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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:22457847

The first “window of Chinese Books” in Europe was launched on Tuesday, with an online book donation ceremony. The online event     1     (hold) at the Central Public Library in Floriana, Malta. More than 200 books were donated from China’s Jinling Library to Malta Libraries,     2     cover fields such as ancient Chinese literature and art, history, culture, and food.

Books are important for the     3     (culture) exchange between two countries.     4     (hopeful), the donated books will open a new window of understanding of Chinese culture, history and social development for the Maltese people.

The books     5     (give) on Tuesday not only provide a chance of     6     (promote) Chinese culture and tourism, but also are     7     precious gift of friendship from the people of Nanjing to the Maltese people.

Jinling Library has always focused on using books     8     a bridge to understanding of Chinese culture for global     9     (citizen). Jinling Library, founded in 1927, established its first “Window of Chinese Books” overseas in Nigeria in 2013. There will be     10     (many) in the future.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】People use land in different ways. Some areas have a lot of open space. Some areas have buildings close together and people are     1    (live) near each other. People choose the type or community they want to live in. They think about their     2    (interest) and their work.

A rural area has few homes and businesses. There     3    (be) lots of space in between buildings. Rural areas are perfect    4    people and businesses who want to grow plants for food or raise animals. Most states have some rural areas.

An urban area is a large city and the places near it. Many people live and work in     5    same large city. Every state has urban areas. You will find public transportation, like buses, in urban areas. Many of the buildings also have modern designs. There are many things     6    (do) and see in the city.

A suburban area, also     7    (call) the suburbs, is located outside a big city,     8     not very far away. In suburban communities, many people live near     9     they work. The suburbs do not have the crowds that are in the city. You will find     10    (much) space between buildings than in the city. There are houses and shopping centers in suburban communities.

2017-11-19更新 | 98次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

A new branch of the Palace Museum is expected to rise on Beijing outskirts over the next few years to better showcase the     1     (museum) cultural relics.

After nearly a decade of preparation, construction of the new branch     2     (begin) last December. Located in Xiyehe, a village in Haidian District, the new branch will cover more than 100, 000 square meters, including     3     exhibition space of over 60, 000 square meters for cultural relics and more than 35, 000 square meters for relic     4     (restore).

At present, over 1. 86 million cultural relics     5     (house) in the museum. However, only about 10, 000 pieces are able to be displayed every year due to limited exhibition spaces     6     outdated offices.

Du Haijiang, deputy director of the Palace Museum, briefed the public on the project in an interview with CCTV on January 26th,     7     (explain) that calligraphy works and paintings couldn’t be put on display during rainy seasons, in winter or summer, because of strict temperature and humidity requirements. Some silk and cotton artworks     8    (current) cannot be exhibited at all for lack of the necessary environment.

On completion of the new branch, it will be possible     9     (display) between 20, 000 and 30, 000 individual relics each year. The new venue will be a modern exhibition space     10     multiple functions to provide relic preservation, repair work, and visitor services.

2023-05-18更新 | 893次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Living in a city can be stressful. But people in Bogota, Colombia have found a place to help ease stress and get a     1     (peace) break from busy life. The place is a     2     (protect) park for hummingbirds (蜂鸟).

The park is at the top of Montserrat Hill. The area     3     (contain) a forest which has turned into a quiet place for both people and birds. As the hummingbirds fly from flower to flower, some people take pictures with cameras or phones.

2022-02-18更新 | 71次组卷
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