组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 外表与形象 > 服饰穿戴
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:126 题号:22310211

Almost everyone has felt something similar: wearing clothes we don’t like causes a general feeling of unease and discontent. This proves the fact that clothes have more than functions of protection or warmth in life.     1     As former fashion editor Caryn Franklin writes, “Fashion offers a dialogue rich with social and political meaning for those who want to unlock the language of clothes.”

    2     We like or dislike certain colors because of the attributes or moods we associate with them. Those associations might be cultural. White, for example, is commonly associated with purity and innocence in Western cultures, whereas in China, people associate it with death and mourning.     3    

The book The Little Prince offers a fictional example of the latter: The fox will love the sight of wheat, which had been meaningless to him, just because it will remind him of the color of the boy’s hair.

As a result, associations can differ widely from person to person and culture to culture. Others might read into our outfits something different than we intend.     4     But as long as we are not wearing our clothes specifically to communicate certain qualities to others in a specific context (such as professionalism at a job interview), what others think of our clothes should be less important than what we think of them and why we choose to wear them.     5    

A.Take colors, for instance.
B.We ought to dress to benefit ourselves, not others.
C.They also communicate something about the wearer.
D.Thus, they will misunderstand our values and identity.
E.Clothes have the psychological power to elevate our sense of self.
F.Or we can form associations based on our personal experience and values.
G.We might also associate certain fabrics with different qualities of character.
【知识点】 服饰穿戴


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】This summer, most Chinese citizens have been amazed by women wearing hanfu, or Han-style clothing, at subway stations, shopping malls, pedestrian streets or scenic areas. Hanfu has aroused a public attention in recent years, especially among young people.

In 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (CCCYL) set the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar, traditionally the birthday of the Chinese people’s mythological (神话的) ancestor the Yellow Emperor, as the annual Traditional Chinese Garment (服装) Day. It was aimed to promote classic Chinese culture, as well as “demonstrating cultural confidence”. Since then, the beauty of hanfu has gained more and more recognition and acceptance by common people.

Generally, hanfu refers to traditional Chinese garments worn by the Han nationality before the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Historically, Han Chinese clothing has also influenced some of its neighboring cultural costumes, including the Japanese kimono, Korean hanbok, and clothing of Mongolia, Vietnam and Bhutan.

Hanfu appears elegant and beautiful, not only due to the thousands of years of culture behind its design. This traditional dress also stands out because of its remarkable craftsmanship, from fabric to decoration. Hanfu adopts more than 30 examples of Chinas invisible cultural heritage as well as Chinese arts and crafts under preservation.

Hanfu represents not only appreciation of the beauty, but also a continuation of traditional Chinese culture. Nowadays, more and more fashion designers look to hanfu for inspiration, producing fashionable examples of hanfu for a new era (纪元).

1. Why did CCCYL set the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar as the annual Traditional Chinese Garment Day?
A.To help design hanfu.
B.To promote China economy.
C.To remember the birth of the Yellow Emperor.
D.To encourage more people to know about classic Chinese culture.
2. Which countries cultural costumes have been influenced by Han Chinese clothing?
A.Japanese and Russian.B.Russian and British
C.Korean and Vietnamese.D.Mongolian and American.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The rich culture of hanfu.B.The reasons for the beauty of hanfu.
C.The worldwide influence of hanfu.D.The popularity of hanfu among young people.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A newspaper.
C.A novel.D.A guidebook.
2020-03-13更新 | 119次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As the weather shifts, many teenagers search for and purchase fashionable seasonal clothes, often from fast fashion sites. The potential effects of fast fashion are well-known, with the fashion supply chain ranking as the third-largest polluter in the world according to a 2021 report by the World Economic Forum.

Companies like Shein are accused of art theft and unfair treatment of employees. The modern fashion industry heavily relies on labor and treat workers not that well in underdeveloped countries due to globalization. The issue of ethical (合乎伦理的) consumption is complex, particularly among students who put affordability and accessibility in the first place over longevity when choosing clothes. Many think sustainable ethical brands are classist (有阶级偏见的) and that these companies often cater only to wealthy individuals, ignoring many others.

Even if teens don’t throw away their clothes as soon as trends end, there is still a sense of guilt associated with unintentionally supporting the growth of these companies for something as unimportant as fashion or beauty. However, those who buy from fast fashion brands out of necessity are not the ones causing the problem to continue. The concept of sustainability in fashion has been distorted (曲解) by those who use it to make the non-wealthy feel guilty for not participating in ethical consumption. Even purchasing from moral brands becomes unsustainable and fuels consumerism when overdone.

According to Forbes, teenagers are major consumers of TikTok, finding excitement in the platform’s ever-changing trends. Microtrends and fast-paced fashion cycles have transformed clothing into a single-use product. In the past, teens relied on celebrities and magazines for fashion inspiration; but with the rise of influencers and apps like TikTok, access to these previously exclusive fashion cycles has expanded. This accessibility and affordability require transformative change and accountability from appropriate institutions.

A re-examination of business and culture is necessary, and we should encourage small steps toward more intentional, reasonable shopping instead of punishing and policing those who shop for fast fashion out of necessity.

1. Why does the author mention Shein in paragraph 2?
A.To highlight the growing influence of fashin industry.
B.To accuse the company of causing pollution.
C.To show fast fashion companies' unethical practices.
D.To discuss the impact of globalization on fast fashion.
2. What do students consider first when buying clothes, according to the text?
A.Sustainability.B.Brand popularity.
C.Design and quality.D.Price and approachability.
3. What has transformed clothing into a single-use product?
A.The influence of celebrities.
B.Microtrends and rapidly changing styles.
C.The easy access to fashion magazines.
D.The unintentional support of consumerism.
4. Which of the following actions is favored according to the passage?
A.Supporting gradual actions toward reasonable shopping.
B.Carrying out strict regulations on all fashion brands.
C.Punishing those who throw away old-fashion clothes.
D.Promoting fast fashion as a sustainable alternative.
2024-05-13更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“How do they walk in these things?” complains Jack Lemmon, walking with difficulty in his heels, newly dressed as his another identity Josephine, in the film “Some Like It Hot”.

High heels were, in fact, originally designed for men — and had an extremely practical purpose. Soldiers on horseback wore them in 10th-century Persia, according to Elizabeth Semmel hack of the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto. The heel helped keep them stable as they stood up in their stirrups ( 马镫) and took aim at enemies with bows and arrows (cowboy boots still use heels in this way). Over time, heels appeared on the shoes of male nobles across Europe. Yet from the mid-17th century, heels became associated with supposedly “feminine” qualities, and so became women’s wear. Until the mid-20th century heels were heavy, heavy things. After the Second World War, techniques and materials used in aircraft engineering were applied to shoes, creating the stiletto ( 细高跟). The high, narrow heel requires a thin metal pole, strong enough to bear the wearer’s weight yet flexible enough to allow the shoe to move.

Shoemakers have searched actively for a right heel. They aim to reduce the angle created by a high heel, which forces the few square centimeteres of the ball of your foot to bear the entire weight of your body. Joan Oloff, a podiatrist-turned-shoe-designer, makes footwear lined with memory foam ( 泡沫) to absorb the shock of each painful step. The bottom part of the shoe is crafted to support the arch of the foot and distribute the wearer’s weight more equally. Antonia Saint Dunbar, an entrepreneur, makes shoes with a heel cup and strips inside to stop the foot slipping around and getting blisters ( 水泡). And growing numbers of companies make shoes with adjustable heels: two inches for the boardroom, four for the nightclub, none for home.

However, the wisest are stepping down altogether: in 2016, for the first time, more British women bought trainers than heels.

1. Why is a scene in “Some Like It Hot” mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To recommend this film.
B.To explain Jack’s double identity.
C.To introduce the topic of high heels.
D.To stress the difficulty of walking in heels.
2. How does Paragraph 2 mainly develop?
A.By presenting research findings.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By following the order of importance.
3. What was the original purpose of high heels?
A.To keep soldiers fighting on horseback steady.
B.To keep cowboys standing up in stirrups safe.
C.To show off the beauty of women.
D.To show the nobility of Europeans.
4. What have shoemakers tried their best to do?
A.Popularize shoes with adjustable heels.
B.Help women find the right high heels.
C.Encourage women to wear trainers.
D.Make high heels comfortable.
2022-04-01更新 | 172次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般