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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:22873632

Having a sense of humor can make your entire life much more enjoyable.     1    . But for others, we might have to work a little to unlock it. If you want some tips to improve your sense of humor, try these out:

Learn some simple jokes

In the beginning, you don’t have to be creative. Just go out and do some research! The internet is full of great resources for jokes. Try searching for stuff that you like. You will find millions of things to make you laugh.     2    .

See the funny side of almost everything

If you really want to develop your humor, try to take something ordinary and make a joke out of it.     3    . Looking at them with a different perspective is a very valuable life skill and will come in handy when learning to be a jokester (爱开玩笑的人).


Knowing your audience is a key point to making them laugh. You can go overboard with your humor and end up offending an audience that doesn’t want to hear it. So try to read and judge how others are reacting to your humor. If they have been quiet for a long time or seems offended, you’d better switch to a different topic that can relate better to them.

Keep practicing

Comedy is something where it all comes down to delivery and timing. If your delivery and timing are not correct, even the most hilarious (滑稽的) jokes can fall flat. So how to improve that? By practice.     5    . Just go ahead and practice telling the jokes. Find out the best delivery and timing which makes laugh and you would be good to go.

A.Be careful not to upset others
B.Find out something that sounds really funny
C.For some of us this comes naturally
D.Just try them out in your life whenever they fit
E.There is a hidden joke behind most little events
F.Practice helps you avoid causing offence to others
G.Practice is something you need to enhance any skill
2024·四川·二模 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There’re five factors which contribute to the spread of fake news: political gain; misreporting; going viral; financial gain; and “not letting the truth get in the way of a good story“.

    1     When the Titanic disaster happened, Telegrams stating that all the passengers from the Titanic had been rescued were reported as fact in newspapers, before the full extent of the tragedy came to light.

    2     In the early 20th century it took years rather than seconds but the principle was the same. People shared the photographs around, not checking the accuracy of them, either wanting to believe they were real, or just because they were a novelty.

It’s long been believed that the motto of Fleet Street was “never let the facts get in the way of a good story”, illustrated by a news story earlier in 2017 that Jeremy Corbyn had refused to bow his head to the Queen at the state opening of Parliament. Only later did it become known that protocol (礼节) doesn’t require bowing to the Queen in these situations.     3    

       The final two factors for a story to be fake news often go hand in hand: as a political tool, and a must to make profit.     4     Easier than you’d think. The websites with fake news can easily get astonishing hits, which then attracts advertisements and thus earn the website owners a nice profit.

The good news is that a number of new media organizations are trying to encourage us to think about where news comes from, who puts it out, and whether anyone can gain politically, financially or ideologically by it, before we share it around social media.     5    

A.How does that make money?
B.How do people gain politically?
C.But that didn’t matter, the story was out.
D.Here is a good example of misreporting.
E.That was how a good story came into being.
F.Going viral is another typical characteristic of fake news.
G.Thus we can give it certain respectability and trustworthiness.
2018-11-28更新 | 116次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Fall Asleep

It happens from time to time: you are wide awake at night and can’t go to sleep. Falling asleep isn’t always as simple as placing your head on a pillow and shutting your eyes. Thoughts and worries might race their way through your mind. Getting comfortable may seem impossible.    1    .

Try muscle relaxation exercises

Starting from the very tips of your toes, gradually bend and release all of your muscle groups 1 at a time. Breathe in as you tense your muscles for 5 seconds, then relax your body.    2    . Continue to release each muscle group until upwards towards your neck.

Escape into your imagination instead of focusing on sleeping

    3    Take your mind off of sleeping and think about something relaxing. You can build your perfect house or room in your mind. Or picture a calm setting, and try to vividly imagine its soothing sights, sounds, and smells. Or invent a peaceful story; just don’t imagine an exciting adventure.


Keep your room cool, clean, dark, and quiet. Sleeping in an uncomfortable area is not a good or relaxing way to sleep, so clean your room and change your sheets regularly. A heavy curtain also helps.

Follow a healthy sleep routine

Stick to a routine so your body knows when it’s time to sleep. If you go to bed at different times every day, your body won’t know when it’s supposed to fall asleep.    5    . Healthy sleep habits include avoiding heavy meals before bed, doing something relaxing before bed, and avoiding caffeine in the evening.

A.Keep your room clean and sleep-friendly
B.Trying to force yourself to sleep can make you restless
C.Relax for 10 seconds, then tense and relax your ankles
D.You might be tired, but that will help you fall asleep faster
E.Try reading, taking a hot bath, or listening to smooth music
F.Train yourself to fall asleep by following a set routine and practicing healthy sleep habits
G.Fortunately, there are ways to help fall asleep fast and improve your sleep quality as well
2023-06-01更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】There have been several incidents at some events in recent years where people died because of unsafe crowd conditions and stampedes. This may leave some people thinking there’s little you can do to survive a stampede. Indeed, it’s a frightening situation to be in and circumstances may make it impossible to escape.     1    .

Have a plan before you need one.

The key to staying safe in a crowd begins as soon as you arrive at the location     2    . It’s a piece of common-sense advice that you should apply not just at big events, but even when entering almost any room.

Go with the flow.

If there’s a sudden panic and crowds begin to push in a certain direction, you may fight back and push the opposite way.     3     . If you go against the flow, you increase your chances of getting tripped and knocked down.

Angle your way out.

    4    , it’s best to move in a diagonal (对角线的) direction. The goal is to get to the edge of the stampede where it’s less likely that you’ll end up stuck at a chokepoint, like a doorway.

Find somewhere to protect yourself.

Another potential way to handle the situation is to protect yourself and allow the crowd to move past you. Look for a solid structure to stand behind such as a pillar (柱子) or a wall. Other places to duck: behind a car or even a lamppost.

    5    .

In many stampede events, people die from asphyxiation (窒息). But a possible way to avoid this is to place your arms in front of you, almost in a boxer-like stance (站立姿势). That could give you some very valuable breathing room — literally.

A.As you move forward with the crowd
B.Don’t move straight
C.But that could be a big mistake
D.But it’s surprisingly effective and possibly life-saving
E.Give yourself some breathing room
F.Namely, you should take note of where the nearest exits are
G.But there are some ways that could help you avoid a potentially deadly outcome
2023-07-18更新 | 81次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般