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题型:单词拼写 难度:0.65 引用次数:148 题号:5686533

1. Nothing makes me feel better than being in one place, a_____in a book, a conversation, or music, without thinking about problems of annoyance.
2. The night before the test I was o______ by fear and despair, not knowing whether I would pass or fail it.
3. Different measures can be taken to help relieve the current severe situation of carbon emission, r______ from using public transport instead of a private car to planting more trees to take in more carbon dioxide.
4. Although no form of matter yet discovered moves as fast as or faster than light, scientific experiments have already______ (确认)that accelerated motion causes a traveler’s time to be stretched.
5. Make the extra effort to______ (给人留下印象)the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.
【知识点】 其他


单词拼写 | 适中 (0.65)
1. The book was translated into many ____________ (译本) and sold all over the world.
2. He turned as someone ____________ (轻拍) him on the shoulder.
3. Strong ____________ (气流) can be very dangerous for swimmers.
4. He is said to be in a ____________ (稳定的) condition in hospital.
5. I didn't find his name in the   ____________ (电话簿).Do you have his phone number?
6. There are many ____________ (精力充沛的) and ambitious people.
7. Students will gain ____________ (能力;技能) in a wide range of skills.
8. He went to bed complaining of a pain in the   ____________(额头).
2019-05-30更新 | 22次组卷
单词拼写 | 适中 (0.65)
1. If a poisonous insect has b______ you, it often causes the surrounding areas of your skin to become painful and itchy.
2. Great a______ must be paid to developing education, especially in the poor areas.
3. To b______ a programme means to send it out by radio waves, so that it can be heard on the radio or seen on TV.
4. I’m afraid I have to turn down your i______ to dinner, for I will be attending an important meeting then.
5. Having been r______ not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.
6. All the competitors could breathe a sigh of relief at the ending of the ______ (激烈的) competition.
7. The orchestra will be at the Festival Hall tonight, p______ (表演) a selection of works by Russian composers.
8. People often show mercy to those who are worth f______ (原谅).
9. The changes to the book were all made with the author’s p______ (允许).
10. Many college students choose to do part-time jobs so as to gain financial i______ (独立) from their family.
2018-04-16更新 | 98次组卷
单词拼写 | 适中 (0.65)


1. The old man is very s__________. It is not easy to persuade him to follow you.
2. There are __________(分歧) among the teachers about the best way to teach English Grammar.
3. I made the _____________(相识) of him at the opening ceremony of the new shopping mall.
4. He is so __________(尽心尽力的) to his work that he has earned the respect from others.
5. We are expected to hold a positive ___________ (态度)towards life.
6. He fell down in front of all his classmates, which was so ___________. (尴尬)
7. Don't p__________ to be an expert since you don’t have much knowledge of it.
8. When the film star entered the hall, all eyes were f___________ on him.
9. According to facts in my possession,he can not possibly be g___________ of robbery..
10. To our joy, an a_____________ park is under construction in our city so that our children can enjoy themselves in it on weekends.
2017-06-28更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般