组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:186 题号:4891113

My name is Jake. I’m brown, and rather short, standing just a little past my master’s knees. My friend Andy once took me to a dog show. I’ve never seen so many different-looking dogs in my life! They all looked pretty and handsome, and their masters were very proud of them when they jumped and ran across so many barriers at that dog show. Andy promised that he’d let me join a dog show, too, if the organizers opened a division for my “breed”.

   While I was watching that show, I remembered my friends at the pound(走失猫狗的待领处), where I spent two long weeks. We were kept in cages, and although we were well-fed, every day during those two weeks, I hoped to have someone touch my head and play with me.

   You could just imagine how glad I was when, one day, Andy came in with his dad and pointed in my direction. I stood up on my hind legs and did a little jig (一种快步舞), and then I wagged my tail and tried to chase it. The father and his son kept laughing at what I was trying to do, and in a few minutes, I was riding on their car on the way to my new home. I was Mr. Archer’s gift for Andy’s eighth birthday. I heard him shout that I was the best gift ever!

   My favorite amusement is hanging my tongue out of the car window and letting the wind blow on my face. I just love long drives! It is during these times that I think of all my friends whom I left behind at the dog pound. I hope that soon, little boys or girls would also pick them and give them new homes, so they would be able to enjoy walks in the park and trips to the beach, as I do now.

1. Why didn’t Jake join the dog show?
A.Because he wasn’t handsome enough.
B.Because his “breed” was not included.
C.Because Andy didn’t allow him to join in.
D.Because he couldn’t jump and run across barriers.
2. What can we learn about Jake when he was at the pound?
A.He couldn’t get enough food.B.He couldn’t enjoy full freedom.
C.He had to stand all the time.D.He was satisfied with his life.
3. Why did Mr. Archer come to the pound that day?
A.To donate some food.B.To volunteer at the pound
C.To find his son a gift.D.To spend his holiday
4. According to the last paragraph, what wish does Jake have?
A.Having more long drives with Andy.
B.Meeting his friends at the pound again.
C.More boys and girls coming to play with him.
D.His friends at the pound being adopted.
5. What did Jake feel after it got a new home?
【知识点】 其他人


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A British family was on holiday in a rented motor home in the USA. Traveling through California, they visited the Magic Mountain-Amusement Park. In the mid-afternoon, halfway through what was turning out to be a most enjoyable day at the park, the family came upon a particularly steep ride. In the line, the ride attendants(服务员) strongly warned everyone about the risks of losing hats, glasses, coins and keys, etc., and these warnings were repeated by large signs around the ride. During the ride, their keys’ fate was just as the warnings repeated.

However, the fact was that there were no spare keys. One park attendant drove the family back to the motor home, suggesting the least damaging ways to break into it. Fortunately, a window had been left slightly open, enabling the middle son to be put in and to open the doors from the inside. What was even more fortunate was that the attendant made the engine fire without the key.

The next day the father called a local locksmith(锁匠) to see what could be done. “I might be able to make new keys from the locks if you bring the vehicle to me.” said the locksmith. So the family drove to the locksmith, whose business was in a small shopping centre in the countryside. The locksmith looked at the motor home, and said he would try. In fact, the job took the locksmith most of the day and he put away all his present work. The family hung around the locksmith’s, visited the shops again, and generally spent a day at the little shopping centre.

In the late afternoon the locksmith said that he had nearly done. When the father entered the locksmith’s shop, the locksmith was smiling. He put two new shining keys on the counter. Although the day was not included in their plan, the family really appreciated all the help and kindness they received from the people.

1. What happened to the family in the amusement park?
A.One of the kids fell from the ride.B.They were hit by a warning sign.
C.Their rented vehicle broke down.D.They encountered the loss of keys.
2. What did the park attendant do for the family?
A.He started the vehicle.B.He found a spare key.
C.He opened the car door.D.He contacted a locksmith.
3. What can we know from Paragraph 3?
A.It was difficult to make the new keys.B.The locksmith had a large workplace.
C.The family was refused by the locksmith.D.The family had a happy day in the city.
4. What did the family think of the people they met?
2022-04-29更新 | 283次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Martha had been working for Miller Laboratories for two years, but she was not happy there. Nothing significant had happened in the way of promotions or salary increases. Martha felt that her supervisor, a younger and less experienced person than she, did not like her. In fact, the supervisor often said unpleasant things to her.

One day, while talking with her friend Maria, she mentioned how discouraged she was. Maria gave her the name of a cousin of hers who was director of Human Resources Department for a large chemical company. Martha called him the next day and set up an interview on her lunch hour.

During the interview, Mr. Petri said, “You’re just the kind of person we need here. You’ve being wasted in your other job. Give me a call in a day or two. I’m sure we can find a place for you in our organization.” Martha was so happy that she almost danced out of the building.

That afternoon, Ruth Kenny, her supervisor, saw that Martha had come in ten minutes late from her lunch hour and she said, “Oh, so you finally decided to come back to work today?”

This was the last straw. She could not take another insult. Besides, Mr. Petri was right: she was being wasted in this job.

“Look,” she said angrily, “if you don’t like the way I work, I don’t need to stay here. I’ll go where I’m appreciated! Goodbye!” She took up her things and stormed out of the office.

That night she called Maria and told her what had happened and then asked Maria, “What do you think?”

“Well,” said Maria carefully, “are you sure about the other job?”

“Well, not exactly, but...”

Maria continued, “Will you be able to get a recommendation from Ms. Kenny if you need one?”

“A recommendation?…from Ms. Kenny?” hesitated Martha, in a worried tone.

“Martha, I hope you didn’t burn your bridges,” Maria said. “I think I would have handled it differently."

1. Martha is unhappy in her job because _____.
A.she has not been promotedB.the work is not significant
C.her supervisor is younger than sheD.there is too much work with little payment
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.At her supervisor’s criticism, Martha lost her temper.
B.Mr. Petri felt Martha was not valued in her present job.
C.Martha’s interview with the director was on her lunch hour.
D.Martha got the name of the director through her cousin.
3. The phrase “the last straw” in the middle of the passage probably refers to _____.
A.the last opportunityB.the straw that saves Martha’s life
C.the last reminderD.the final unpleasant thing
4. What does Maria think of Martha’s decision?
A.Martha has handled the matter properly.
B.Martha shouldn’t have set the bridge on fire.
C.Martha should have found a new job before leaving.
D.Martha shouldn’t have lost her temper with her supervisor.
2016-11-26更新 | 434次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】I must have been about fourteen then, and I put away the incident from my mind with the easy carelessness of youth.But the words, which Carl Walter spoke that day, came back to me years later, and ever since have been of great value to me.
Carl Waller was my piano teacher.During one of my lessons he asked how much practice I was doing.I said three or four hours a day.
"Do you often practice so long at a time?" asked my teacher.
"I try to," I answered.
Well, don' t," he said. “When you grow up, time won' t come in long periods.Practice in minutes whenever you can find them, five or ten before school, after lunch, or between household tasks.Spread the practice through the day, and piano-playing will become a part of your life."
When I was teaching at Columbia, I wanted to write, but class periods, theme-reading and committee meetings filled my days and evenings.For two years I got practically nothing down on paper, and my excuse was that I had no time.Then I remembered what Carl Walter had said.
During the next week I conducted an experiment.Whenever I had five minutes to spare, I would sit down and write a hundred words or so.To my astonishment, at the end of the week I had a rather large manuscript (手稿) ready for revision, later on I wrote novels by the same means.
Though my teaching schedule had become heavier than ever, every day there were free moments which could be caught and put to use.I even took up piano-playing again, finding that the small intervals of the day provided enough time for both writing and piano practice.
There is an important trick in this time-using formula; you must get into your work quickly.If you have only five minutes for writing, you can't afford to waste four minutes chewing your pencil.You must make your mental preparations ahead of time, and focus on your task almost immediately when the time comes.Fortunately, rapid concentration is easier than most of us realize.
I admit I have never learnt how to let go easily at the end of the five or ten minutes.But life can be _____ to supply interruptions (中断时间).Carl Walter has had a great influence on my life.To him, I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I begin without delay.
1. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A.Concentrate on Your WorkB.A Little at a Time
C.How I Became a WriterD.My Teacher' s Advice
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A.The writer owes great thanks to his teacher for teaching him to work in long periods.
B.Carl Walter has had a great influence on the writer' s life since he became a student.
C.The writer didn't take the teacher' s words to heart at first.
D.Rapid concentration is actually more difficult than most people imagine.
3. The underlined part "counted on" in the last paragraph can be replaced by "____".
4. We can infer from the passage that the author ____.
A.has new books published each year however busy his teaching is
B.is always tired of interruptions in life because his teaching schedule is always heavy
C.has got into the bad habit of chewing a pencil while writing his novels
D.is devoted to work immediately because he can find enough time for preparations
2016-12-12更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般