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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:21 题号:22955799

The art of keeping a diary isn’t something new.     1     People keep diaries because they feel that there is something important enough in their lives to keep track of. However, one’s definition may differ from another’s point of view. Although many diaries are for personal satisfaction, others use it for business purposes, in order to keep a historical record for generations.     2    

1. To record and recall events and issues

    3     The diary can be a valuable tool to determine many things about past situations and events. You can look at recorded history as a mixture of diaries recorded by historians. Past records are all that we have to go on when we want to know history. If they are incorrect, the results can be deadly.

2. To honestly express your own thoughts and feelings

Many people are reflective and like to reflect on past situations and events. Recording thoughts and feelings will help others to understand why you do what you do along with past experiences which may have been either pleasant or unpleasant.

3. To have better self-reflection

This is similar to meditation (沉思). You reflect on past mistakes in order to avoid repeating them in the future.     4     I often reflect on the mistakes that I have made when dealing with circumstances, situations, and people. Sometimes people see diaries as an honest written self-assessment of situations which you may have been involved in, problems that you came across, and the steps that you took to solve them. It is often used in the workplace so that the incoming replacement will have an excellent idea of what to expect during performance of the job.

4. To increase vocabulary and improve writing skills

The only way to become more expert at performing a task is by doing it. Practice makes perfect and keeping a diary will help you to improve your communication and writing skills.     5    

A.There are many different types of diaries.
B.The more you write, the better you become at writing.
C.This is probably the primary reason that diaries are kept.
D.I have found this type of reflection to be helpful in my personal life.
E.Below is a list of reasons that people may choose to keep a diary.
F.There are many who choose to create and use diaries for various reasons.
G.It often helps when we communicate our feelings and problems to others.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Simple Ways to Lead by Example

One of the best ways to build trust with the team is to lead by example. People truly follow only those they trust. Here are ways to lead by example and inspire your team.

Get your hands dirty.     1     You don't have to be the most advanced technician on the team, but you must have an in-depth understanding of your industry and your business. Leaders have many responsibilities, but it is important to work alongside your team. This is a great way to build trust and continue to develop your own knowledge and skills.

    2     Actions do speak louder than words, but words can have a direct impact on morale (士气), for better or for worse. Be mindful of what you say, to whom, and who is listening. Leaders should always show support for all team members. However, if someone needs extra guidance, provide it behind closed doors.

Listen to the team. As leaders, sometimes we are so consumed with providing directives, giving orders, and, well, talking that we forget to stop and listen. If the team is functioning well, you should have a whole team of experts to turn to for advice. One sign of good leadership is knowing that you don't know everything.     3    

Take responsibility. As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top. Blame roles uphill. Great leaders know when to accept that mistakes have been made and take it upon themselves to fix them.     4     If you are the leader, you need to take responsibility.

Let the team do their thing.     5     What they need to do is communicate the mission, vision, values, and goals. Then, they should step back and let the team innovate (创新). Setting this example for the team will encourage your other leaders to do the same.

A.Watch what you say.
B.Respect the chain of orders.
C.Do the work and know your trade.
D.Leaders needn't attend to everything personally.
E.Leaders should get in shape and lead from the front.
F.Leaders should get feedback from your team regularly.
G.It doesn't matter if one of your team members messed up or you did.
2022-05-25更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Are you stressed out, scared or worried all the time? Do you avoid going to certain places, seeing friends or doing certain things because of your worries? Do your worries keep you awake at night?     1    

Anxiety is a normal and necessary part of life. Anxiety is your brain’s way of telling you about danger. It is anxiety that helps you jump out of the way if a car is speeding towards you. But if it gets out of hand, anxiety can get in the way of you getting on with life and can become a real problem.     2    

Anxiety is a normal part of life.     3     There are lots of reasons for this. One main reason is after stressful thing which has happened in your life. So if you are involved in a car crash, it’s quite likely that you will be more worried than other people around cars and driving.

    4     If your parents suffer from anxiety, then you are more likely to be anxious too. This is probably partly due to genetics, and partly because of how things are when you’re growing up.

Even though people don’t talk about it much, anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems. About 1 in 4 people will have an anxiety problem at some time in their life.

If you have an anxiety problem, it’s hard for other people to understand why something that doesn’t worry them, like being in a crowd of people, can be so scary for you. This can make you feel separated and lonely, as way become worse and worse.

    5     These include talking therapies (疗法) and drugs.

A.Being anxious also probably runs in families.
B.If you’ve answered yes, you may be suffering from anxiety.
C.Those suffering from anxiety need others’ understanding badly.
D.Almost everybody has a certain degree of anxiety in certain situations.
E.The good news is there are lots of excellent treatments available for anxiety.
F.If this is the case for you, treatment may be a helpful way for you to get your anxiety under control.
G.Some people may feel uneasy if moving to a new place and some may get overly anxious in certain situation.
2022-05-13更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I am lucky enough to have two pairs of grandparents. Both couples have been together for over 50 years and they seem to know a thing or two about relationships. I’ve asked my grandparents to share their secrets and combined their answers into this list. Read on to learn about the things you should do to have a happy family.

    1     This doesn’t have to mean all the time. Forcing everyone in the family to drop all of their things and go to the dining room twice a day is nonsense. If you can, have dinner together every evening. If a daily dinner doesn’t work for everyone, try it at least twice a week.

Have some time for yourself. Spending time with your family is great, but having time for yourself is also very important. Enjoying some alone time doesn’t make you a bad parent or spouse.     2     Realizing and respecting that is the key to a happy family.

Have traditions.     3     Maybe that means eating pancakes every Sunday morning or celebrating your birthday in a special place. One of the greatest family traditions is to celebrate big holidays together.

Say nice things. Feeling appreciated is one of the most important things in a happy family. All of the family members should say how much they appreciate each other, and how grateful they are for everything they do for each other.     4     Hugs and kisses also do a great job.

Travel. Seeing new things, visiting new places, and experiencing new emotions bring people closer together. Try to go on a big trip at least once a year.     5     Go to your lake house for a weekend, or go camping for a couple of days.

A.Eat together.
B.Everyone needs it.
C.Learn something new together.
D.If you can, go on some small trips once in a while, too.
E.Creating your own family traditions is an amazing thing to do.
F.Those easy words of appreciation can make a family much stronger.
G.Parents can surprise their children with an unexpected trip to a theme park.
2023-03-14更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般