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题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:7 题号:20332593
Directions: Complete each sentence with a proper word given in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. reflect             B. flexibility             C. instantly             D. wrinkles          E. attained          F. pace
G. symbolize        H. aggressive            I. continuously        J. motivation          K. refreshed
1. After forty, many people get ________around their eyes.
2. We need a foreign policy that shows more________.
3. The athletes ________success through hard work and were awarded medals.
4. Dogs can be________ if provoked.
5. His________ was so strong that we doubted he could fail.
6. After a shower at the hotel, travellers felt________.
7. Just________ for a moment—Is what you plan to buy what you really need?
8. Milk powder melts ________when put into the water.
9. Doves ________peace.
10. Experienced teachers are able to keep a proper________ of the lesson they deliver.


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
in order to;in spite of;be remembered as;in favor of;remark on;major in;at least;have a chance to;focus… on;be aware of
1. The girl ________ maths and physics at university.
2. ________ get more money they can do anything.
3. We should brush our teeth ________ twice a day.
4. Only in this way will I ________ achieve my dream.
5. I went shopping ________ the rain.
6. Jim ________ a great hero.
7. Most of us ________ more ________ our tasks in the morning than in the evening.
8. You must ________ the fact that it is of great importance to learn.
9. My sister was against my suggestion that John should go abroad for further education while my brother was ________ it.
10. The writer’s writing style was what people ________ most in the meeting.
2023-06-19更新 | 17次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】as a result,             break up,        in danger of,        according to,     attach...to... ,
stand for,                 above all,        watch over,        die out,             in relief,
burst into laughter,   sort out
1. The Soviet Union ________________ on December 25th 1991.
2. The farmers there use specially trained dogs to ____________their sheep at night.
3. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some words even _______________completely.
4. The economy is____________ collapse(崩溃) unless there is a revolution.
5. What is “best friends”? You laugh; I laugh. You cry; I cry. You fall, I ______________ and then I fall too because I was laughing too hard.
6. Workers should be paid ________________ how much work they do.
7. I’d like to buy a house-----modern, comfortable and _______________ in a quiet neighborhood.
8. Seeing the spoiled child was safe, the old man sighed ________________.
9. It is unnecessary to _____________ great importance __________ this letter.
10. He fell off the bike and hurt his legs. _________________,   he had to stay away from the school for nearly two or three weeks.
2017-06-01更新 | 67次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)

①This is the mountain village ____________ I visited last year.
②I’ll never forget the days ____________ I spent in the countryside.
③The engineer with ____________ my father works is about 50 years old.
④Is there anyone in your class ____________ family is in the country?
⑤He talked a lot about things and persons ____________ they remembered in the school.
⑥The letter is from my sister, ____________ is working in Beijing.
⑦This is the same pen ____________ I used yesterday.
⑧The other two areas ____________ British and American English differ are spelling and pronunciation.
2018-12-19更新 | 39次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般