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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:68 题号:21404144

Need to get rid of old clothes? You’re not alone: With fast fashion, it’s easier than ever to follow trends. But cheap clothes aren’t made to last, most of which often end up in a landfill (垃圾填埋场). Take US as an example: per person generates an average of 82 pounds of such waste every year, with 85 per cent of it going to landfills even though 95 per cent can be reused.

Donating is a popular alternative — but know that only about 10 to 20 per cent of donated clothing gets sold at thrift shops (廉价旧货店). While all but five per cent of donated clothes are resold for reuse or recycling, it’s impossible to know exactly how much ultimately becomes trash.

The best way to ensure good, usable clothing doesn’t become waste is to increase the chances it ends up with someone who wants it. First, don’t wait too long if you choose to donate clothing to an organization, big or small. The sooner you donate your unwanted items, the more demand there is for them. Wherever you donate, ensure clothes are clean and dry. If it’s damaged or stained, don’t send it to thrift shops. They don’t have the capacity to do repairs and it just creates a financial burden in addition to the eco-burden, and defeats the purpose of the charitable action.

Clothes that are stained or damaged beyond repair will likely never be re-worn but can still be diverted (使转向) from landfills. You can send your clothes directly to recycling companies, like through Retold Recycling or municipal programmes. Old clothes can be downcycled into other items like wipers for car washes, and even generated into new textiles (织品).

Recycling is better than landfilling. It might take time to do a little research to find the right organization that can actually use the items you’re looking to give away. But it’s more rewarding than throwing everything in a big garbage bag, dumping it into a bin, and hoping for the best.

1. What can be learnt about fast fashion?
A.It has reduced the eco-burden.
B.It has caused clothing waste.
C.It has lost its appeal in the US.
D.It has led to a rise in landfills.
2. Why is the US example mentioned?
A.To show the seriousness of the clothing waste.
B.To criticize the spending habits of Americans.
C.To push for tougher laws against fast fashion.
D.To offer practical advice on managing landfills.
3. What does the author suggest people do with old clothes?
A.Make them into new textiles.
B.Put as many into landfills as possible.
C.Downcycle them into wipers.
D.Donate them to where they are needed.
4. How does the author sound regarding recycling?


阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s an argument that every modern parent has had with their child: the battle to break them away from the mobile phone they’re staring at. For children, a smartphone is a window to games, videos and constant interaction with their friends. But for parents, it can feel like a minefield.     1    

First, it’s worth bearing in mind that screen time can be beneficial. “    2    But they often use them to develop an interest. For instance, if they’re interested in gymnastics, they’ll watch videos of routines and try to learn from them,” Peter Twining, professor of education at the Open University says.

    3    It may help to explain the substantial gap in opinion between children and parents about how much screen time is acceptable. According to a survey, the amount of screen time that adults thought appropriate for children was 1.75 hours, with children believing it to be 3.34 hours.

    4    However, recent research suggests that instead of setting specific time limits for usage, such as a maximum of two hours per day, it’s actually the nature of the screen time that matters. For instance, passively looking through social media posts is less beneficial than actively playing games, which can improve problem solving skills. A study found that “how children use the devices, not how much time they spend on them, is the strongest predictor of emotional or social problems connected with screen addiction.”

Twining agrees, saying: “I’m less concerned about screen time than about the nature of the interaction around the screen. The screen should become a shared focus for interaction with the family rather than an individual activity. The screen shouldn’t be an alternative to communicating with your child.     5    

A.It should be an improvement to it.
B.It’s a dilemma to judge which side outweighs the other.
C.A mobile phone is different from traditional land line phones.
D.But at least both parties do recognize that there should be limits.
E.Screen time counts down only during the time a child is signed in.
F.We tend not to recognize the value of what they do on their mobile devices.
G.We should emphasize the difference in understanding children’s mobile phone usage.
2021-02-13更新 | 191次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Want to lower your blood pressure, lose weight and reduce the risk of diseases? Go take a walk.

Walking, as a simple activity most of us do without much thought, offers a host of vital health benefits.     1     It also contributes to improved bone strength, energy and mental health, among other things. Despite these advantages, our busy lives can be roadblocks. But there are simple ways to help you put one foot in front of the other.

Make it a habit.     2     For busy folks who might forget to walk, you’d better put it in your calendar. Laterally give yourself an appointment — schedule it as “me time”. Over time, you will make walking one of your habits.

    3     To avoid predictability or boredom, get others to join you. Whether it’s a coworker, a family member or a friend, having someone else by your side can be a big encouragement.

Make it work. Office types needn’t be confined (限制) to your desks. If circumstances allow, consider a walking meeting. Group discussions can take place during a walk. Or, when you can, walk around the building during phone calls.     4    

Make use of technology. There’s no shortage of high tech fitness tools and apps designed to follow your every move. And it’s certainly fine to keep score.     5     Instead, use those that count the amount of time you’re walking ideally 10 minutes or more in a given stretch.

With these tips to help you, you are sure to benefit a lot from walking.

A.Make it a group outing.
B.Make it a family activity.
C.Repetition is the mother of routine.
D.Seeing these scores can get you inspired.
E.And instead of sending email, walk over to talk to them.
F.But don’t choose trackers that simply monitor your step numbers.
G.For example, walking just 30 minutes a day can lower your risk of cancer.
2023-04-21更新 | 183次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you like to bury your head in a good book? Getting absorbed in a good story is a great way to relax. It improves your literacy, and, according to some experts, it’s good for your health as well.     1     But despite these benefits, does the way we consume a story make any difference?

For the purist, the only way to digest a good story is with a paperback or hardback book. Being in print, it’s possible to feel and even smell the book. And of course it’s very portable.     2     An “electronic” book enables you to store hundreds of virtual books in one place and allows you to download books directly.

The e-book has become popular in schools, too, and according to one school in London, it’s encouraged more children to read.     3    

The recent lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic have certainly given us all time to read more, and in the UK at least, sales of physical books have risen strongly.     4     The publishing industry hopes this trend will continue now that people have got into the habit of reading more.

    5     There are hugely ambitious productions using ensemble (整体;全体) casts, specially created soundscapes and technological advances. No matter what your reading preference is, there’s no doubt we are spoilt for choice in how we access a good story.

A.Last year, some 202 million paperbacks and hardbacks were sold.
B.Reading books does not rate highly among Britons as a leisure activity.
C.For adults, e-books are certainly a lightweight way of accessing our favourite literature on the move.
D.But for those who can’t or don’t want to look at the text in a book, there are audiobooks to listen to.
E.Research has shown that readers remember more information reading from paper books than e books.
F.But the traditional book has had a rival (竞争对手) in recent years from e books, which are read on e-readers or tablets.
G.Studies show that it can increase our emotional intelligence as we understand a range of perspectives and motivations.
2022-07-17更新 | 67次组卷
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