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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:6092333

Located just behind Amsterdam Central station, A1 Ponte is a popular cafe serving people on their way to and from the nearby ferry port. Not all A1 Ponte’s customers pay for their coffees, however.

A1 Ponte is one of the businesses taking part in Wasted, a project running in Amsterdam’s Noord district. It encourages households to recycle their plastics by rewarding them with discounts at local businesses.

When people sign up, they are given bags with unique QR codes, enabling the project’s organizers to give the correct credit to each household once the filled bags have been collected. For every bag of plastic, households earn one green coin.

At A1 Ponte, one coin earns users a free second coffee. Meanwhile, at Beekhoven Bikes, three coins earn users 50% off bike repairs.

Silvia Salani, who owns A1 Ponte, says there are days when only one or two customers have a coin to exchange free coffees. As well as improving her standing in the community, Salani believes being part of the project has been positive for business growth. Those who first came in with friends for free coffees usually return as paid customers.

Since Wasted was set up in early 2015 by a non-profit organization, Cities Foundation, more than 700 households have signed up. In a recent survey, 52% of users said they improved their waste disposal (处理) habits as a result of using Wasted and 23% said they reduced their plastics consumption.

Broader research shows schemes that reward people to recycle have mixed long-term results. A study shows the project caused different results. While the organizers acknowledge the long-term challenge, they believe that creating awareness can help bring positive effects. “We want to engage those who don’t usually care about recycling. At the same time, we can build a social contract between the community and business owners that goes beyond the traditional consumer relationship,” she says.

1. What’s the purpose of Wasted?
A.To promote sales in local businesses.
B.To advertise local tourist attractions.
C.To help win discounts at local stores.
D.To encourage people to recycle plastic.
2. Who can have a free second coffee at A1 Ponte?
A.The organizers of Wasted.
B.Those who have “green coins”.
C.People from nearby households.
D.People to and from the ferry port.
3. Why does Silvia favor the project?
A.It is beneficial both to her reputation and her business.
B.It has reduced the plastic consumption in her cafe.
C.It has improved her habits of dealing with waste.
D.It has helped her earn many green coins.
4. What do the organizers think of the project?
A.It is worth all the efforts.
B.The results are discouraging.
C.It won’t make much difference.
D.It’s more challenging than promising.
【知识点】 环境保护


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As an ordinary man, I have a special habit to confess. Whenever I walk down the street, I offer to pour a bottle of water from the nearby river into the dirt of a street tree. It’s just my personal habit, and I think it doesn’t make a difference, but I’d like to do it. I mention this in light of a campaign launched by the Arboricultural Association to call on the public to water new street trees.

The UK government has committed to planting millions of trees to help meet climate targets and aims to increase tree cover from 14.5% to 16.5% by 2050. However, as John Parker, chief executive of the Arboricultural Association, says, “Planting a tree is just the start of the story. The health and survival of new urban trees is threatened by increasingly dry weather. It is recommended that the newly planted trees be given about 50 litres of water per week for the first three years.” While in rural settings, the newly planted trees and woods can take care of themselves and adapt, the challenging conditions mean trees in the urban areas need a bit more care.

Long ago, I assumed that the good of street trees was to soften the hard edges of urban environments. But, what an underestimation of tree power that was! A study from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities illustrates they can provide inspiration or a calming atmosphere in an otherwise crowded city. Trees are responsible for easing urban heat island effects and air and pollutant filtration. And I think they provide the habitat for wildlife, especially birds.

Trees can’t run away. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for urban residents, city trees are stuck with us. If we want to continue enjoying all the good they do, we should try to understand their needs and do all that we can to support them. A bottle of water won’t do much, but next time you all together have a bucket of water to pour, you know what big effect will happen.

1. What does the author think of his personal habit?
A.It is of little effect.B.It is enforced.
C.It is of much significance.D.It is common.
2. What does John Parker say about urban trees?
A.They have started to be watered regularly.
B.More work needs to be done for their living.
C.They are threatened by the increasing flood.
D.The newly planted ones can’t look after themselves.
3. What can we learn about street trees from paragraph 3?
A.Their usage is overrated.
B.Their value is thought highly of by the public.
C.They benefit residents physically and mentally.
D.They can thoroughly solve environmental problems.
4. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
A.When in need, ask for it.B.Tall trees catch much wind.
C.Many hands make light work.D.Misfortunes seldom come alone.
2024-02-18更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。萤火虫遭受的威胁日益增多,其数量也随之急剧下降。为了能继续欣赏萤火虫在夏夜漫天飞舞的唯美景象,Sara Lewis为我们提供了几个实用的办法保护萤火虫。

【推荐2】Few sights fill you with nostalgia (怀旧) like the fireflies dancing at night.     1    Their populations are declining around the world as the threats against them are increasing. Sara Lewis, an expert who studies the insects, offers tips on what you can do to ensure that fireflies will continue to light up your backyard.

Create a firefly habitat

    2     With about 2, 000 different species of fireflies, there’s a wide variety of environments in which they thrive (繁衍) —including wetlands, forests, and even city parks—which is why some species are more threatened than others. “You can recreate those conditions in your own backyard simply by leaving some leaf litter around the edges of your property, “ Lewis says. ”That’s a good microhabitat for fireflies.”


Flashing lights are an important part in fireflies life. As the sun sets, male fireflies move around while flashing their lights to signal their interest. If a nearby female is interested, she flashes back from her position to the ground, and the males fly down to find her. “All of that has to happen for the next generation to survive,” says Lewis. “However, light pollution makes those scenes much harder to see. It’s like cutting a phone line. It really stops the romance.     4    You can draw your curtains shut at night and turn off the lights completely when possible.”

Stop using pesticides (杀虫剂)

Using pesticides in your yard also poses an existential threat to fireflies, which are insects after all.     5    . Scientists are researching alternatives to chemical pesticides that could target specific species, like mosquitoes, while leaving other insects unharmed.

A.Reduce light pollution
B.Make a fire in the open air
C.Luckily, there are some solutions
D.But these beloved insects are in trouble
E.The living conditions of fireflies are getting better
F.The biggest threat facing fireflies today is the loss of their habitats
G.Most of the pesticides will kill less-beloved insects as well as fireflies
2023-11-19更新 | 184次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Global animal populations are declining, and we’ve got limited time to try to fix it. That’s the outcome of a new report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which analyzed years of data on wildlife populations across the world and found a downward trend in the Earth’s biodiversity.

According to the Living Planet Index, animal populations across the world decreased by 69% between 1970 and 2018. Not all animal populations decreased, though, and some parts of the world saw more dramatic changes than others. But experts say the loss of biodiversity is a worrying sign of what’s to come for the natural world. “The message is clear and the lights are flashing red,” said WWF International Director General Marco Lambertini.

According to the report’s authors, biodiversity loss mainly results from land-use changes driven by human activities, such as infrastructure (基础设施) development, energy production and deforestation. But the report suggests that climate change — which is already causing wide-ranging effects on plant and animal species globally — could become the leading cause of biodiversity loss if rising temperatures can’t be limited to 1.5℃.

Lambertini said the crisis of biodiversity loss and climate change is already responsible for plenty of problems for humans, including less access to food and water and a rise in the spread of diseases. He said world leaders should take major steps to deal with environmental damage. They are locked in old-world thinking, with no sign of the brave action needed to achieve a nature-positive future.

WWF chief scientist Rebecca Shaw told a radio station that humans have the opportunity to change how they do things to benefit nature. “We don’t have to continue the patterns of development we have now. And we have an opportunity to change the way we produce, what we cat and how we consume food and what we waste when we consume our food,” Shaw said. “Little things that we can do every day can change the direction of animal population declines.”

1. What does the new report indicate about the animal populations?
A.The drop in animal populations began in 1970.
B.The degree of the decrease is relatively low.
C.All species on Earth have witnessed a drop in population.
D.Global animal populations are declining at an alarming speed.
2. What could become the main threatening factor of biodiversity?
A.Land-use changes.B.Deforestation.
C.The climate change.D.The high temperatures.
3. What is Lambertini’s attitude to world leaders in environmental issues?
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.How to develop economy.B.How to prevent food waste.
C.How to maintain sustainable diets.D.How to stop animal population decline.
2023-11-17更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般