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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:28 题号:22773895

The science of setting goals.

It’s the time of year when we think to ourselves: our New Year’s resolutions will totally work out this time.     1    . But what if this year really could be different? Kelly McGonigal, a psychologist, shares four tips.            

Choose a goal that matters, not just an easy win. Our brains love rewards, so we often set simple goals that make it easy to check off boxes. But if that’s all are about, no wonder we end up abandoning them so quickly. A meaningful goal requires going deeper.     2    . For example, if you want to quit eating junk food, ask why you want to quit it. Then, if you want to quit it for your health, ask why you want good health.

    3    .When we set goals, it’s easy to focus on that magical ending. But we can’t control outcomes. We have to inch toward them, one choice at a time. Ask yourself, “What is the smallest thing I can do today that helps me reach my goal?” If you make daily choices that are consistent with your goal over and over again, you will eventually reach it.

Frame your goals positively. Focusing on what you want to bring into your life –not what you want to avoid — will make you more likely to actually pursue it. “Any sort of avoidance is going to trigger inhibition systems.     4    ,” says McGonigal.

Prepare for failure. Moments of failure are inevitable, but most of us abandon the goal entirely when minor failures and setbacks start piling up. Your task is not to avoid failures, but to plan for them. Ask yourself, “How am I likely to fail?” For example, if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack that can tide you over.     5    .

A.Focus on the process, not the outcome
B.Psychologists call this an emergency plan
C.It really drives home why that goal matters
D.Never mind that we abandoned them very quickly
E.How you describe your goal makes a big difference
F.Think about what you want, and then ask yourself why
G.But positive goals are going to trigger approach and reward motivation
【知识点】 方法/策略 愿望


阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many campers (露营者) love to plan their trips during autumn season. There are plenty of fun activities you can enjoy during your camping trip.     1    , autumn season offers lots of activities that make your outdoor adventure more fun! Here are some fall camping tips to make your trip more memorable.

Schedule for the cool weather. Even though summer just ended, you should be prepared for cool weather. Autumn weather is very unpredictable.     2    . You wouldnt want your trip to be ruined because you keep waking up in the early morning because of cold weather.

    3    . An important thing to keep in mind is that the days are shorter during cool seasons. More importantly, food takes longer to cook when the weather is cold, so schedule your cooking times to make sure that you enjoy your meal times. Be sure you cook dinner and clean up before the sun goes down.

Be careful with bears. Any camper knows that it is quite important to protect themselves from bears and other wildlife. But we must be extra careful during fall season.     4    .

Go apple or pumpkin picking. There are lots of apple trees in the country where you camp.    5    , consider apple picking during the day. To get even more fun out of autumn, you can choose to go pumpkin picking. You can also bring your own pumpkins to carve around the campfire! The kids will love it.

A.Schedule your cooking times
B.Prepare your meal and enjoy it as soon as possible
C.If you’re lucky enough to have one near your campsite
D.Whether you are camping by yourself, or with your friends
E.Most animals wake up in spring and go hungry at this time of the year
F.It can be hot till the earlier afternoon, but cold once the sun goes down
G.That is because wildlife gets active around looking for food as winter nears
2022-11-24更新 | 334次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One of the most popular new outdoor activities is day hiking. For many first-time hikers, it’s important to learn the proper hiking tips and safety rules.     1     Here are some of the main ones to know.

Take out your own garbage. One of the biggest surprises for people new to the outdoors is that many parks and trails have no facilities; i.e., no restrooms or garbage cans.     2     You’re even supposed to ferry out poop (your own or your pet’s), unless you bury it 200 feet from the trail or any water source. Advisably, you can pack out trash with some zip top bags.

Don’t move things around. This means no taking home pretty rocks or flowers. Any time you move or remove something, you may destroy an animal s home or a weak ecosystem. Leaving things alone also applies to wildlife, so don’t try to pet a deer or approach a bear for a great photo.     3    

    4    Since hikers tend to head into the outdoors to enjoy all of the natural sights, sounds and smells, don’t blast music, talk loudly on the phone or bring along an uncontrolled pet. Being a considerate hiker also helps the resident wildlife, which may need undisturbed spaces and enough quiet to hear the sounds of nature for their communication and survival.

Know when to stay on and step off the trail. Hiking trails are created with specific purposes, which may include preventing pollution to environment and protecting precious plant and animal communities.     5     There are a few exceptions, such as leaving the trail to “use the restroom”.

A.Enjoy them from a safe distance.
B.Be considerate of your fellow hikers.
C.So stay on the trail as much as possible.
D.Communicate with other hikers politely.
E.That means you’re supposed to carry back out whatever you bring in.
F.Just as with any sport or activity, hiking involves certain accepted practices.
G.It’s also considered proper to step off the trail if you want to rest or have a snack.
2022-07-27更新 | 122次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Starting university can be a costly experience for most students. But thankfully, with a little know-how, you can gain the benefits of being a student with a lot more cash in your pocket than you would have expected.     1     Checking out these top money-saving tips might be helpful.

Save money on food.

Student life doesn’t have to be about empty cupboards and living off takeaways or ready meals.   In fact, it can be useful habit to compare the price.     2     One of the easiest and most efficient ways to do that is by using a price comparison site.

Use student transport discount.

We have a love-hate relationship with public transport.     3     Luckily, most cities have local bus operators that offer student’s passes, which are much cheaper that standard tickets.   These can usually be used at all times of the day, including peak travel times.


Going out to a nightclub can be expensive. So take full advantage of student offers, where drinks are cheap and entry is often free. Be sure to keep an eye out for any freebies and special student offers advertised at local restaurants, cinemas and high street shops.

Spend less on textbooks.

Before you rush out and spend your entire student loan on books, check your lecture outlines and figure out which books you really do need to own, and which ones you can just borrow from the library.    5     And you can also share the cost with your classmates.

A.Use student offers when socializing.
B.Students shouldn’t go to the nightclub.
C.Shop around and find the cheapest option.
D.Being a money-saving student has never been easy.
E.Remember all your textbooks are available in the library.
F.While it may be essential to use public transport, it’s not always cheap.
G.If there are some you need to buy, see if you can get a second-hand copy.
2022-04-18更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般