组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > H > hesitate
题型:翻译-整句汉译英 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:22093505
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翻译-词汇汉译英 | 适中 (0.65)
1. ________ n. 祝贺,恭喜;贺辞;恭贺→________ vt.祝贺
2. ________ vt.假定,认为;承担(责任),就(职);呈现,显露→________ n. 假定;设想
3. ________ vi.往往会;趋向 vt.照看→________ n. 趋势;倾向;偏好
4. ________ n. 能,能量;精力;能源→________ adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的
5. ________ n. 伤害,损伤→________ vt.伤害,损伤→________ adj.受伤的
6. ________ n. 配备,装备;设备→________ v. 配备;装备
7. ________ vi.& vt.缺乏,没有,不足,短缺 n. 缺乏,匮乏,短缺→________ adj.没有的;缺乏的;不足的
8. ________ vt.宣布,宣告;通知→________ n. 宣布,宣告;通知→________ n. 播音员;宣告者
9. ________ vi.犹豫,迟疑→________ n. 犹豫,迟疑→________ adj.犹豫的,踌躇的
10. ________ vt.& vi.承认;招认;准许进入;准许加入→________ n. 允许进入;承认;入场费
11. ________ vt.激励,鼓舞;启发思考;使产生(感觉或情感)→________ n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)→________ adj.受鼓舞的→________ adj.鼓舞人心的
12. ________ vt.& vi.探究,探索;勘探,勘察→________ n. 探险;探索,探究→________ n. 探险者
13. ________ n. 满意;满足,达到→________ vt.满足;使满意→________ adj.令人满意的→________ adj.满足的;(感到)满意的
14. ________ vi.存在;生活,生存→________ n. 生存;存在→________ adj.目前的,现有的
15. ________ vt.& vi.呼吸;呼出→________ n. 呼吸→________ adj.气喘吁吁的
2024-01-18更新 | 2次组卷
翻译-整句汉译英 | 适中 (0.65)
2021-07-09更新 | 122次组卷
翻译-单词释义 | 适中 (0.65)
A. expressing a threat of harm or violence
B. to entertain audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc.
C. having a strong desire to know about something.
D. making you happier or giving you more hope
E. feeling worried or nervous.
F. to organize or do a particular activity
G. what you do, say or think as a result of something that has happened.
H. to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous.
I. a long period of time when there’s little or no rain
J. the act of protecting someone.
1. He seemed anxious about the meeting.
2. Wear clothes that provide protection against the wind and rain.
3. Tu Yoyo and her team members conducted many experiments and succeeded at last.
4. They are very curious about the people who live upstairs.
5. People there suffered two years of severe drought, which caused many to die.
6. It’s an uplifting experience to compete in such a match.
7. My immediate reaction to the news was a shock.
8. The play was first performed in 2007.
9. Hearing the difficult question, she hesitated before answered.
10. Reading those threatening letters, she shook because of fear.
2023-06-15更新 | 10次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般