组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:148 题号:7316222

The “best years of your life”? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days.

Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it's having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on, family that loves you, having a good education or simply being born in this world.    1       Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one.

    2       Unlike what many articles state, you don't have to be popular and have many friends to be happy.     3     Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.

Be sociable.    4       While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to meet new people. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home .

    5       Video games, for example, are good if you're the type who can get into that kind of thing. You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical. Use your “hobby time” to either volunteer (to gain practical skills for college apps, job resumes, and scholarships) or learn an instrument, or get into something else in the creative field like painting or dance.

A.You can pursue interests you enjoy.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed .
C.Choose your friends wisely.
D.Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends.
E.In fact, many of the “friends” you have when you are popular are not true friends.
F.Being confident in your appearance makes you more confident in other areas.
G.Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are several websites designed to help foreign visitors find a job in New Zealand, as well as a number of different travel packages available that assist those who are coming to the country for the first time to work.     1    , providing help at every step of your job application process and giving you access to a unique database of vacancies (空缺).

    2    . It means there are certain roles which the country is looking to fill with workers from overseas. If you have these skills or have worked in a sought-after industry then you may find it easier to get a job, but there are also a lot of temporary and seasonal vacancies for all people seeking employment.

Some visas require you to have a job offer before you are qualified to enter New Zealand, but Working Holiday Visas mean you can come to the country and then start searching for employment.     3    .

Businesses and work ethic (道德) in New Zealand differ from elsewhere in the world, and it is worth noting that employers will be looking for individuals with a particularly positive and “can-do” attitude during job interviews.     4    .

Common job roles that travellers tend to fill during their time in New Zealand include farm work, fruit picking, working during a ski season, or taking a part-time position in the service industry.     5    , and their temporary nature means you can travel across the country and pick up different jobs as you go.

A.Most jobs need working experiences
B.Fluency in English will be an advantage at work
C.These kinds of jobs are a great way to meet locals and other travellers
D.A number of different jobs and skills are particularly in demand in New Zealand
E.The website Oyster runs a programme for those wanting to work and travel in New Zealand
F.Either way, you will need to update your personal information before applying for anything
G.Most companies will be small and seeking friendly, and self-motivated potential employees
2022-04-03更新 | 143次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you feel lonely? If you do, you are not alone. It’s more than a personal mental health issue.

Loneliness is a global issue. Half-a-million Japanese are suffering from social isolation. The UK recently appointed a minister for loneliness, the first in the world. In Australia, Victorian state MP Fiona Patten is calling for the same.

What do cities have to do with loneliness? Think of the awkward silence in a lift full of passengers who never communicate. Now think of a playground where parents often begin chatting. It’s not that the built environment “causes” interaction,but it can certainly either enable or limit potential interaction.

Can we think of different ways to be in the city to “cure” loneliness? I recently conducted a graduate design studio at the Melbourne School of Design. The students,using design as a research methodology (方法), came up with potential architectural and urban responses to loneliness.

Fanhui Ding came up with a student---run restaurant for the University of Melbourne. Students get credit working on the farms that supply the restaurant, which can be used to pay for a meal. People also get discounts for dining at the same table, encouraging students to interact over food. Given the many international students who suffer from loneliness, her concept used cooking, food and farming to cure loneliness.

Some students deal with familiar cases, such as building “Puppy Society”, an app that connects a pet with multiple owners, designing more social interaction spaces in high-rise apartment buildings and redesigning supermarkets to make them places for people to visit on a Sunday morning.

Beverley Wang looked at loneliness in the ageing population. She came up with a project called “Nurture”, for which she designed a kindergarten co-housed with a nursing home. Designing spaces for storytelling, she brought the elderly into the kindergarten as informal teaching assistants, giving them a sense of purpose.

Moving beyond merely analyzing the problems, the research output shows that an alternative, less lonely future is indeed possible. Without claiming to solve loneliness, design can be an important tool in response to it.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.Half of the Japanese are living with loneliness.
B.The UK attaches little importance to loneliness issues.
C.Australia is likely to follow the UK’s example.
D.Loneliness has been a primary concern globally.
2. What can students do in Fanhui Ding’s design?
A.Work in the restaurant to pay for meals.
B.Pay less if they share tables with others.
C.Gather credits for their college graduation.
D.Establish international culture communication.
3. How does the project “Nurture” benefit elder people?
A.By providing them working opportunities.
B.By employing them as the formal staff.
C.By asking children to tell them stories.
D.By lifting their awareness of self-value.
4. What could be the best title for the passage?
A.Key principles of designing city buildings.
B.City’s potential to encourage social connection.
C.Good urban designs to battle social loneliness.
D.Architectural concepts to ease elders’ loneliness.
2020-10-27更新 | 136次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约460词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most students have experienced or suffered from procrastination(拖延症). Here are some tips to help you reduce procrastination.

Set goals

Students often procrastinate because they think that they can put off the work for a while and enjoy their time at the moment.     1    , when the deadline becomes one day away and the essay has yet to be started. In order to stay on track, you should constantly set and update goals. It can be beneficial to mark all deadlines in a planner and think about how much time you need to meet them all. Update your plan for the upcoming two weeks so that you do not get overwhelmed, and continue to update as other assignments and events arise. Additionally, make a daily schedule in order to reach necessary goals before going to bed.

Reward yourself

It can become extremely difficult to work for hours straight in order to finish schoolwork. In order to keep productivity, set breaks at the end of a period of time or once you finish a section of your work so that you can reward yourself with some deserved, scheduled, and controlled procrastination-like activities.     2    . Breaks like these are proven to increase productivity and keep you focused, and they will make the process of studying much more bearable!

Remind yourself of what you’re doing

Sometimes you may begin to think that what you are working on has little to do with what you ultimately want to do. You may consider some work or a class pointless and not useful to your further studies. However, when these thoughts arise, remind yourself what the ultimate goal of your schooling is. Remind yourself why you wanted to go to school and take this program in the first place.     3    .

Turn off the Internet

    4    . If you do not need the Internet to do your work, turn it off so that you are not receiving notifications while completing your work, and you are not so tempted to search for sites. The same goes for your cell phone; you can take a break from being connected to the cyber world in order to do your schoolwork. If you feel the need to check messages and websites often, set time when you will allow yourself to do so rather than constantly staying connected.


Being productive for all hours of every day does not work—you do need breaks, and as a student you are entitled to have a lot of fun. So, in order to balance productivity and amusement, plan time to go out with friends or do something relaxing. But ideally, social and relaxations plans should be made after a significant portion of work is complete. This way, while you are working, you can keep in mind that once you have finished your work you can go out and not worry about your assignments.

A.Enjoy every minute in school
B.Have something to look forward to
C.The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life
D.You may understand why you should focus on completing your work
E.This thought tends to make things worse, though
F.Some of the most common distractions are those found on the Internet
G.You may have coffee with a friend, cook, or watch a television show
2018-09-18更新 | 119次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般