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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:22851447

Secrets to Choosing Friends

For your long-term success, you must choose the right friends. Here are some secrets to doing so.

Choose friends with similar values. While diversity is great in many ways, when it comes to your general values and beliefs, it’s best to keep friendships with like-minded people.     1    . However, choosing friends that hold similar values to yours will keep you from being negatively influenced by those that don’t support your values.

Choose friends with common goals. I like to call these your purpose partners.    2    , particularly as an entrepreneur, you can push each other. You can work on your goals together and encourage each other in reaching them.

    3    . We all have our strengths and weaknesses-you know what yours are. With the right friends, you can draw support from the talents, skills and abilities of those that are expert in areas that you don’t.

Choose friends that encourage you.    4    . It’s usually the people that are positive that we naturally want to be around. Which category do your friends fall into? What do your conversations with them sound like? The best types of friends will be there to offer a listening ear and help you put a positive spin on any situation.

Choose friends that share the same interests. Friends with similar interests simply make life more fun. You can enjoy outings and activities together. Whether it’s sports, music, performing arts or food, when you share interests, you can get out and do things together.    5    .

A.When you have friends with common goals
B.No one wants a friend that is negative or down all the time
C.Choose friends from higher levels
D.They will encourage you toward achieving them
E.You can respect others’ opinions and differences
F.You have someone to visit new places and enjoy new experiences with
G.Choose friends who can bring balance in areas where you are weaker
【知识点】 方法/策略 朋友


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Anger is a natural feeling that everyone experiences in life. Some researchers believe the first sound a baby makes when born could be a sign of anger. Anger may be the first feeling we have and respond to. It’s in many cases a perfectly healthy feeling. Anger can cause people to make very positive changes in their lives. Sometimes we have to be angry at injustice (不公正), at wrong doings, or even at nature, before we can do what needs to be done to correct wrongs or make things better. But of course, that is not how we usually think of anger.

Most people think of anger as a feeling we must keep under control. Children are sometimes sent to their rooms or punished for expressing anger in an uncontrolled way. Parents tell a child to control himself when the child shows anger. We may be angry with friends or at work, but we know it’s not right to show it. Very early in life, we learn that anger is something that must be controlled.

We learn this for a good reason. Uncontrolled anger can lead to fights, car accidents, bad relationships with others, unacceptable social behavior, and many other problems. However, many experts say that if one suppresses his anger, he may suffer serious mental and physical health problems. So what can we do to understand and calm this feeling?

One solution is to talk about it with someone we trust, for example, a good friend. We can also try to walk away from a situation that causes anger, ask a doctor for advice, or just exercise more in our daily life. And of course we may have many other methods. Whatever solution we choose, as long as we are trying to find the solution to the problem, we have already taken the first step in the right direction.

1. According to Paragraph 1, anger can _____.
A.lead to justiceB.keep us healthy
C.help us tell right from wrongD.help us make things better
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
A.We are taught to control anger.
B.Anger appears early in life.
C.We shouldn’t get angry at work.
D.Angry children should be punished.
3. The underlined word “suppresses” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.
A.holds inB.takes inC.expressesD.understands
4. Which of the following can help deal with anger?
A.Excellent physical health.
B.A talk with a close friend.
C.Some exercises given by teachers.
D.A good relationship with others.
5. What does the author think of anger?
A.Anger shown by children is unacceptable.
B.Anger leads to deadly mental and physical illnesses.
C.Anger can be a healthy feeling and need be treated properly.
D.Anger builds up relationships with our friends or workmates.
2023-03-12更新 | 307次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Tai chi has been studied scientifically in recent years. Evidence suggests that tai chi may offer numerous benefits beyond stress reduction. Wondering how to get started in tai chi?    1    

A tai chi instructor can teach you some specific positions and how to control your breathing.    2    Although tai chi is slow and gentle without side effects, it’s possible to get injured if you don know how to do tai chi properly. It’s possible you could strain (拉伤) your muscles or overdo it when first learning, or you could worsen an existing condition.

    3    There are 100 standard training programs for instructors. So check an instructor’s training and experience, get recommendations if possible, and make sure that you’re comfortable with his or her approach.    4    But if you like the social clement, consider sticking with group tai chi classes.

Under the guidance of the tai chi instructor, you may find it helpful to practice tai chi in the same place and at the same time every day to develop a routine.    5    You can even draw on the comforting mind-body concepts of tai chi without performing the actual movements ill you gel stuck in stressful situations—a traffic jam or a contentious (争论不休的) work meeting, for instance.

If you want to reap the greatest stress reduction and other health benefits from tai chi, just find an instructor and practice it regularly!

A.An instructor also can teach you how to practice tai chi safely.
B.Keep in mind that tai chi instructors don’t have to be licensed.
C.Some qualified web-based distance education is also an option.
D.Taking classes is one of the best ways to become a tai chi instructor.
E.You can consider seeking guidance from qualified tai chi instructors.
F.Eventually, you may feel confident enough to do tai chi on your own.
G.But if your schedule is flexible, do tai chi whenever you have a few minutes.
2023-05-03更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Easy Ways to Get Over Your Laziness

Laziness appears for very specific reasons. Maybe we don’t know how to do the task.     1    . Maybe we are just plain scared and our mindset needs adjustment. Whatever the cause, if laziness is interfering with your productivity, you must learn to overcome it. Here are several ways to overcome your laziness so you can reach your goals.

Make sure you’re not overwhelmed(不堪重负的).

Sometimes we freeze up when we’re overwhelmed by everything we have to do--we freeze up and don’t do anything at all.     2    . If you have too much on your plate and no idea how you’re going to get it all done, it may be that you’re not lazy but overwhelmed.

Check your motivation.

Similarly, if you’re not motivated it is very easy to slip into what looks like laziness.     3    . If it’s hard for you to stay connected to what motivates you, make up a list that you can consult when you need an extra push.

    4    .

Your environment and the people around you matter. Are you in a space that makes it easy to stay organized and productive? Do the people around you spend more time complaining than following their passions? If you surround yourself with people who love what they do, and are creative and motivated, their enthusiasm will rub off on you. Make sure that your space gives you everything you need to work well.

Value your time.

    5    . Look at your to-do list and prioritize(优先)—you can do it in your head, on paper, or on a computer or phone-based planner. Just knowing where you are makes it harder for deadlines to sneak up on you and easier to work productively, even if it’s in short bursts.

A.Look at your surroundings.
B.To be productive we need to be motivated.
C.Make the most of the time you spend working.
D.So select just one thing at a time, do it, and ignore the rest.
E.Maybe we feel overwhelmed by everything we have to do.
F.We may procrastinate(拖延)because we are not sure what to do next.
G.Do you have realistic expectations on how much you are truly able to accomplish?
2020-06-14更新 | 51次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般