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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:182 题号:3370682
Kids are cool to wear blue jeans and T-shirts today.It is fashionable like that.Fashion refers to the styles of dress that are currently popular.Fashion goes beyond just clothes, though.It’s important for some people to wear only the latest fashions and styles.For others, though, keeping up with trends isn’t that important.The one thing that stays the same with fashion is this: it always changes!
During the 1960s and 1970s, hippies made bell-bottomed blue jeans(喇叭裤)popular.Also, in the 1980s, Michael Jackson made parachute pants(降落伞裤)all the fashion.Now try to find these items in today’s clothing stores!
Do you know why fashions change? The answer is probably as simple as the fact that people change.Over time, the new replaces the old.People are influenced greatly by popular culture, including athletes, musicians, movies stars, as well as popular films, television shows, books and music.We are also influenced by the fashion industry’s advertising.
The stars of popular culture are always searching for a new angle to maintain(保持)their popularity.Often these new angles come in the form of new clothing or hairstyles.When people see these new styles, they often want to imitate their favorite stars.To do so, they seek out the latest fashions to make themselves look like the people they want to imitate.In this way, fashions evolve and change over time.
Clothes have been used to separate people into groups for many years.Even today, brand-name, clothing that is more expensive than other types of clothing can be used by some people to distinguish themselves from others.
Unfortunately, this can often have the effect of distancing certain groups from others.Don’t forget that it’s always OK to develop your own sense of style that is unique and separate from what the fashion world determines! Stay true to yourself and let your personality—not your clothes—speak for who you are!
1. What does the example of bell-bottomed blue jeans and parachute pants in Paragraph 2 suggest?
A.Michael Jackson is a good designer.
B.Stars are always influential.
C.People have different dressing styles.
D.Fashion always changes.
2. What causes the changes of fashions?
A.Advertisements change rapidly.
B.Movie stars are changing over time.
C.Popular culture influences people.
D.New films and shows replace the old.
3. What does the author mainly want to stress in the last paragraph?
A.The importance of having one’s own personality.
B.The bad effects of following fashion.
C.The good influences of popular styles.
D.The advantages of staying unique.
4. We can learn from the text that_____________.
A.fashion is all about clothes
B.clothes may separate and distance people
C.the author has gone out of fashion
D.people like imitating others’ dressing style
【知识点】 服饰穿戴 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Looking at Rosa Ferrigno's new suit, you could swear it was knitted(织) with regular yarn(毛线).It’s only when you touch it and hear the characteristic rustling(沙沙声 )of plastic that you realize there's something special about it.In fact, the suit is made out of over 300 plastic grocery bags.

Ferrigno, who once worked as a tailor before starting a family, got the idea for her unique hand-made suit last August.She was at a family picnic and saw on of the other guests carrying a purse made from re-purposed plastic bags.It attracted her, so she and her daughter searched for instructions on how to make one on You Tube.The 75 -year-old ended up making a purse from colorful plastic bags.But that was only the beginning.After finishing her second plastic bag purse, Ferrigno realized she needed something to match it with, so last November she told her daughter she was going to make a skirt and jacket suit out of plastic bags, as a winter project.

Rosa started by cutting up the plastic bags into strips(A.)and then tying them together to make longer, yarn- like strips that could be knitted.But to knit the plastic yarn, she needed that didn't exist on the market so she made them on her own.

The suit took Rosa two months to complete.The jacket was made out of 170 plastic bags, and the skirt required another 140.Although she didn’t even use a pattern when knitting the impressive suit, it ended up fitting her perfectly, and when she finally showed it off at the supermarket earlier this month, everyone went crazy.

“We love it when our customers reuse or recycle grocery bags, but never have we seen a work of art like Rosa's! It's really fantastic "Jo Natale, the supermarket chains vice president of media relations, said.

1. What makes Rosa Ferrigno,s new suit special?
A.Its unique way of knitting.B.Its unusual knitting material.
C.Its being knitted by an old lady.D.Its being able to sing when touched
2. How did Rosa learn to make purses out of plastic bags?
A.By modelling a guest.B.By consulting her daughter.
C.By watching You Tube videos.D.By asking a tailor for instructions.
3. What do Jo Natale's words in the last paragraph suggest?
A.She thinks highly of Rosa’s behavior.
B.Rosa's work of art will become popular.
C.The potential of grocery bags needs further developing.
D.She thinks all customers should follow Rosa’s footsteps.
4. What can be inferred about Rosa from the text?
A.She is quite able and patient.
B.She is good at matching clothes.
C.She   does nothing without careful planning.
D.She likes showing off her knitting
2019-09-23更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I've been teaching college for many years, long enough to note the steady relaxation of attention in matters of students' dress. I've long grown used to the tom jeans, shorts in the dead of the Maine winter, and ball caps worn backward. Still, I note recently when one of my students showed up in sleep bottoms. I'm familiar with the school of thought that says students dress is relevant, so long as they're learning. But I also wonder about the wisdom of blurring the line between bed and desk.

I smile when I think back on the occasions that my parents associated with needing to look presentable. Once, when I was 14 and my brother 12, my father announced that he was taking us into Manhattan (just a subway ride away) to see the film “2001: A Space Odyssey. My brother and 1 were excited by the prospect, but were momentarily deflated when my father directed us to put on our best clothes, including jackets and ties. " But why?” I begged, not wanting to change out of my comfortable jeans, T-shirt and sneaker.

“Because," he said, "we're going to New York.”

I can still see the stars in his eyes as he said these words.

So yes, I am all for the freedom of choice in matters of dress, and yes, I do want my students to be comfortable. But I also want to pay my respects to those students who believe that appearances count.

I think of the woman—a somewhat older student—I had in class a few years back. She was someone to whom science did not come easily: She worked doggedly for respectable grades on every assignment. But I was struck by how tastefully she dressed, day after day. When the course ended, I took a moment to mention this to her. "You always look so nice,” I remarked, “As if you were ready to take on the world.”

She answered, as if it were self-evident, “I've waited 12 years to return to school, and I dress up to remind myself to be serious about it.”

And, I might add, she seemed perfectly comfortable to me.

1. What kind of feeling is expressed in paragraph 1?
2. What do we know about the author's father?
A.He valued a sense of ceremony in life.B.He likes wearing comfortable clothes.
C.He always thought highly of himself.D.He was a regular movie-goer.
3. Why did the woman earn the author's respect?
A.She achieved high grades easily.B.She showed great talent for science.
C.She was very particular about her clothesD.She pursued knowledge at an old age.
4. What message does the author want to convey in the text?
A.You are what you wear.B.Never judge by appearance.
C.You are never too old to learn.D.Treat each day like a special occasion.
2021-03-27更新 | 64次组卷
阅读理解-六选四(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Directions : Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

First Impressions Count

Traditionally uniforms were—and for some industries still are -- manufactured to protect the worker. When they were first designed, it is also likely that all uniforms made symbolic sense—those for the military, for example, were originally intended to impress and even terrify the enemy; other uniforms denoted a hierarchy.

    1     Particularly in “customer facing” industries, and especially in financial services and retailing. From uniforms and workwear has emerged “corporate clothing”. “The people you employ are your ambassadors,” says Peter Griffin, managing director of a major retailer in the UK. “What they say, how they look, and how they behave is terribly important. ” The result is a new way of looking at corporate workwear. From being a simple means of identifying who is a member of the staff, the uniform is emerging as a new channel of marketing communication.

    2     Wittingly or unwittingly, how we look sends all sorts of powerful subliminal messages to other people. Dark colors give an aura of authority while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability. Certain dress style creates a sense of conservatism, others a sense of openness to new ideas. Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is overdone, it can spill over and indicate an obsession with power.

    3     On the one hand, no uniform will work if the staff feel uncomfortable or ugly. Giving the wearers a choice has become a key element in the way corporate clothing is introduced and managed. On the other, it is pointless if the look doesn’t express the business’s marketing strategy. The greatest challenge in this respect is time. When it comes to human perceptions,first impressions count. Customers will size up the way the staff look in just a few seconds» and that few seconds will color their attitudes from then on. Those few seconds can be so important that big companies are prepared to invest years, and millions of pounds, getting them right.

    4     Some banks have yet to introduce a full corporate look; police forces are researching a complete new look for the 21st century. And many employees now welcome a company wardrobe. A recent survey of the staff found that 90 percent welcomed having clothing which reflected the corporate identity.

A.Chefs wore white because they work with flour, but the main chef wore a black hat to show he supervised.
B.Huge investments have been made in new systems, information technology and amassing quality assurance accreditations.
C.A successful uniform needs to balance two key sets of needs.
D.Truly effective marketing through visual cues such as uniforms is a subtle art, however.
E.Corporate clothing does have potential for further growth.
F.The last 30 years, however, have seen an increasing emphasis on their role in protecting the image of an organization and in uniting the workforce into a homogeneous unit.
2019-11-23更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般