组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 语法 > 句法 > 复合句 > 状语从句 > 时间状语从句
题型:其他 难度:0.65 引用次数:8 题号:21715973
1. I don’t want to set down series of facts as most people do.________
2. As they smiled at each other, harmony was restored again.________
3. Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been.________
4. As they often play football together, they have got to know each other quite well.________
5. Difficult as the road for these students after graduation will be, their futures are bright.________


其他 | 适中 (0.65)
1. It is uncertain what side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.
2. We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have what we have here and treat food nicely.
3. Why don’t you bring it to his attention that you’re too ill to work on?
4. When the news came that the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army.
5. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious what the problem itself is.
6. The message that you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of what others actually understand.
7. His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out what it is he is trying to express.
8. The prize will go to the writer whose story shows the most imagination.
9. The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.
10. I am afraid that he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is why he never finishes anything.
2022-08-09更新 | 43次组卷
其他 | 适中 (0.65)
1. As a student, you have to __________(平衡)work and study, or you may fail your exams .
2. Today more and more scientists and heroes___________ (受‑‑‑‑‑‑的追捧、欢迎 ) teenagers.
3. Human beings should __________ (与‑‑‑‑‑‑和谐相处 ) nature for future development.
4. 经常锻炼帮助我们强身健体,并保持好身材。
5. 当我回顾童年时,我认为那是我一生中最快乐的时光。
2020-03-06更新 | 73次组卷
其他 | 适中 (0.65)

It was my first time spending Spring Festival in China with my host family. Spring Festival is highly valued by every Chinese family. Preparations began a week before the festival. First, the house was cleaned from top to bottom.My host mother Mrs Chen said this was to sweep away the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.

Next, the Chinese character Fu was attached upside down to our front door._________________The character looked really cool.

2023-05-11更新 | 15次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般