组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 语法 > 词法 > 形容词、副词 > 副词 > 副词的功用 > 副词作状语
题型:改错-单句改错 难度:0.65 引用次数:520 题号:4448296
1. Not until I began to work didn’t I realize how much time I had wasted.
2. Only by practicing a few hours every day you will be able to master the language.
3. No sooner had I got to the station then the train left.
4. Were he to leave today, he will get there by Sunday.
5. So frightening was he in the darkness that he didn’t dare to move an inch.
6. I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. If your wife do, so will mine.
7. Only after I read the text over again I know its main idea.
8. Not until he arrived at home did he find that this wallet had been stolen.
9. Was I you, I would accept the invitation and go to the party.
10. Not only did he made a promise, but he also kept it.
2016高二·全国·课时练习 查看更多[2]


改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;     2.只允许修改十处,多者不计分。
1. I woke up early and rush out of the door.
2. I was looking at the photoes on the noticeboard.
3. What true these words were!
4. I was surpring to see the same man.
5. Please come to the front and introduce you.
6. I breathe deep.
7. I want to apply to a job.
8. I tried to turn down my brain but the engine just wouldn’t start.
9. I’m look forward hearing from you.
10. Although they can take up a lot of time, but we can learn more skills.
2020-10-25更新 | 127次组卷
改错-短文改错 | 适中 (0.65)

One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He like it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop . After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop. Five minutes later, Tony saw parents. Mum said , “ How nice to see you again! Dad and I were terrible worried.” Tony promised her that this would never happen again.

2019-09-01更新 | 257次组卷
改错-单句改错 | 适中 (0.65)
1. I’d like to drink a glass of cool boiling water.
2. His interest in the subject gradual decreases.
3. Under no circumstance shall I mention the secret to anyone.
4. You will be able to fix the problem before your home catches a fire.
5. He succeeded in persuade Jack to give up his previous plan.
2021-10-21更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般