastination
D.prevent and cope with the issue of procrastination in the early stage
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.If we put off the hardest task to the end of the day, we can be more energetic.
B.It is of greater importance for us to see the “forest” than attend to the “tree”.
C.A small and steady step on the daily basis will make the task less overwhelming.
D.Having a second cup of coffee will help you compete morning commitment better.
4. Setting a timer for ten minutes will__________.
A.trick you into being more anxious and desperate
B.keep you more concentrated and productive
C.help you move past the initial paralysis you feel
D.prevent you from feeling guilty when going to bed at night
5. The article concludes that ___________.
A.it is quite impossible to completely get rid of procrastination circle
B.creating a good plan can help you win the battle against procrastination
C.everybody may tend to procrastinate and there is little need for guilt
D.with the advice listed, it is very hopeful to overcome procrastination
2020-08-20更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般