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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:96 题号:22776546

How many times have you heard that reducing stress is important for good health? But stress isn’t always the enemy. In fact, research suggests some is actually good for you, with possible benefits ranging from better brain function to healthier aging.

Firstly, it’s ubiquitous: Research suggests people feel at least some stress on 90% of their days. When stress worsens for a long time and can’t be solved, it can cause mental and physical health problems, even raising your risk for conditions like heart disease. But in most cases, a stress response (反应) is important. It can help you get through a hard time or even escape physical danger. And, when stress is managed well, it can lead to better health and happiness in the future.

Stress can be damaging — but proper amount of stress can be helpful, according to Assaf Oshri, a professor at the University of Georgia. Oshri says, “Resilience (适应力) comes from your interactions (相互作用) with the environment. If people don’t experience any stress, they may not build up resilience. If they experience too much, their happiness may suffer. But there seems to be a balance between the two, where stress improves mental health and helps people recover from difficult situations.”

When people face pressure, some approaches can also be taken to deal with it. Playing sports can help to find a balance in the face of stress, according to some experts. Turning to loved ones during tough times is important too. And if you can, remind yourself that stress is a difficult but necessary part of life.

“You can’t choose exactly what happens to you, but you can choose your response in the moment,” Jonathan Rush, a professor at the University of Victoria in Canada, says. “Having the idea that you can overcome things, you can grow from things; whatever happens, you will have a path forward — that’s what matters most.”

1. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” mean in paragraph 2?
2. What benefit does proper pressure bring to people according to Oshri?
A.It can help people know their physical danger.
B.It can promote people’s mental health.
C.It can help people keep a balance between life and work.
D.It can increase people's interactions with each other.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The ways to deal with stress.B.The influence of sports on stress.
C.The approaches of having a happy life.D.The key to avoiding challenging times.
4. According to Rush, what is most important when facing stress?
A.Explaining what happened.B.Having a positive response.
C.Relying on your loved ones.D.Learning from others' experiences.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We clearly live in an era with little patience. Entire TV series are available at once on streaming services, and burning questions are solved in seconds via a search engine. This instant satisfaction, undoubtedly, is killing our ability to wait.     1    . Here are some strategies to pick up that magic mix if you weren’t born with it.

Visualize success

There’s no need to set a real situation where you wait in a super long grocery checkout line to test yourself. Simply visualizing it helps a lot. See yourself smiling and breathing as you wait for the line to move.     2    . For example, you could say, “it’s not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting”. Your mind will start to process the picture as a real experience and help to set you up for future successes.

Slow down

Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want.     3    . Most adults do not feel happy when they’re rushing, and children are even less capable of doing it with a good attitude. Instead of sweating through your routine, turn on some background music you like and move at a normal pace.


The ability to let your mind wander, whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination, is a skill that improves patience.     5    . Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the task that takes tons of energy. This helps you build up your staying power, so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus on your task.

A.Learn to distract yourself
B.Add some positive words if possible
C.You don’t have to get the task done in one go
D.Therefore, we are getting more and more impatient
E.But sometimes, a fast pace can improve our working efficiency
F.We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode
G.Thus, the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable
2023-05-25更新 | 118次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Whether you're learning English as a second language or are a native speaker who's never had the habit of writing, improving your English composition skills is very important. Knowing your shortcomings and practicing will allow you to write essay that is at first simply grammatically correct, and eventually sparkling with style.    1    

    2    Look up the definitions of words with which you are unfamiliar. The more words you can use successfully, the more often you'll be able to find the right one for the task at hand -- and the less likely your writing will be simplistic and repetitive.

Ask a friend with good English skills to criticize and correct your writing.    3    Rewrite your paper or letter after listening to her advice, making the necessary changes.

Use your word processing software spelling and grammar-check tools to fix simple errors. Whenever you misspell a word, replace it with the correct suggestion and then look at it carefully, noting the differences from how you thought it was spelled.    4    Use them.

Think in English while writing if you're a native speaker of a different language. Having to translate in your head slows you down, and can easily lead to errors. Study English grammar if you are having difficulties. Look up the rules whenever you're having difficulties or read a grammar book all the way through. It may be boring, but it's extremely helpful.

Practice writing!    5    Every skill requires regular repetition to achieve mastery, whether playing a musical instrument, flying a jet or writing good English prose.

A.The more you write, the better writer you'll become.
B.Broaden your vocabulary by reading as much as possible.
C.Most modern Web browsers also include spell-checking tools.
D.Knowing what you're doing wrong is necessary before you can improve.
E.The more aware you are of your writing, the better your handwriting will be.
F.To achieve this you'll need to read more, ask friends for help, and continually write.
G.Put the symbols on flashcards and memorize them, then write them again and again.
2020-07-09更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How to support a child with test anxiety

It’s normal for students to feel nervous before or during a test. Often, parents can be pretty in the dark. If you doubt your child is one of the many strugglings with test anxiety,     1     .

Focus on time and stress management skills. Many children with test anxiety fear that they won’t be able to complete the test in time, so for these kids, focusing on time management skills may help. Winnett says working with planners and calendars and breaking up large projects into smaller tasks can be a good way.     2    Talk to your child’s teacher about tools students can use and practice deep breathing with your child, which can be a good way to help ease your child’s nerves the night before.

    3    Children with test anxiety may express a fear of disappointing their parents. Zeltser says parents may enhance that fear and advises parents to focus on other values-trying your best, for example. Parents can reframe(再构造) these thoughts by telling the child that it’s more important to try hard than it is to get a perfect score on every exam.

Communicate with educators. Teachers are likely to notice test anxiety earlier than parents are. Things like going to the bathroom frequently or shaky hands during exams could be signs of test anxiety that parents may never see.     4    

Know when to seek professional help. If you’ve tried all of these techniques and nothing seems to help, it might be worthwhile to visit a therapist(治疗师). Therapists who are trained in techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy will be able to help children with particularly terrible test anxiety.     5    

A.Help children manage test anxiety.
B.Avoid overemphasizing good grades.
C.Teachers may see it well before a parent is aware.
D.here are some important things to help manage it.
E.Stress management techniques like using a stress ball can also help.
F.Additionally, specialists are better suited to identify the cause of the test anxiety.
G.Talking to your child’s teacher could be a good way to ease your child’s anxiety.
2023-12-22更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般