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题型:听力选择题-短对话 难度:0.94 引用次数:41 题号:7542227
A.It is his favorite book.B.It is not worth reading.
C.It is not the one he likes.D.It is better than he expected.
【知识点】 个人信息 阅读


听力选择题-短对话 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐1】Why didn’t Jack get the book?
A.He was too busy to go to the library.
B.There wasn’t such a book in the library.
C.He didn’t want to borrow the book.
2019-11-19更新 | 54次组卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐2】What does the woman think of herself?
2023-11-26更新 | 93次组卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 容易 (0.94)
1. Why didn't the man realize his childhood dream?
A.His parents didn't support him.
B.He was offered another good job.
C.He lost interest in it later.
2. What did the woman want to be when she was a little girl?
A.A pilot.B.A scientist.C.A teacher.
3. What languages is the woman good at?
A.English and French.
B.English and Italian.
C.French and Italian.
2020-12-06更新 | 138次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般