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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:22126674

The beauty industry produces many units of one-time use containers every year. More and more consumers are asking how they can keep themselves clean and beautiful without trashing the planet.

It’s a question Women of the Future winner, Natassia Nicolao, considered during her years working in product development for beauty and wellness companies. Raised by a strong and supportive mother, Natassia used her skills and passion to make a difference. In 2021, she created her waterless beauty brand.

She said, “Water is involved in every stage of a product life cycle. Everything we use, buy, sell and make has a huge water footprint. On top of that, the beauty industry adds water as the main ingredients in its products, despite it having no direct benefit to our skin.”

Having lived through water restrictions in drought-ridden Australia, Natassia felt it necessary to stop the overuse of water in the beauty industry. Natassia has always loved beauty. Her company tries to be sustainable in every step of the way, but at its core, it is about removing water from our beauty routines.

“It’s really rooted in water conservation first, and then managing your water footprint, your carbon footprint and your waste footprint,” Natassia said. “We create waterless beauty products to help conserve water.” The glass bottles and jars of her products can be recycled. The oils and wipes are formulated without any water, requiring no water to use. The company also has a piece of game-changing beauty technology: face-wipes and masks that completely dissolve in water.

“The company is still in its beginning,” Natassia said. With the prize money from Women of the Future, she plans to purchase a machine to simplify the creation of the wipes and masks. The publicity, meanwhile, will help her spread the message central to the company’s existence that beauty must do better. Natassia believes that, with a little courage and innovation, it can do.

1. What does the underlined word “trashing” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. What mainly led to the birth of Natassia’s company?
A.Her pursuit of profit.B.Her best beauty skills.
C.Her growth environment.D.Her love of extreme beauty.
3. Which can best describe the products of Natassia’s company?
A.Environmentally friendly.B.Relatively cheap.
4. How does Natassia feel about the beauty industry?
A.It has died out.B.It’s promising.C.It develops well.D.It’s worth analysis.
【知识点】 环境保护 记叙文


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【推荐1】Ireland is throwing away peat(泥炭) for energy and turning to wind.

Peat has a lot to recommend it. It sends off a pleasant smell when burned. It is a cheap source of energy; at its simplest it needs no more than digging by hand. But peat is also one of the dirtiest fuels available, emitting 23% more carbon dioxide than coal.

Ireland is unusual among developed countries in burning it for energy. Peat has been used on the island for at least 1,000 years. But it may at last be on its way out as Ireland turns to another energy source of which it has unlimited quantities: wind.

Galway Wind Park will be Ireland's largest wind farm when it is completed, producing 169MW of power at peak capacity(容量), or about 3% of Ireland's average needs. It is only the latest development in Irish wind power, which has tripled in the last decade to more than 3GW of capacity. The renewable resource now provides a quarter of the electricity Ireland consumes every year.

Eirgrid, a state-owned company which manages the grid(电网 ) in both Northern Ireland and the Republic, says much more wind capacity is in the planning stages. Wind is difficult to manage because it is unpredictable, even on the shores with strong winds of western Ireland. Since wind turbines (涡轮机)do not turn consistently, the grid must be carefully tuned to keep it stable.

Eirgrid is planning a set of wires to continental Europe.

A report from SEAI, Ireland's energy authority, suggests that the island could produce enough wind electricity to match domestic demand by 2030, with more left over to export. Bord na Móna, the body responsible for developing Ireland's peatlands, has said it will stop using peat for electricity by the same year.

1. Which of the following statements about peat is right?
A.Peat is a cheap and clean source of energy with a pleasant smell.
B.Peat in Ireland will be an export.
C.Ireland will stop using peat as fuel.
D.Peat is renewable and will never be used up.
2. What is the greatest difficulty in using wind energy?
A.The wind power is not strong enough
B.It is a high-cost project.
C.The wind power is unstable.
D.It won’t produce enough electricity.
3. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.The Change of Using energy in Ireland
B.Stop Using Out-Of-Date Energy
C.Peat vs Wind Power
D.Ireland: A Country Using Wind Power
2020-11-21更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Vicky Barlow is a volunteer for a non-profit environmental organization. She was overturning stones in a rock pool in Falmouth, England when something “extremely bright and unusual” caught her eye. Under a large seaweed-covered rock, she made a very rare find: a rainbow sea slug (蛞蝓).

Rainbow sea slugs are very uncommon in England — they’re usually found in warmer waters, such as those along the west coasts of Spain, Portugal and France. In fact, there have only been three previously documented sightings of the species in the UK. But those were all found by divers rather than rock poolers. “It’s a warm-water species but it looks as if it has arrived here,” said the sea biologist Ben Holt. He adds that waters around the UK have seen rapid warming due to climate change. By the end of the century, water temperatures in the UK will rise by more than 3℃.

Sea slugs are particularly useful in related research. Most sea slugs only live up to about one year, which means they can make a very quick response to the changes in water temperatures caused by climate issues. In Australia, climate scientists have been collecting information on sea slugs for over 10 years to record the species and learn about changes in their distribution (分布), including their arrival in historically cooler waters.

Around 3,000 species of sea slugs exist in waters worldwide. They mainly feed on seaweed and other sea slugs. Unlike snails, adult sea slugs don’t have shells to protect them from being eaten by hungry marine animals. Instead, many of them have formed bright colors to scare off their enemies such as sea turtles, starfish and crabs. Some species may even have the unusual ability to steal stinging cells (刺细胞) from animals they feed on and shoot them out when threatened.

Before sending it back where it came from, Barlow placed the sea slug in a pot to get a better look at its colors. “It is absolutely amazing that I could find it on our rocky coasts,” Barlow writes in her blog. “It’s a perfect example of the incredible wildlife we have on our doorstep.”

1. Why are rainbow sea slugs rare in England?
A.They prefer to live in deep waters.
B.Divers are unable to recognize them.
C.Rock pools are poorly managed here.
D.The environment is normally unfavorable.
2. What can we say about sea slugs according to Paragraph 3?
A.They are important in studying climate change.
B.Their overall population continues to decrease.
C.They mostly choose to live in cooler waters.
D.Their sea habitats have been badly polluted.
3. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us about sea slugs?
A.Their survival abilities.B.Risks caused by their colors.
C.Changes in their feeding habits.D.Their common marine enemies.
4. How does Barlow probably feel about her discovery?
A.Calm and peaceful.B.Surprised and glad.
C.Curious and doubtful.D.Shocked and worried.
2024-04-05更新 | 34次组卷
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【推荐3】Scientists have found a new way to break down a group of harmful chemicals very hard to get rid of. The discovery could help solve a dangerous and growing problem — how to clean up the pollution of “forever chemicals”.

The group of chemicals known as PFAS (全氟烷基物) are pretty amazing. They’re non-stick, waterproof, and oil proof. They don’t burn easily or dissolve (溶解) in water. So scientists got really excited when they were discovered. Businesses started putting PFAS in all sorts of products, from non-stick pans to waterproof clothes, and from fire-fighting spray to carpets that resist stains. Even things like food wrappers and floss for cleaning your teeth contain PFAS chemicals.

But after a while, scientists realized the same things that made the chemicals useful also caused a real problem — PFAS doesn’t break down in nature. It doesn’t dissolve in water or bum. Not even bacteria can break PFAS down. No wonder these chemicals are known as “forever chemicals”.

As a result, PFAS chemicals surge in the environment. The chemicals are found in air, water, and dirt around the world — and in animals and people. In the US, 97% of humans have PFAS in their blood.

Luckily, scientists in the US have now found a way to break down some PFAS chemicals. Their solution requires boiling PFAS with two other very common chemicals. These chemicals can be found in just about any laboratory.

Dr. Brittany Trang, one of the scientists involved, said she didn’t even want to test the idea at first. “I thought it was too simple,” she said. But the process worked.

The research involved 10 types of PFAS, including two of the most common kinds. That’s a big step. But there are over 12,000 different kinds of PFAS. It’s important to note that the new method can only break down PFAS chemicals that have already been collected. Figuring out how to remove PFAS chemicals from the environment and collect them remains a huge challenge.

1. What can we infer about PFAS chemicals from paragraph 2?
A.Scientists were so excited to invent them.
B.They were environmentally friendly at first.
C.They are really widely used in our daily life.
D.They have more advantages than disadvantages.
2. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Increase fast.B.Float everywhere.C.Extend fully.D.React quickly.
3. What does the author think of dealing with PFAS chemicals?
A.It’s already too late to get rid of them.
B.There’s still a long way to go about it.
C.The new method is too simple to work well.
D.It’s impossible to get them removed from the environment.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.Say Goodbye to Forever Chemicals
B.PFAS Chemicals Are a Two-edged Sword
C.PFAS Chemicals Will Remain a Challenge for Long
D.Scientists Find a Way to Break down Forever Chemicals
2024-04-06更新 | 223次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般