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题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.94 引用次数:42 题号:22952623
Fill in the blanks with the proper expressions given below. Change the form when necessary.
current tend display fit constitute
suspend peculiar practice odd
1. If you exceed your credit limit, we have the right to ________ or cancel your account.
2. We work-long hours and rush around trying to ________ in domestic chores.
3. Pandas, ________ to China, are treasured and loved by people all over the world.
4. The garden deserted for years was taken over and well ________.
5. The block becomes magnetic when the ________ is switched on.
6. The background music to this film is completely at ________ with the storyline.
7. Perseverance, endurance and endeavor ________ one’s fulfillment.
8. The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and ________.
9. A joyful festive atmosphere is accompanied by a breathtaking ________ of fireworks.


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 容易 (0.94)
due to, die out, make progress, become aware of, on average,
under pressure, recover from, be concerned about
1. As a result, these endangered animals may even ________.
2. When we are ________ , we tend to desire sugary and fatty foods.
3. It was a long time before she________the operation.
4. People take part in eco­friendly activities because they ________the health of the environment.
5. The little boy has ________ recently, which made his parents glad.
6. This experience made us ________ the importance of helping others.
7. ________, a person wastes between 95 and 115 kilograms of food.
8. It was ________lack of money that their marriage broke up.
2023-03-19更新 | 55次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 容易 (0.94)
1. ________ (Judged/Judging) from he number of seats, a lot of people were present at the meeting.
2. It is a valuable vase ________ (dating/dated) back nearly 500 years.
3. A thing ________ (weighed/weighing) 100 kg on earth would weigh just 38 kg on Mars.
4. ________ (Following/To follow) William's example, his two sons have also joined them to protect the Great Wall.
5. Time ________ (permits/permitting), we can have a walk along the river after supper.
6. While waiting for the opportunity to get ________ (to promote/promoted), Henry did his best to perform his duty.
7. I found there was an ________ (amazing/amazed) picture on the wall.
8. From his ________ (confusing/confused) look, I can say this is a situation for him.
9. Ordinary soap, ________ (using/used) correctly, can get rid of bacteria effectively.
10. When expressing my opinion in English, I tried my best to make myself ________ (understand/understood).
11. Completely ________ (examined/having examined) by the doctor, he went back to school right away.
12. My bag ________ (filling/filled) with textbooks was left on the bus.
13. The giant panda, also ________ (knowing/known) as panda bear, is native to China.
14. Please have your luggage ________ (check/checked) an hour before your plane leaves.
15. The old man's words were ________, which made many people ________ (encouraged/encouraging).
2024-01-08更新 | 20次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 容易 (0.94)
not to mention       do wonders       pull up       fall on       set off       in response to
pass down       stick with       in honor of       be rooted in       over the long term
1. Hearing a strange noise while driving, I ______ and stepped out to figure out what was going on.
2. ______ customers’ growing needs, the company introduced a new line of recyclable goods.
3. Language learning should ______ real and meaningful situations.
4. Many countries in the world enjoy the tradition of ______ fireworks on special times.
5. The project will bring us a great number of benefits ______.
6. The picnic was a pleasant experience, with everyone enjoying the sunny weather and delicious food, ______ the laughter of good friends.
7. ______ Zhang Guimei’s devotion to education, a special ceremony was held to recognize what she had done for countless students.
8. Regular workout ______ for teenagers’ physical and mental health.
9. The Mid-autumn Festival which ______ the 15th day of the 8th lunar month is an occasion for admiring the full moon and enjoying moon cakes.
10. Although they offered more attractive options, I decided to ______ my original plan.
2024-01-28更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般