组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > M > mixture
题型:单词拼写-根据首字母填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:11 题号:22505218
We listened to the news with a m__________ of surprise and horror. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【知识点】 mixture 名词作宾语


单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐1】The man looked at his friend with a ________ (混合状态) of surprise and horror after hearing the news. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2021-07-15更新 | 31次组卷
单词拼写-根据汉语意思填空 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】As far as I know, this is a type of music popular in the 1950s, a ________ (混合物) of Jazz and folk music. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2021-12-25更新 | 42次组卷
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】As the huge shark approached, the sailor felt a strange m________ of excitement and fear. (根据首字母单词拼写)
2023-04-07更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般