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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:77 题号:22857594

Back in 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that with technological change and improvements in productivity, we’d be working only 15 hours a week in the near future. But while working hours have declined by 26%, most of us still work 42.5 hours a week on average, according to Eurostat figures.

One of the things Keynes underestimated is our desire to compete with our peers — a drive that makes us work more than we need to. “We don’t measure productivity by how many acres we’ve harvested, so the amount of working time becomes an indicator.” says Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.

Due to computerization and globalization in the 1980s, managers could demand more of employees under the threat that jobs could be given to someone else, so the pressure increased. And we took it, overwhelmed with the pressure while shouldering the burden all the same at the cost of our health. Psychologist Barbara Killinger writes such a phenomenon in Workaholics: The Respectable Addicts.

But far from delivering productivity, value, or personal fulfillment, overwork has been proven to lead to burnout, stress, poor health, etc. Nevertheless, we persisted — until the fourth Industrial Revolution came along.

The fourth Industrial Revolution has accelerated the move towards automation and AI, especially for jobs with high physical proximity (接近). Economist Dr. Carl Frey predicts that at least 40% of current jobs will be lost to automation by 2050.

There are exceptions. Jobs that involve complex social interactions are beyond current robot skills, such as teaching, cleaning jobs, and jobs that rely on creativity, according to Frey and Osborne.

According to McKinsey, those whose work falls outside the caring, cleaning and creative fields will still work in the future, just differently. In about 60% of occupations, it’s estimated that a third of the tasks can be automated, meaning substantial changes to the way we work. A large-scale study carried out by accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers predicted that over the next 20 years, although 7 million jobs will be lost to AI, 7.2 million new ones will be created as a result. So we will work in the future: we just don’t know what we’ll be doing yet.

1. What do the figures in Paragraph 1 mainly indicate?
A.Our working time failed to decrease as much as predicted.
B.Technology keeps changing with the development of society.
C.Keynes’ prediction mainly focused on productivity improvement.
D.Overwork will result in fierce competition between employees.
2. What might lead to the disagreement between the reality and Keynes estimation?
A.People’s false sense of time.
B.People’s awareness of peer competition.
C.People’s ignoring the quality of their jobs.
D.People’s pressure to increase productivity.
3. How did most employees respond to the managers’ pressure in the 1980s?
A.They argued for fairness.
B.They devoted more to their work.
C.They tried to escape shouldering the burden.
D.They emphasized the importance of their health.
4. Which of the following situations will appear under the influence of automation and AI?
A.Counseling service will be paid less attention to.
B.More and more cleaners become unemployed in cities.
C.A majority of teachers will be replaced by robots.
D.The types of jobs with high physical proximity will be transformed.
5. What is McKinsey’s attitude towards automation and AI?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many studies have been conducted to discover the benefits of volunteering. Volunteer work means to carry out a duty or a job without expecting repayment or reward. The concept is very popular in advanced or rich countries. But in some countries, many people look at volunteering as a waste of time and effort.     1    .

One person is immediately seen as selfless and helpful when one volunteers to help out someone such as a friend, teacher or parent.     2     , when you help a teacher to clean the classroom or get involved in a cleanliness campaign at the school level or other community projects , teachers and adults would look at a young person who volunteers his or her time for certain activities as mature, responsible and deserving of respect.

Besides, volunteering with an organization such as orphanages, community centers and other non-profit organizations allows you to interact with society at large. In addition to helping these organizations carry out their duties, you not only gain experience but can learn a variety of skills.     3    . Even though they are not being aid, through volunteering time, effort and skills, one would learn more than what money can buy.

    4     . For example, if you volunteer your time regularly at a charity organization, you would learn how the organization works and the importance of teamwork, and other essence ideas related to the day-to-day operations of the organizations.

Thus, with so many benefits, students, in particular, should be allowed to participate volunteer activities.     5     .

A.You will feel you are proud
B.Your will feel you are respected
C.This is especially beneficial to students
D.One should actively be involved in volunteering
E.However, one can get   many benefits from volunteering
F.They can learn some useful interpersonal and organizational skills
G.Volunteering also exposes one to many interesting ideas and issues
2022-10-24更新 | 150次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】       If you wanted to make a Disney-style animation of, say, Reggie, a spirited rabbit, planning to save his forest, you’d have a lead animator draw the extremes of the action: Reggie looking intensely focused, and then proudly announcing, “There’s a new hero in the forest!” Then you’d bring in an in-betweener — that is, the animator who draws all the comprehensive frames that bridge the major actions.
       In-betweeners don’t get the glory, but without them cartoons would hop from one emotional peak to another, missing connective grace. Burny Mattinson (1935-2023) started his career at the Walt Disney Company in the mail room, and, even though he had no formal training in animation, he was given a swing at in-betweening just six months later.
       His first big assignment was to in-between the wagging of a dog’s tail. Disney animation was famous for its silky elegance, owing in no small part to the skill of its in-betweeners, and, thanks to Mattinson, the tail practically glided from side to side.
       Mattinson had wanted to be an animator ever since his mother had taken him to see” Pinocchio” at a theatre when he was six. In a bold move, Mattinson showed up at the Disney Studios gate with his portfolio (作品) as soon as he finished high school. The magical part of this story is that, instead of shooing him away, the security guard liked his drawings and called the head of personnel to take a look.
       Thus, Mattinson became a messenger at Disney, beginning a career that would eventually make him the employee with the longest service at the company. He had joined the company at a golden moment. Listing the films that he worked on is a little like listing the entire output of the Walt Disney Company over the past six decades: Sleeping Beauty, “The Lion King,” and on and on.
       Mattinson was, perhaps, one of the last of an almost extinct genotype - the happy company man, the lifer. He never had an employer besides Disney. When asked what Mattinson enjoyed doing outside of his life at Disney, his son said, “He just loved his work.”
1. What role do in-betweeners play in animation production?
A.Design the storyline.B.Draw the background.
C.Invent extreme actions.D.Generate smooth motion.
2. Which of the following can best describe Mattinson’s path to Disney?
3. What makes Mattinson exceptional in Disney’s history?
A.His lifelong dedication to Disney.B.His detailed work as an in-betweener.
C.His passion for animation beyond work.D.His pioneering role in Disney animation.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.A lifer in the DisneyB.In-betweeners’ role in animation
C.A bold move to DisneyD.A glorious career
2024-04-30更新 | 67次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As a first lady, every workday is desirably different. However, there is one expectation that follows me, and others like me, wherever I go: that I play the role of a sidekick(助手)

This past summer, for instance, European Council President Donald Tusk shared a video online from the G7 meeting. The video was of spouses of U. S. President Donald Trump, President Emmanuel Macron of France, Mr. Tusk and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan. The title: “The Light Side of the Force.”

The video made me feel uncomfortable. It is regrettable to see intelligent women reduced to props(道具)who exist to support their husbands’ political agendas - to see them celebrated first and foremost for their gentle demeanors(风度). In 2019, can we not do better than assume the spouses of our leaders have nothing more worthwhile to do than wander after their other halves to watch traditional performances and take in the view while their made counterparts take care of “serious business”?

It also made me think: On the occasions when I travel with my husband, am I contributing to the myth that female spouses are the “light” side of their powerful husbands?

Since becoming first lady of Iceland in 2016, I have had the chance to wrestle with the contradictions that come with this under-fined role. On the one hand, to serve my country in this way is an honor for which I am very grateful. It is also an opportunity: When choosing activities in which I wish to take part, I am guided by the assumptions of my role as spouse and how I wish to modernize them. On state visits, for example, one of my aims is to destroy the often-gendered expectations of what “the wife” should do - I participate in discussions about sustainable tourism, entre-preneurship and innovation, and yes, gender equality.

Yet I still hate the occasions when my presence is assumed rather than requested. I am not my husband’s handbag, to be seized as he runs out the door and displayed silently by his side during public appearances. It’s uncomfortable to be told I look much nicer with my hair longer or that I should not wear green again because it’s not my color. On almost every solo trip I make as first lady, I am asked who is looking after our four young children as if their father had no parental obligations. If I am ever asked about my professional background, it is always in the past tense, although I still continue much of my paid work. (Why should I get a new job because my husband was elected to one?)

When I share these opinion of being able to help shape debate surrounding gender equality because of something my husband has achieved. I am proud of my husband and his achievements - but no one wants to be judged as her partner’s decoration.

The author, Elisa Jean Reid, is the first lady of Iceland

1. What probably led the author to write this article?
A.Her husband’s expectation of her to play the role of a sidekick.
B.A video posted online by Europeans Council President Donald Tusk.
C.The universal expectations of what first ladies should do.
D.The contradictions that had bothered her since she became first lady.
2. According to the author, most people assume a first lady’s duties include ________.
① travelling with her husband
② taking care of political issues.
③ participating in discussions about gender equality
④ exchanging opinions with first ladies of other nations
A.only ①B.① and ②C.only ④D.① and ④
3. We can learn from the article that ________.
A.the author is not on friendly terms with Donald Tusk
B.being first lady of Iceland is not the author’s formal job
C.the author is unsatisfied with her current position - first lady of Iceland
D.the author has found that she can hardly modernize people’s expectation of first ladies
4. By writing this article, the author mainly wanted to ________.
A.encourage other first ladies to voice their complains
B.complain that her husband rarely looks after their four young children
C.argue against the general assumption of first ladies
D.express her gratitude for being given the opportunity to shape debate surrounding gender equality.
2022-09-29更新 | 50次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般