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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:78 题号:20650546
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Before the Tangshan Earthquake, Strange things    1    (happen) in the countryside. For several days, the water in the village wells     2       ( rise) and fell. There were deep cracks     3       appeared in the well walls. At least one well had some     4     (smell) gas coming out of it. Chickens and even pigs were too nervous     5     (eat), and dogs refused to go inside buildings.    6     (mouse)ran out of the fields looking for places to hide, and fish jumped out of the water. At about 3:00 a.m.,    7    28 July 1976, bright lights     8     (see) in the sky outside the city of Tangshan and loud noises were heard.       9       the city’s one million people were asleep as usual that night.     10       (fortunately), it led to a lot of people losing their lives.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they     1     (try) to find out how the fire     2     (begin). Forest fires     3     (be) often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly     4     (throw) away. Yesterday the firemen     5     (examine) the ground carefully, but     6     (be) not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally     7     (discover) the cause. He     8     (notice) the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000 - volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird     9     (catch) the snake from the ground and then     10     (drop) it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.

2022-05-06更新 | 125次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Over the past few day, a number of forest fires     1     (break) out in Chongqing and its surrounding areas due to the extremely dry and hot weather. Many rescue personnel and volunteers participated in the rescue overnight,     2     moved a lot of people across the country. The mountain fires in several regions in Chongqing have been     3     (eventual) put out on Friday morning. No casualties have been reported.

Chongqing motorcyclists are being praised     4     heroes for volunteering to transport much-needed supplies to the fire and rescue workers     5     (fight) the wildfires caused by prolonged heat and drought across multiple districts in the municipality (自治市).

Facing the tough situation, the city government called for volunteers with related skills and experience     6     (join) the firefighting,     7     a large number of motorcyclists have played an important role and won widespread praise. The team members, with     8     average age of 29, took turns to use five dirt bikes and four scooters to carry materials and equipment to     9     (firefighter) and to transport people and necessities.

The example of a foreign teacher who volunteered to help fight the raging wildfires in Chongqing’s Beibei district with other local residents has touched many people.

When all the people     10     (unite), peace will reign across the country.

2023-07-25更新 | 117次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

On April 16, a fire     1     (destroy) the spire (尖塔) and roof of the 580-year-old cathedral Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院). Citizens of Paris gathered around the giant church,     2     (sing) hymns (圣诗) and praying. The church,     3     was built in 1163, is a historical and     4     (art) treasure. It combined Gothic art with Christian architecture     5     it led to taller and     6     (awesome) churches throughout Europe. Notre Dame is also home     7     many religious artifacts (手工艺品), paintings and sculptures.     8     (fortune), its world-famous stained glass rose windows survived the fire. Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame, brought the church to the world’s attention. French President Emmanuel Macron promised     9     (reconstruct) the building. “ Notre Dame is our history, it’s our literature, it’s our imagery,” he said in     10     public speech.

2020-09-16更新 | 122次组卷
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