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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:11 题号:21999054

How I wish to go to the bottom (底部) of the sea for an adventure (探险)! There are quite a lot of beautiful fishes swimming here around me and they are in different shapes and colors. A big whale or a shark might appear. Frightening, isn’t it? But most fishes are friendly and won’t hurt you if you do not attack them. It would be great fun just to watch the fishes quietly and even play with them. — from Qin Yixing.

Last night, I had a dream. I was flying to Africa. Once I reached the land, I found a jeep to the grasslands. I was about to get into the jeep when I saw a few snakes in front of me. Luckily, they went away without hurting me. Soon I happened to find some nice giraffes and a crowd of zebras. On my way back, there was something wrong with the jeep. I was so scared that I fell with the jeep upside down. Much to my surprise, a helicopter (直升飞机) came in time to rescue me. What a dream adventure! — from Zhang Liang.

1. Qin Yixing dreams to go to the bottom of the sea to ______.
A.have a holidayB.take an adventureC.find a jobD.watch a game
2. According to Qin Yixing, we know most fishes are _______.
3. Zhang Liang got to Africa ______.
A.by planeB.by jeepC.by waterD.by bus
4. In his dream, Zhang Liang saw all these animals EXCEPT _______.
【知识点】 愿望 应用文


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】About 1 million adult New Yorkers are obese(肥胖的), but nearly two-thirds of them don’t think they are, according to a study released on Tuesday by the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene(卫生).

Among the obese, who account for about one in five New Yorkers, only 39% described themselves as “very overweight”, according to the report. 2% said they were very underweight, 1% said they were slightly underweight, 16% said they were just right and 42% said they were slightly over weight.

Some 2 million more New Yorkers are overweight, the report said, and one in five children in kindergarten is obese.

Only 44% of the city’s adults are at a healthy weight, and nearly 75% say they do not participate in(参加) any regular physical activity.

New York City’s adult obesity rate was 20% in 2003 compared with 23% nationwide in 2004.The national average has nearly doubled from 12% in 1993, the report said.

Overweight and obese are defined by body mass index, or BMI (=" kg/m)" , which is based on a person’s weight , adjusted(调整) for height, the department said.

Being obese means having a BMI of 30 or greater, while being overweight means a BMI of more than 25 but less than 30.

A 5-foot, 10-inch (1.78-meter) man weighing 175 pounds(79kg) would have a BMI of 25.1 and be considered overweight according to the department . If he weighed 210 pounds (95kg), he would have a BMI of 30.1 and be obese.

The report came from results of the department’s 2002 and 2003 yearly telephone surveys of some 10,000 adults.

1. New York City has a population of about _____ according to the passage.
2. We can infer from the passage that ____.
A.most adult New Yorkers go in for many regular physical activities
B.New Yorkers think that obesity shows economic development
C.New York City’s adult obesity rate increased from 1993 to 2004
D.most of the New York City’s adults are at a healthy weight
3. If a 1.75-meter-tall man weighs 99 kilograms, he is ____ according to the passage.
A.overweightB.underweightC.slightly underweightD.obese
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Population explosion in USA.
B.Weight problems in New York.
C.Weight controlling measures
D.Diet habits in USA
2010-05-18更新 | 794次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Six months ago, Jack came to China to study. He has heard that Yangzhou is famous for its gardens.   And he plans to visit some gardens in July, so he has collected information about them online as follows:

The Slender West Lake, named National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010, includes the Great Rainbow Bridge, the White Pagoda, Five-pavilion Bridge, the Twenty-four Bridge, the Small Golden Hill and so on. The best time to tour the Slender West Lake is in March. During the visit to the park, the boat travels on the water and visitors travel in the picture.

Ticket: Mar.—May. ¥150; Other months ¥90

Time: 8:30—17:00

Bus: No. 4, 5, 6, 17, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87357803; 0514-87370091

Ge Garden, one of the four top famous Chinese gardens, got its name from bamboo. The bamboo in the garden forms the green scenery. The centre of the garden is well-known for man-like hills. Four seasons can be experienced here at a time.

Ticket: Mar. —May. ¥10; Other months ¥30

Time: Mar. —May. 7:15—18:00; Other months 7:15—17:30

Bus: No. 8, 30, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87935285

He Garden, the most famous garden in the late Qing Dynasty, is known for its long double-way corridor (走廊), which is regarded as the earliest footbridge.

Ticket: Mar. —May. ¥40; Other months ¥30

Time: 7:30—17:15

Bus: No. 19, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87900345; 0514-87222353

1. How much will a ticket cost Jack if he visits the Slender West lake?
A.30 yuan.B.40 yuan.
C.90 yuan.D.150 yuan.
2. What’s HeGarden famous for?
A.The long corridor.B.The green bamboo.
C.The man-made hills.D.The boat travelling.
3. Which of the following can Jack do?
A.He can take a No. 19 bus to GeGarden.
B.He can visit the Slender West Lake at 8:00.
C.He can call 0514-87935285 for further information of HeGarden.
D.He can call 0514-87900345 to know more about HeGarden.
2019-12-03更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】What's your earliest childhood memory? Can you remember the first time you heard thunder or watched a television program? Adults seldom recall events much earlier than the year or so before entering school, just as children younger than three or four rarely retain any memory of specific, personal experiences.

A variety of explanations have been proposed by psychologists for this "childhood amnesia"( 记忆缺失,健忘).One argues that the hippocampus, the region of the brain which is responsible for forming memories, does not mature(成熟)until about the age of two. But the most popular theory maintains (主张)that, since adults do not think like children, they cannot access childhood memories. Adults think in words, and their life memories are like stories. But when they search through their mental files for early childhood memories to add to this verbal life story, they don't find any that fit the pattern. It's like trying to find a Chinese word in an English dictionary.

Now psychologist Annette Simms offers a new explanation for childhood amnesia. She argues that there simply aren't any early childhood memories to recall. According to Dr. Simms, children need to learn to use someone else's spoken description of their personal experiences in order to turn their own short-term, quickly forgotten impressions of these experiences into long-term memories. In other words, children have to talk about their experiences and hear others talk about them - Mother talking about the afternoon spent looking for crabs(蟹) at the beach or Dad asking them about their day at Ocean Park. Without this verbal reinforcement, says Dr. Simms, children cannot form permanent memories of their personal experiences.

1. According to the passage, it is widely believed that_________.
A.it is impossible for an adult to recall his(or her) childhood experiences
B.adults virtually have no access to their childhood memories
C.adults think in words while children think in images
D.adults and children have different brain structures
2. "Trying to find a Chinese word in an English dictionary" is stated in the passage to show that_______.
A.Chinese and English are totally different languages
B.it is unlikely to find a Chinese word in an English dictionary
C.adults and children have different memory patterns
D.memories are in some way connected with languages
3. According to Annette Simms,_______________.
A.verbal reinforcement is necessary for children to have permanent memories
B.there does not exist such things as childhood memories
C.children's brains are mature enough to form permanent memories
D.children are generally inexperienced and unable to remember things they don't understand
2010-04-08更新 | 893次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般