组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:71 题号:20880767

The question “Who am I?” can bring on a series of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but what if you don’t know how to answer?     1     We’re here to help you find all the answers you’re looking for.

    2     Think about where you want to see yourself in 5 days, months, or years. What goals can you make to turn that vision into your reality? These goals don’t have to be big; they can be as simple as making the bed every morning. Write down your goals and refer to them whenever you feel lost, remembering to take each day one step at a time.

Question your body image.     3     Are they negative or positive? Can you rewrite the negative remarks in a more positive way? Confidence in your body can transfer to confidence in other parts of your life, so try to reframe hateful words into something loving.

Practice self-care. It can be hard to find time to reflect on yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential to being the best version of you, so don’t forget to schedule time to do something for yourself.     4    

Write in a journal. To process your thoughts and experiences, write down what you did, felt, and thought throughout the day.     5     If you had a terrible experience, set down why it affected you. If you made a mistake, identify what you could do better.

A.Set reasonable goals.
B.Learn more about yourself.
C.List words about the way you look.
D.If you were happy, put down what delighted you.
E.This can help you feel more at peace with life and yourself.
F.By doing this, you will find it rewarding to share your time with others.
G.Feeling lost or confused about who you are is more common than you may think.
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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many campers love to plan their trips during autumn season.     1     Whether you be camping alone, with family or your friends, autumn season offers lots of activities that make your outdoor adventure more fun! Here are some fall camping tips to make your trip more memorable.

Schedule for the cool weather. Even though summer just ended, you should be prepared for cool weather.    2    It could be hot and sunny during the day, but very cold once the sun goes down. You wouldn't want your trip to be ruined because you keep waking up in the early morning because of cold weather.

Schedule your cooking times. An important to keep in mind is that the days are shorter during cool seasons. More importantly, food takes longer to cook when the weather is cold So schedule your cooking times to make sure that you enjoy your meal times.     3    

Be careful with bears. Any camper knows that it is quite important to   protect themselves.from bears and other wildlife.    4           Wildlife become more active around this time looking for food as winter nears.

    5    There are lots of apple trees in the country where you camp If you're lucky enough to have one near your chosen campsite, consider apple picking during the day. To get even more fun out of autumn, you can also choose to go pumpkin picking.You can also bring your own pumpkins to carve around the campfire! The kids will love it.

A.Go apple or pumpkin picking.
B.Collect colourful leaves from trees.
C.Autumn weather is very unpredictable.
D.But we must be extra careful during fall season.
E.Be sure you cook dinner and clean up before the sun goes down.
F.All the animals wake up and are very hungry at this time of the year
G.There are plenty of fun activities you can enjoy during your camping trip.
2020-12-28更新 | 103次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Anxiety and nervous tension are a part of living in today’s fast-paced, high-stress society. Stress caused by nerves can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and stroke. While there are numerous chemical substances on the market meant to decrease anxiety that might require a doctor’s prescription, many people choose more natural therapies(疗法) to help calm verves.


Massage has been found to help relieve anxiety due to the release of tension in the muscles and pain relief. According to the mayoclinic. com, massage may induce the body to release serotonin, which is a natural painkiller and can increase feelings of wellness.     1    Get a massage when you are feeling physically or mentally stressed in order to relax muscles and release tension.


Yoga is physical exercise that helps relieve stress by encouraging deep breathing and stillness.     2    It is important to breathe through all of the moves in yoga exercises and keep your body calm and relaxed.


    3    Meditation helps the mind to relax by bringing the focus away from any problems that might be occurring, focusing the mind on a specific word, picture or breathing. Meditation poses are usually performed while you are seated in a cross-legged position on a comfortable surface, or you can lie down, but must not fall asleep. The mind stays active during meditation, but is calm.


    4    Certain scents(香味) are said to give you energy and others help induce a state of relaxation. Choose scents that you can connect to a happy time in your life to induce feelings of pleasure. For instance, if you had a rose garden as a child, rose scents might help you to relax.


Certain herbs have properties that work to help induce relaxation and calm nerves. Kava is available in both supplement and tea form and works to decrease anxiety. According to experts, you should take no more than 250 mg daily to reduce stress.     5    They are best taken before afternoon or nighttime rest and should not be consumed when you know you will be driving.

A.Use meditation to calm the nerves.
B.Use scents to help calm your nerves.
C.Stress victims are to be found in every walk of life.
D.Don’t ever assume a panic attack is the cause of the problem.
E.Most of herbs can be purchased individually or in relaxation teas.
F.When performing yoga, you should keep your mind still and free of any outside interference to obtain best results.
G.Studies have shown that massage can assist in anxiety reduction, withdrawal symptoms, and stress and anxiety relief.
2017-08-26更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You’ve made it to the last round of interviews for your dream job! After all, this is the stage where you and the interviewer are making a final decision on whether or not you’re a good fit for the company.     1     From preparation to following up after the meeting, we’ll walk you through the best tips and tricks to succeed at your final interview.


Ask a friend or family member to practice giving you sample interview questions until you feel comfortable. Alternatively, practice talking through your answers while looking at yourself in the mirror or recording yourself.

Find common ground by researching your interviewer’s background.

    3     In this way, you will find out how long they’ve been with the company, their career path, and interests. Having that knowledge will allow you to share common interests to make a great first connection, especially if you’re now interviewing with a senior-level employee.

Go into the interview with a salary number in mind.

That way, you’ll have a well-informed idea of what you’re looking for in a potential offer. To find typical compensation for the role, search online for average salaries at the company or average salaries for that particular type of role within the industry.     4     Otherwise, you might end up giving yourself away at a discount.

Be prepared to talk about your career goals.

Show commitment in answering “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”     5     In this way, they filter out candidates who only want to use the job as a quick stepping stone.

A.Talk through answers to common interview questions.
B.Use the STAR method to answer interview questions.
C.Greet the interviewer with professional enthusiasm.
D.Look at the company’s homepage, or a professional site like LinkedIn.
E.With the right strategies, you can go into that last round confident.
F.With that question, interviewers are trying to check your attitude towards work.
G.If your interviewer asks what you expect for a salary, don’t give the first number.
2021-11-01更新 | 318次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般