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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:59 题号:5537176

More companies and recyclers are taking steps to ensure that old electronic devices such as TVs and computers aren’t sent to poor countries.

The Basel Action Network, a Seattle-based non-profit that largely exposed the overseas discarding (丢弃) of US electronic waste, on Thursday launched a programme to use third-party employees to certify (证实) recyclers who don’t export dangerous electronic waste.

The so-called e-Steward recyclers will also agree not to discard the waste in US landfills and agree to meet other criteria. The certification is intended to provide companies and consumers with some assurance that the waste, which can include toxins (毒素) such as lead and mercury, is disposed of safely.

The Government Accountability Office, in a 2008 report, declared that US electronic waste was often disposed of unsafely in such countries as India. There, workers recycle gold, silver and copper from the waste, often in open-air acid baths.

The Basel Network also says it won assurances from 13 organizations, including Samsung, Bank of America, Wells Far-go, that they’ll use e-Steward recyclers whenever possible. Wells Fargo had already been using recyclers who declared not to export. So far, Basel has certified three recyclers and seven sites.

Before e-stewards, even, companies that wanted to avoid export of electronic waste had to “hope for the best”, when, they handed their waste to recyclers, says Robert Houghton, president of Ohio-based recycler Redemtech. It is an e-Steward that counts major companies among its customers. “Now, they can get some proof,” Houghton says.

Basel’s standards compete with another set launched in January. It was made by industry and backed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

That standard, called R-2, doesn’t ban the export of dangerous electronic waste but requires that it be handled safely. Instead of a ban, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries says, efforts should be made to help poor countries develop safe recycling.

1. How were most electronic wastes dealt with before?
A.They were thrown into US landfills.
B.They were buried in the desert m die US.
C.They were exported to poor countries.
D.They were reused by families in poor countries.
2. E-Steward recyclers, main job is probably to ________.
A.prevent old devices from open-air acid baths
B.dispose of electronic waste safely
C.collect more electronic waste for profits
D.assure America’s leading rule in the electronic market
3. People in India import electronic waste to ________.
A.get rid of toxinsB.learn how to make devices
C.recycle valuable metalsD.make cheaper products
4. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.how to deal with old electronic products
B.the development of recycling in the world
C.how to fight against electronic pollution
D.safer treatment of electronic waste
【知识点】 环境保护


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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了Anna Sacks的个人生活故事。她曾在纽约一家银行工作,虽然生活幸福但感觉缺乏重要性。她参加了农业项目Adamah,学习可持续生活和种植可持续食物,这改变了她的生活目标和技能,同时她开始关注消费文化带来的损害,并通过拣选垃圾来展示这个问题。她希望引起人们对于过度购买和浪费的关注,从而引发改变。

【推荐1】Working at a bank in New York City in the mid-2010s, Anna Sacks was not living the life she wanted. Sure, she was happy. But she wanted to do something that felt important.

Some people seeking meaning might read a self-help book or perhaps volunteer a few hours a week. Sacks packed up her life and moved to Connecticut to participate in Adamah, a farming program that focuses on sustainable living and growing sustainable food. When she returned to New York, her life was with a new purpose and many new skills to make her dreams a reality.

“One of the things that really stuck with me from Adamah was how little waste they produced and how they handled the waste they did have, primarily through composting (堆肥),” she says. The Adamah program opened Sacks’ eyes to the damage consumer culture is doing on a local, national, and global level, and the need to find solutions. So in 2017, she began what she calls “trash walking”.

During tours around her community, Sacks picks through garbage to look for reusable items. Soon, her “trash walking” expanded to include corporate trash along with residential trash. Surprisingly, she discovered a wide range of really great stuff-like clothing, decorations, and food -all of which she documents on TikTok.

Under the name The Trash Walker, Sacks quickly gained popularity for her videos that highlight the problems with consumerism. “The root issue is overproduction, which leads to overconsumption, which leads to a large amount of waste,” she says.

The fact is, companies often choose to trash items rather than give them away to people who might need them. A big reason for this waste is the way our current tax laws are structured, Sacks says. Sellers who destroy goods can claim the cost as a loss on their taxes and be refunded. If they give away goods, they can claim only a small amount as a charitable reduction on their taxes.

Sacks’ main focus is simply getting people to pay attention to how many unnecessary things they buy and then throw away. “Once you become aware of the way you consume, you can see ways you improve, ”she says.

1. Why did Anna Sacks leave New York?
A.To learn how to grow food.B.To pursue a more meaningful life.
C.To realize her dream as a volunteer.D.To accept the invitation from a program.
2. What impressed Anna Sacks most about the Adamah program?
A.The significance of trash walking.B.The hard truth of consumer culture.
C.The sustainable food people produced.D.The way people there dealt with the waste.
3. What makes companies prefer to throw out goods as trash?
A.The tax refund.B.The tax reduction.
C.The overproduction.D.The poor quality of goods.
4. What can we learn from Anna Sacks’ story?
A.Consumer culture accounts for wasting.B.Corporate trash outweighs residential trash.
C.Turning to farming leads to sustainable living.D.Trash walking is the key to becoming wealthy.
2024-02-29更新 | 242次组卷
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【推荐2】The Atlanta-based Coca-Cola company is cooperating with a Danish company to create a 100% recyclable soda bottle.

Plastic is one of the biggest polluters in our environment. And Coca-Cola was named the world's number one plastic polluter in 2020. It is the most frequently littered plastic bottle in 51 out of 55 countries!

While plastic is incredibly useful, it is also unfamiliar to Earth. The bacteria in the soil cannot degrade (降解) plastic back into carbon dioxide and water, because it cannot recognize the molecules (分子) in plastic. This is not the only issue. When plastic eventually does degrade, thanks to the sun, it releases greenhouse gas emissions and harmful chemicals into the environment, only worsening the climate issues already present.

Coca-Cola has finally responded to growing concerns, one of which is to replace the plastic bottle with a paper bottle.

Creating a paper bottle is challenging. The paper bottle must still follow the same safety standards as the plastic bottles. Another issue is the possibility of paper flaking into the liquid.

The first paper bottle will be tested in Hungary this summer. The bottle is made of a single piece of paper-fiber-based material instead of separate parts, which would weaken the bottle. Because paper cannot come into direct contact with the drink, a water-resistant plant-based coating is inside the bottle. There is no clear solution for the paper top yet.

Even if the paper bottles are successful, it will be some time before companies use them to replace cheap and easy-to-produce plastic. Despite this, Coca-Cola's steps towards sustainability are still steps towards a brighter future.

1. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The uses of plastic.B.The trouble with plastic.
C.The degradation process of plastic.D.The difficulty in degrading plastic.
2. What do we know about the first paper bottle?
A.It has a waterproof coating.
B.Its separate parts will weaken the bottle.
C.It will go into production before next summer.
D.It is made entirely of paper-fiber-based material.
3. How does the author feel about the future of Coca-Cola's paper bottles?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Say Goodbye to Coca-Cola Bottles
B.Coca-Cola Company's Contributions
C.Plastic, a Threat to Our Environment
D.Coca-Cola May Come in Paper Bottles
2021-07-22更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章的主旨是介绍一个名为“The Elephant Project”的旨在保护和恢复世界象种群的公司。该公司由Kristian McKean创立,她目睹了泰国和美国马戏团中对待大象的不人道行为,因此决定以可爱的大象玩偶为媒介来提高人们对大象困境的认识,并支持关心受虐和受伤大象的组织。

【推荐3】The Elephant Project is a purpose-driven company which tries to protect and recover the world’s elephant population.

This all-female organization began when founder Kristian McKean saw the inhumane(不人道的)treatment of elephants in Thailand, and again back in the United States with circus animals. Determined to find a way to support elephant causes, Kristina used her product development background to design adorable, huggable elephant dolls she named Kiki and Tembo.

Children and many adults are drawn to the stuffed animals. These elephants come with fun educational materials to spread the word about the dangerous world elephants live in.

Meanwhile, the company’s mission is clear and supported by its donations to organizations that care for elephants in need. In fact, 100% of the profit from each sail of Kiki and Tembo goes to supplies and aid for abused and injured elephants through The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya and The Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. The Elephant Project also contributes to efforts to end illegal elephant hunting.

Of course, even without the notable mission of the company, these little dolls are gift able to children. Kiki, whose name means “new life”, wears a little pink outfit(套装). Meanwhile, Tembo, meaning “elephant” in Swahili, wears a green outfit.

A new release features Baby Chaba, a baby elephant named after a real baby who was rescued alongside her mother by Lek Chailert, the founder of the The Elephant Nature Park, in August 2021.The purchase comes with Baby Chaba and a book that explains her story.

The Elephant Project website shows a list of elephants that have already benefited from the company, with a bit of history about each elephant’s situation and progress. The mission has now also spread to support g the rescue and rehabilitation (修复) of big cats who like elephants and other wildlife, suffer from n humane treatment, competition for resources and loss of habitat.

1. What drove Kristian to found The Elephant Project?
A.Her deep love and empathy for the abused animals.
B.Her witness to the abused elephants in Thailand and America.
C.Her intention to protect and recover the world’s wild animals.
D.Her company’s making profit from the sail of Kiki and Tembo.
2. What do you know about Kiki and Tembo?
A.Only children show some adoration on Kiki and Tembo.
B.Kiki and Tembo was not easy to hug in when being designed.
C.Kiki and Tembo are designed only to make some money.
D.Many adults also show some interest in Kiki and Tembo.
3. Where does the profit from the sail of Kiki and Tembo go?
A.To protect the environment in the developing countries.
B.To supply and aid abused elephants in Kenya and Thailand.
C.To protect wild animals from being illegally hunted in Kenya.
D.Mainly to support the operation of The Elephant Project.
4. What might be the best title of the article?
A.An Abused Elephant was Rescued by a Company
B.Everyone should Try to Protect the Abused Elephant
C.A Company Sets out to Save Abused Elephants
D.Kiki and Tembo have Found a Way into the Market.
2023-12-18更新 | 56次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般