组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:71 题号:7218557

People can't see you when you're speaking on the phone,but they can hear you.So,the way you speak is especially important.In fact,researchers have calculated that 80% of communication over the phone is through your tone of voice; and only 20% is from the words you use.Here are our top tips on how to speak over the phone.

1.Facial Expressions

Your facial expression can influence your voice.For example,if you smile,your voice will sound warm and friendly,just the opposite,if you have an angry look on your face,it can make you sound unpleasant.


If you speak too loudly,you could sound angry.And if you speak too softly,it'll be difficult to hear you.So,speak loudly enough to be heard clearly,but not so loud that you're shouting.


The pace of your voice is how quickly you speak.And this can show how you feel.For example,an angry person might speak faster than normal.Or a downhearted person might speak very slowly.Try speaking a little more slowly than normal.This will make you sound confident,and it'll make it easier for the other person to understand you.


Gesturing can influence the tone of your voice.When you gesture,you bring more air into the lungs,which can make your voice sound warmer.Gestures are also useful to help you stress the right words or even find the words you need.The best thing about gesturing during a phone call is that no one can see what you're doing,so you can gesture as wildly as you like!


If you're feeling nervous,stand up and move around.It will reduce the nervousness in your body and help your voice to sound more confident.

6.Pauses (停顿)

Using pauses every now and then can help you to slow down.This will make you sound more confident and in control.Also,if you pause after giving some new information,it'll give the other person time to understand it.At the same time,listen to how the other person uses pauses.They could tell you something about the speaker's feeling.For example,when a speaker is really angry,he might use pauses and says,"I…am…so…angry…"

1. How much of telephone communication is from the words you use?
2. What can people do to reduce their nervousness on the phone?
A.Gesture wildly.B.Move around.
C.Raise their voices.D.Make facial expressions.
3. How can pauses help people talk on the phone?
A.The speaker can show he is friendly.
B.The speaker can tell more information.
C.The listener will feel confident and in control.
D.The listener will have time to understand the words.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to control the speed of your speech.
B.Different good ways of talking on the phone.
C.Reasons of making gestures while talking.
D.How to improve communication among friends.
5. What is the writer's opinion about telephone talk?
A.Your voice on the phone will show what you're feeling.
B.Using too many pauses while talking will annoy others.
C.Speaking loudly makes it easier for others to understand you.
D.The words you use are more important than the way you speak.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Ways to Protect Eyes From Screens

Too much screen time may cause serious eye strain (用眼疲劳) and even a sharp decline of eyesight. That’s a big problem a lot of people are faced with nowadays, especially those who work on a computer. The following tips may be helpful.

Get regular eye tests

Experts recommend having a comprehensive eye exam every year to detect(探测)problems before they develop. During this test, you should tell the doctor how often you use your phone and your computer. You should also measure the distance from your eyes to your screen at work. Tell your doctor about it, and your eyes can be tested more accurately at that distance.

Give your eyes space

The closer your phone/computer screen is to your eyes, the harder they have to work to focus. Studies on computer-related eye strain suggest that screens should be no closer than 40 cm from your face. If this makes it hard for you to read, consider increasing the size of the text rather than moving the screen closer.

Take breaks

This may not always be practical if you’re quite busy, but it’s important not to stare directly at a screen for too long. Give your eyes a chance to rest. While surveys have shown that many office workers take no more than half an hour a day away from their computers, it’s recommended that you take a 15-minute break after every two hours spent at your screen.

Relax your eyes

Staring at a screen continuously for hours on end may make it difficult for you to focus. To avoid this, many eye experts recommend the “20-20-20 rule” —looking away from your phone/computer screen every 20 minutes and focusing on an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. The science behind this trick is that looking at objects at a distance relaxes the focusing muscle in the eye. Studies show it’s an effective way to reduce tiredness.

1. According to the passage, eyesight will suffer EXCEPT when _______.
A.you sit in front of a screen 40 cm from your face
B.you avoid appointments with eye doctors on a regular basis
C.you use digital devices for too long without taking a break
D.you put limits on how much time you spend in front of a screen
2. What can be learned from the passage?
A.Technology advances have made people glued to digital gadgets.
B.Screen time habits and eye care behaviours are vital for eye health.
C.Increased text size on devices helps reduce any negative impact.
D.Moderate screen time is the most effective way to reduce eye strain.
3. This passage is most likely to come from _______.
A.a healthcare magazineB.a technology speech
C.a medical product emailD.a science journal
2023-07-25更新 | 22次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】There are many things we remember from our childhood—the games we played, the music we listened to;but what about earning pocket money? This was our first ever wage for completing tasks such as tidying our bedroom or sorting the laundry. Our reward was a handful of coins that we safely stored.     1    

There was a time when cash was the main currency for financial transactions (交易). These days, though, using credit cards, or making cashless payments, are the most convenient ways of paying.     2     Research has found that 84% of British parents currently give notes and coins to their children —usually 7 pounds a week as an allowance.

But banks predict that by 2028 only one in ten transactions will be with cash, and that is something today's children will have to deal with. One issue is that children may not understand the value of cash because they never see it.     3     They either should find a new way to hand out pocket money, or needn’t bother to pay it at all.

Still, solutions are available.Giving children lessons at school about finance is important.    4    

The trick is to go and get some coins so that children have the opportunity to interact with them. Besides, bank accounts for older children can be opened to give them cash cards to use. Parents can choose whatever method they like.    5    .

A.This, in turn, makes the buying much easier.
B.Parents face difficult choices too.
C.They have completely taken the place of cash.
D.So how do parents hand out pocket money at present?
E.But they need to teach their kids that money doesn’t grow on trees!
F.But now, it seems that parents’ attitude to handing out cash is changing.
G.And parents are advised to get children started with money as young as possible.
2021-11-02更新 | 126次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】For many high school students it seems that there is never enough time. There are several steps you can take to organize your time better.

First, make a to-do list every day. It makes it easy to plan any of the activities or meetings you may have in addition to homework. Be sure to set priorities (优先事项).     1       

Use spare time wisely. Do you have study hall (自习时间)? Instead of wasting that time, read a book or do your homework.     2     If a friend asks you to do something and you have homework to do, realize which is more important and see your friend later.

Decide on the time that is good for you to do certain things. If you are more of a morning person, try getting up an hour earlier and do your schoolwork before school. Review your notes every day.     3     If you spend a few minutes at the end of every day going over what you learnt, it will mean less study time when it is time for the exam.

    4     Studies have shown that getting enough rest helps your memory. When you are tired, everything seems more difficult. It is best to stay on a regular sleeping cycle as much as possible.

Tell your friends and family about your work timetable. Explain that you will be working at certain times and ask them not to disturb you.     5     You can call your friends later.

A.Set goals for yourself.
B.Get a good night’s sleep.
C.Do the most important tasks first.
D.Also, do not be afraid to say “no”.
E.You should finish your task on time.
F.Don’t take phone calls during the time you set aside for work.
G.Don’t wait until just before a test to try to remember everything.
2024-01-05更新 | 53次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般