组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人经历
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:356 题号:21984813

As I was leaving my fitness class one evening, my instructor called across the parking lot to me. “Hey! Jane! It looks like your muffler (消音器) under your truck is hanging kind of low!”

Honestly speaking, I didn’t like my instructor. The black birthmark on his face made him a little ugly. I just nodded, waved and climbed into my truck. Yeah, whatever, I figured. You’re the instructor. Worry about keeping my weight low, not about my muffler being low.

Then I was driving home, singing along with the radio when suddenly I heard: CLUNK! THUD! SCRAPE-RATTLE-RATTLE! At first, I thought it was part of the song, but then I realized it was a sound I had never heard in this song.

I looked in my door mirror and saw sparks (火花) dancing along the road behind my truck. I pulled off to the side of the road to have a look.

The muffler was fine as far as I could tell. However, the metal bracket (托架) that apparently held the muffler up under the truck had broken loose, and the muffler was resting on the pavement. I wasn’t sure what had caused this to happen.

I decided the best idea was to pick up the muffler and hoped that, somehow, it would stick back on the underside of my truck. Let me tell you, it’s surprising how hot a muffler can get in just a short drive.

Still blowing on my painful fingertips, I called my father and told him what was happening to his truck. “Whatever you do, don’t touch the muffler,” he told me. “It will be very hot.”

“If you can wait, I will call the garage to repair but you have to wait for half an hour. But you can also manage it by yourself,” he said.

“I can have a try. I don’t want to wait,” I said.

“Then you can find some ropes, and then climb under the truck to temporarily reattach the muffler.”

I searched the truck but the only thing I found was a spare tire and a pair of shoes.

Paragraph 1: “You can take down the loose bracket and place it under the muffler,” said my father.
Paragraph 2: The sudden voice frightened me and the bracket fell into two parts.
【知识点】 个人经历


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I went to sleep with my mouth open and I woke up with a sore throat. The medicine I took was expired (过期的) and my mom was forcing me to go to the doctor because she was worried that it would make me ill. When I went to brush my teeth, there was no toothpaste left and as I was trying to squeeze anything left in the tube. The toothpaste splattered (洒) all over my face and my school uniform. I washed my hair last night thinking I’d have time to straighten it in the morning, but because of the toothpaste incident I didn’t have enough of time to do anything to it at all. Now my hair was curly and I was in sweatpants (运动裤).

On my way to school, there was an accident holding up traffic on the one-way only street to my high school. That day was my first day of high school, and also my birthday. You might be wondering: Wait… It’s really your birthday? Then how come you didn’t mention your parents wishing you a happy birthday that morning? All are very good questions. I didn’t mention it because it never happened. My own parents forgot my birthday.

Maybe this day would get better. On my way to the classroom, I tripped up on the stairs and scraped (擦伤) my knee. I saw some students pull their phones out to capture the embarrassing moment. As the bell rang, in came the teacher. She asked us to introduce ourselves. Soon, it was my turn. Facing the new classmates, I found my legs trembling and my heart beating fast. Worse still, my mind totally went blank and my throat seemed to get blocked. Needless to say, roars of laughter filled the classroom. I fled from the platform with discomposure (狼狈). Not until this class was dismissed did the awful feeling fade away.

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However, this day continued to get worse.


When I finally got home, I found my parents’ car was in the driveway.

2023-12-11更新 | 45次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

I have been good at art since I was a kid. When I created my social media account, I got a nice platform to express and showcase my art. Then an idea came to my mind—why not earn money through something I really enjoy doing? So I set up an online art shop and displayed my paintings. In the beginning, I really wanted it to work, but I didn’t really have a belief that people would buy my art. I wanted it to happen but it just seemed impossible. I was just posting my art in my shop. Soon I thought it was not happening and that it wouldn’t happen. I just dropped my idea.

One night before sleeping, I was just wondering how it would actually feel to be receiving mail on my shop e-mail address with someone telling me that he wanted to buy a painting. It would just feel so good because it really meant something to me. It was not just about making money, but it was about me and my art receiving love from people across the world.

Two days later, I happened to check the messages from my online shop. And trust me; I had never, ever checked it before. OMG! There was a message from a fellow asking me about one of my paintings. He was asking whether it was still available. I just got so many butterflies in my stomach! Because that message was sent the day before, I didn’t know whether he’d be still interested. I messaged him and he immediately responded and sent me the money! But the story didn’t end there!

It was my first time that I had shipped my product and it turned out that this guy was from a different state so the courier people (快递员)told me that it would go by air. The charge for the courier was twice more than the cost of my painting. So at the courier’s office, my heart sank. I doubted whether there would be anyone who paid a courier charge that was higher than the price of the product. I believed I had already known his answer, but I still decided to ask him if it was okay with him.

After a moment I received his reply.


Later, I continued my business.

2022-07-10更新 | 102次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Once when I was young and had a loose tooth, I asked my father, a dentist, to look at it.

“It needs to be pulled,” he told me. I frowned, afraid of the pain of that experience. My dad sent me for some tissues and I imagined them soaking up liters of blood from my mouth. I closed my eyes and strengthened myself. I was still waiting for him to pull when I heard my father say, “I’m done.”

I opened my eyes and saw my tooth in his tissue­covered hand. I hadn’t felt anything, and there was just a bit of blood on the tissues. I thought my father was a magician.

The next day at school I bragged to a friend about my father’s wonderful skill. When I explained that the process didn’t hurt, my friend called me a liar. He said that when his tooth was pulled, it had hurt a lot. I talked to my father about this and there was not a single mystery left after my father’s explanation: my tooth had been ready to be removed, while my friend’s had not.

“I’m going to be a dentist,” I declared. I wanted to follow in the professional footsteps of my father, my uncle and grandmother. My father supported my ambition, honoring my interest in his profession even when I was young. He always encouraged me, saying,“To achieve your goal, you should always be devoting hard work and effort to it.”

I didn’t need to visit my father’s office as a child because I had few cavities. As I entered the elementary school and began eating more candy, however, I visited more often. I didn’t mind, though. I was the only kid I knew who was excited about going to the dentist. After my father worked on my teeth, he let me hang around. And I was amazed as he operated complicated machines, leaning over patients’ mouths with a tiny mirror strapped to his head.

Paragraph 1

Once, when my dad was pulling my mothers teeth, he even let me clear her mouth. 

Paragraph 2

Years later, the dream of a child has not declined but actually grown firmer. 

2023-03-19更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般