组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > E > excited
题型:单项选择 难度:0.85 引用次数:137 题号:21859773
Surprised by the unexpected gift, she was ________ and couldn’t stop ________.
A.excited; smiledB.exciting; smilingC.excited; smilingD.exciting; smiled


单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐1】Knowing that they would go to the beach for vacation, kids were ________ at the________ news.
A.excited; excitingB.exciting; excited
C.to excite; excitingD.to excite; excited
2023-04-17更新 | 64次组卷
单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】The boys were very ______ about the ______ match.
A.excited, excitingB.excited, excitedC.exciting, excitingD.exciting, excited
2023-05-29更新 | 36次组卷
单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】You   can't   imagine ________ when they received these nice Christmas presents.
A.how they were excitedB.how excited they were
C.how excited were theyD.they were how excited
2016-11-26更新 | 724次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般