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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.15 引用次数:349 题号:21281374

How to Design a Small Garden

Even if you don’t have a large area in your yard, you can still make a beautiful garden that maximizes the space you have by following tips.

    1    . Look for a place in your yard where you can see your garden from a window or a spot in your yard so that you’re able to enjoy it. Make sure you can walk into your garden with ease to make it easier to take care of your plants.     2    .

Plan the layout for your garden by drawing the outline on the paper. Start by sketching longer rectangles(矩形)for your garden beds so they’re to scale for the actual size you want them.     3    . Be sure to leave an 18-inch space between garden beds so you can easily walk between them and care for your plants.

Arrange your design so there are focal points. Aim to have several aspects of your garden design unique so they stand out from the rest of your plants.     4    . Take into consideration where you want people to focus or have their attention drawn to when they look at your garden, and plan your design around those spots. Focal points help your garden feel more inviting and make it more visually pleasing.

Put similar plants across from one another to create rhythm and symmetry(对称). Rather than put different plants in each of your garden beds, choose to use the same plant or ones that have similar textures or colors so they’re across from one another.     5    .

A.And avoid any inconvenience caused by difficult access
B.Try to position smaller plants in between larger ones
C.Pick a place where you can easily get to your garden
D.You may still be able to measure the length of the rectangles
E.Then divide the rectangles into smaller sections for different plants
F.This could be a statue or a fountain placed in the center or on either side
G.That way, when you look at your garden, it will look inviting and make the area feel more balanced
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-任务型阅读(约780词) | 困难 (0.15)

Pretending you’re someone else can make you creative

One great irony(讽刺) about our collective fascination with creativity is that we tend to frame it in uncreative ways. That is to say, most of us marry creativity to our concept of self: We are either “creative” people or we aren’t,without much of a middle ground.

Pillay, a tech businessman and Harvard professor has spent a good part of his career destroying these ideas. Pillay believes that the key to unlocking your creative potential is to dismiss the conventional advice that urges you to “believe in yourself”. In fact, you should do the exact opposite: believe you are someone else.

In a recent column for Harvard Business Review, Pillay pointed to a 2016 study showing the impact of stereotypes(刻板印象)on one’s behavior. The authors, education psychologists Denis Dumas and Kevin Dunbar, divided their college­student subjects into three categories, instructing the members of one group to think of themselves as “eccentric(古怪的) poets” and the members of another to imagine they were “rigid librarians”(people in the third category, the control group, were left alone for this part). The researchers then presented participants with 10 ordinary objects,including a fork, a carrot, and a pair of pants, and asked them to come up with as many different uses as possible for each one. Those who were asked to imagine themselves as “eccentric poets” came up with the widest range of ideas for the objects, while those in the “rigid librarian” group had the fewest. Meanwhile, the researchers found only small differences in students’ creativity levels across academic majors—in fact, the physics majors inhabiting(寄生) the personas(伪装的外表) of “eccentric poets” came up with more ideas than the art majors did.

These results, write Dumas and Dunbar, suggest that creativity is not an individual quality, but a “malleable(可塑的) product of context and perspective.” Everyone can be creative, as long as they feel like creative people.

Pillay’s work takes this a step further: He argues that identifying yourself with creativity is less powerful than the creative act of imagining you’re somebody else. This exercise, which he calls “psychological halloweenism”, refers to the conscious action of inhabiting another persona—an inner costuming of the self. It works because it is an act of “conscious unfocus”, a way of positively stimulating the default mode(默认模式) network, a collection of brain regions that spring into action when you’re not focused on a specific task or thought.

Most of us spend too much time worrying about two things: How successful/unsuccessful we are, and how little we’re focusing on the task at hand. The former feeds the latter—an unfocused person is an unsuccessful one, we believe. Thus, we force ourselves into quiet areas, buy noise­canceling headphones, and hate ourselves for taking breaks.

What makes Pillay’s argument stand out is its healthy, forgiving realism: According to him, most people spend nearly half of their days in a state of “unfocus”. This doesn’t make us lazy people—it makes us human. The idea behind psychological halloweenism is: What if we stopped judging ourselves for our mental down time, and instead started using it? Putting this new idea on daydreaming means addressing two problems at once: You’re making yourself more creative, and you’re giving yourself permission to do something you’d otherwise feel guilty about. Imagining yourself in a new situation, or an entirely new identity, never felt so productive.

Title: Pretending you’re someone else can make you creative

Some misleading ideasabout creativity●Most of us are     1     with the idea that we are either creative or we are not: there doesn’t exist a middle ground in between.●    2     to popular belief,Pillay’s suggestion is that you should believe you are someone else.
Dumas and Dunbar’s study●One group were asked to think of themselves as “eccentric poets”,another “rigid librarians” and a third     3     as the control group.●The former two groups were required to come up with as many different uses as possible for each     4     object.
●The level of students’     5     is not always in direct proportion to the type of academic majors.
●Therefore, creativity is probably a product of context and perspective rather than something     6    .
Pillay’s further study●The exercise of “psychological halloweenism” refers to the conscious action of being others by     7     stimulating the default mode network.●Pillay     8     firmly to the idea of imaging you’re someone else and advises us not to worry about how successful/unsuccessful we are.
The     9    significance of the exercise●We should start using it instead of stopping judging ourselves for our mental down time.●We have every right to     10     ourselves for being unfocused because it is not only human but also makes us more creative and productive.
2018-12-02更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 困难 (0.15)

【推荐2】A TEDx event is a local meeting where live TED-like talks and TED Talk video are shared. The content and design of each TEDx event is unique and developed independently, but all of them have features in common.     1    . For events less than half a day in length, two TED Talks videos are required to be shown. For longer events, 25% of the total number of talks must be official TED Talk videos.

Being a TEDx organizer can be an unexpected experience.     2    .


As a TEDx organizer, you’ll have the choice to feature (以...为特色) live talks at your event, bringing attention to undiscovered voices in your community. If you decide to include individual speakers, choose special people who have a fresh way in their field, a unique story to tell in a good way.

Follow rules & guidelines

    4    . But there’s a reason they’re part of the TEDx program- to make your job easier. The better you know the TEDx rules and guidelines throughout your TEDx journey, the less you’ll have to deal with annoying details to correct later on.

Apply in advance

Before you organize a TEDx event, you must get a TEDx license from TED.    5    . You’ll need more than three months to organize your event after your license is approved to give your speakers enough time to develop and practice their talks.

A.TEDx is such a global program that it is popular
B.Discover local voices
C.Then, set an event date months before
D.Rules and guidelines can be a pain
E.If you’re thinking about becoming one, below are some tips for you to review
F.Rules are very important
G.Every TEDx event either shows TED Talk videos, or shows both videos and live speakers
2019-01-29更新 | 356次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约270词) | 困难 (0.15)
【推荐3】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

What historical site impresses you most? I’ve always been fascinated by the pyramids in Egypt. A few years ago I braved a long queue and climbed through a narrow passage to reach the main chamber deep inside one of them. Like millions of other tourists, I marveled (赞叹) at stone-walled rooms full of the magic of this ancient civilization.

    1     Take Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings for example. It lay untouched for more than 3,000 years until the British archaeologist Howard Carter uncovered it in 1922. Now more than 1,000 people a day walk through it.

But as more and more people visit, the temperature and humidity inside the tomb change. As a result, the beautifully decorated plaster is coming away from the rock.

    2     Specialists have recorded every detail of Tutankhamun’s tomb and used the data to recreate it.

Adam Lowe from the organization behind the project says the copy is identical (完全相同的) to the original. He believes visitors will want to become part of the force that protects it rather than a force that is leading to its destruction. So they won’t mind seeing a replica (复制品).

But for historian Tom Holland, a copy is still a copy.     3     He says it was built by people who believed in the world of the spirits, the dead and the supernatural. You don’t have to believe in a god or gods to feel a place is consecrated (使圣化) and has a particular quality that can’t be reproduced.

What about you?     4    

A.But popularity might be the.destruction of such archaeological treasures.
B.Would you visit a replica of a monument rather than the original to help preserve it?
C.He believes that although preservation is important, there is something unique about places like Tutankhamun’s tomb.
D.In order to preserve its heritage (文化遗产), a replica of the monument is being opened about 1 kilometer away from the actual burial site.
E.He considers it urgent to preserve such incomparable ancient sites as Tutankhamun’s tomb.
F.However, wars and natural disasters have put many archaeological sites at risk.
2020-03-31更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般