组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:197 题号:21565715

We were five minutes into a severe winter storm — approaching Boston’s Logan International Airport when I turned to the woman next to me and said, “Hey, would you mind chatting with me for a few minutes?” My seatmate seemed friendly and I suddenly felt desperate for a human connection.

“Sure. My name is Sue,” the woman replied, smiling warmly. “What brings you to Boston?” I started to explain that I was on a business trip. Then the plane trembled violently, and I blurted out, “I might need to hold your hand too.” Sue took my hand in both of hers, patted it, and held on tight.

Sometimes a stranger can significantly improve our day. A pleasant meeting with someone we don’t know, even an unspoken exchange, can calm us when no one else is around. It may get us out of our own heads — a proven mood lifter — and help broaden our vision. Sandstrom, a psychologist and senior lecturer at the University of Essex, has found that people’s moods improve after they have a conversation with a stranger. And yet most of us resist talking to people we don’t know or barely know. We worry about how to start, maintain, or stop it. We think we will keep talking and disclose too much, or not talk enough. We are afraid we will bore the other person. We’re typically wrong.

In a study in which Sandstrom asked participants to talk to at least one stranger a day for five days, 99 percent said they had found at least one of the exchanges pleasantly surprising, 82 percent said they’d learned something from one of the strangers, 43 percent had exchanged contact information, and 40 percent had communicated with one of the strangers again.

You don’t even have to talk to complete strangers to obtain the benefit. Multiple studies show that people who interact regularly with passing acquaintances or who engage with others through community groups, religious gatherings, or volunteer opportunities have better emotional and physical health and live longer than those who do not. One person took up the cell phone after chatting with a woman on the subway who was carrying one. Another recalled how the smile of a fruit salesman from whom he regularly bought bananas made him feel less lonely after he’d first arrived in a new city.

When Sue took my hand on that scary flight to Boston, I almost wept with relief. “Hey, this is a little bumpy, but we will be on the ground safely soon,” she told me. She looked so encouraging, and confident. I asked her what she did for a living. “I’m a retired physical education teacher, and I coached women’s volleyball,” she said. Immediately, I could see what an awesome coach she must have been.

When we said goodbye, I gave Sue a big hug and my card. A few days later, I received an e-mail with the subject line “Broken hand on Jet Blue.” “I have to admit that I was just as scared as you were but did not say it,” Sue wrote. “I just squeezed your hand as hard as I could. Thank you for helping me through this very scary situation.” She added that when she’d told her friends about our conversation, they teased her because they know she loves to talk. I told my friends about Sue too. I explained how kind she was to me, and what I learned: It’s OK to ask for help from a stranger if you need it. Now if I mention to my friends that I am stressed or worried, they respond, “Just think of Sue!”

1. The writer struck up a conversation with her seatmate because ________.
A.they were heading for the same city on business
B.she was in urgent need of emotional comfort
C.the plane’s abrupt movement was unbearable
D.the woman was friendlier than other passengers
2. What benefit does a pleasant exchange with strangers bring us?
A.It lights up our otherwise unsuccessful life.
B.It saves us the trouble of talking too much.
C.It lifts our spirits up and expands our mental horizons.
D.It guarantees us a lasting feeling of happiness.
3. Why does the writer mention the study conducted by Sandstrom?
A.To present the benefits of interacting with acquaintances.
B.To show it lifts mood to make and meet with new friends.
C.To introduce some ways to associate with unknown people.
D.To relieve the anxiety about communicating with strangers.
4. What does the underlined sentence imply?
A.The writer was impressed with Sue’s ability to inspire others.
B.The writer herself could have been a volleyball placer.
C.Sue possessed obvious characters of a qualified PE teacher.
D.Sue became the coach of the writer as a consequence.
5. How did the writer probably feel while reading Sue’s e-mail?
6. What might be a suitable title for the passage?
A.The flying experience with strangers
B.The interesting small talk with strangers
C.The surprising boost you get from strangers
D.The expected friendship you established through chatting


阅读理解-六选四(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Are things not working out in your life, despite your doing all the “right” things? Is it possible that you are holding “unforgiveness” in your heart? It is worth thinking about. What do you do when somebody hurts you? Do you want to hurt that person back, or do you hold it against them for the rest of your life? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you are like most people.     1    

People don’t forgive readily, because it is easier to hate than to forgive. Some people think to forgive is a sign of weakness, but actually to forgive takes courage and effort.

Forgiveness is a gift from a generous heart. It is not a reward for good behavior. It is not based on whether the person deserves it or whether the person has asked for it. Besides, forgiveness is an act and a long-term process.     2     It is an act because it is not just the words you say, but also your actions which show if you’ve truly forgiven someone.

    3     It takes a lot of energy to hate and to keep that hate in place. Hate puts unwanted stress on your body. It is a well-known fact, proven by numerous studies, that bitterness can actually make you sick. The moment those affected people forgive and let go of their hate, they will start to get well.

    4     I have personal experience of this. I used to be very cynical (愤世嫉俗的) about life and didn’t forgive easily. At the time, I also struggled in every area of my life. Things just didn’t seem to work out for me. It is as if everything that could go wrong, always went wrong. That was until somebody told me to take a look at my attitude. And when I forgave those who wronged me and changed my attitude, everything else changed. It didn’t happen overnight. It took a while, but I could see and feel the difference.

A.Those who learn to forgive deserve respect from others.
B.To forgive is something that most people have difficulty with.
C.The deeper your pain, the longer it usually takes to completely forgive.
D.Forgiveness brings freedom, whereas hate is neither sweet nor satisfying.
E.Forgiveness is necessary because it releases you from the burden of bitterness and hate.
F.Psychologically forgiveness is defined as a deliberate decision to release feelings of hate toward a person who has harmed you.
2021-12-17更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】What does it mean to live a good life? This question has been debated by may philosophers(哲学家). In the field of psychology (心理学), two main ideas of the good life are influential: A happy life, full of stability, enjoyment and positive emotions, and a meaningful life, full of purpose, virtue and devotion. But what if these aren’t the only choices?

In recent years, the psychologically rich life has been receiving greater research attention. It is full of strong emotions, both positive and negative, and new and interesting experiences. They are, however, seldom boring or dull.

In a new study, Shigehiro Oishi and his colleagues found that many people’s self described ideal lives include psychological richness. When to chose a life, however, the majority chose a happy life and a meaningful life. Even so, some people still favored the psychologically rich life.

These findings suggest that while most people do struggle to be happy and have meaning and purpose in their lives, a sizable number of people are content only living a psychologically rich life. Indeed, other new research suggests that for a lot of people, the intensity (强度) of the experience matters more than only how “positive” or “negative” it was. As Oishi and his colleagues conclude, “we believe that taking the psychologically rich life seriously will deepen, broaden and enrich our understanding of well-being.”

At the end of the day, there is no one acceptable path to the good life. You have to find a path that works best for you. As Nietzsche put it: “No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless bridges but there is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!”

1. The author mentions the two main ideas of the good life to _________.
A.introduce another aspect of a good life
B.compare two different ways of life
C.explain how to live a good life
D.tell readers some good ways to live
2. According to the passage, the psychologically rich life is _________.
A.full of meaning and purpose
B.nothing but different emotions
C.strong emotions and interesting experiences
D.all about being content with what you have
3. Shigehiro Oishi and his colleagues hold the view that ________.
A.the psychologically rich life is the best one
B.more people prefer to live a psychologically rich life
C.there is no difference between,’ positive’ and ‘negative’ experience
D.studying psychological richness helps to understand well-being better
4. Nietzsche’s words in the last paragraph imply that __________.
A.the suitable one is the best one
B.all roads lead to Rome
C.God helps those who help them
D.nothing is impossible for willing heart
2021-11-03更新 | 281次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】One of the most beneficial skills you can learn in life is how to consistently put yourself in a good position. But not everyone knows how we can create that foundation. The position you find yourself in today is the accumulation of the small choices that you’ve been making for years.

The ordinary choices that guarantee a strong future go unnoticed. There is no pat on the back for doing the right thing just as there is no slap on the wrist for doing the wrong thing. Reading a chapter of a great book today won’t solve your problems just as not reading it won’t make them worse. Not doing the obvious thing that positions you for future success — rarely hurts you right away. But as the days turn to weeks, weeks into years, and years into decades do the small choices create massively different results.

Whenever this idea is brought up, people are quick to interject. “I do these things and I don’t get the results.” Most of us make the right choices most of the time. But most of the time isn’t the same as all of the time.

For your choices to compound, you need to be consistent. A lack of consistency keeps ordinary people from extraordinary results. It’s like we’re Sisyphus rolling a boulder halfway up the hill, only to throw our hands in the air and go home. When we show up the next day, we see the boulder at the bottom of the hill. Not only did this undermine our progress but it makes getting started even harder.

Excelling at the small choices that compound over time perpetually (不断地) leaves you in favorable circumstances. If you want results you need to pay the price. The price is knowing that time is working on your side even when the results don’t show it yet.

When you look below the surface, giant leaps aren’t really giant leaps at all. If you look for the magic moment, you’ll miss how ordinary becomes extraordinary.

1. According to the passage, what causes most people to fail?
A.Selection difficulties.B.Lack of perseverance.
C.Insufficient exterior support.D.Shortage of social resources.
2. Sisyphus’s story is used to _____.
A.exhibit the way to get compound choices
B.prove that a good beginning is half success
C.emphasize the importance of being consistent
D.explain the difficulty of achieving extraordinary results
3. What’s the genre of the passage?
A.Narration.B.Argumentation.C.Practical writing.D.Expository writing.
4. Which is the best title of this passage?
A.No Pains, No Gains.B.Time Heals Everything.
C.Never Too Late to Mend.D.Small Steps make Giant Leaps.
2022-04-27更新 | 253次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般