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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:8662470

An allowance (零用钱)is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions.Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly.

How large an allowance is proper? Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ from area to area, and from family to family.To set a right amount of allowance for your child, work up a weekly budget- Allow for entertainment expenditure such as movies and snacks.' Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare, and school supplies.“If you make the child responsible for these 4 bills',” says Josephine Swanson, a consumer (消费者)specialist,“he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditure.”

Finally, add some extra money to make saving possible.If you can, keep your child's allowance in line with that of his or her friends.A child whose purchasing (购买)power falls away below his or her friends' can feel left out.

It can be hard, but avoid excusing your children when they make a mistake with their allowance.When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in Jacksonville, her mother gave her $5 a week, 1 - 75 of which was for bus fare and lunch.“If you lose your money,”Brooke's mother told her,“you walk home.”One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store; then she called home for a ride.“ Mom made me walk home, ” recalled Stephens,now a financial (财务)planner in Brooklyn.“At first I was angry.But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson.”

Experts advise that an allowance should not be tied directly to a child's daily chores.Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share responsibilities as members of a family.You might, however, pay a child for doing extra jobs at home.That can develop his or her initiative (主动性).

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to work up a budget.
B.How to teach children to save money.
C.How to teach children to manage money matters.
D.How Lo develop the initiative of teenage children.
2. What does the underlined word “expenditure” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The act of spending money.
B.An organized journey.
C.Belief about the future.
D.Something extremely expensive.
3. What's the right amount of allowance according to the author?
A.More than the amount of the kid's fellows.
B.Not less than the amount of the kid's fellows.
C.Almost equal amount with kids in other areas.
D.Almost equal amount with kids in other schools.
4. What's the main purpose of the author by giving the example of Brooke Stephens?
A.To show Brooke's parents are both too mean.
B.To suggest parents be strict on kids' allowance.
C.To question the opinions of the experts.
D.To explain why allowance is necessary for kids.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Antecedent (先前的) carbon emissions are greenhouse gases released during the making of a product. Most manufacturers or customers pay little attention to them. In fact, operating emissions is important in a fossil-fuel-powered world.

An expert, Annika Ramskold, summarized the problem and said, “Going fossil free isn’t just about how things are powered. It’s about removing fossil fuels from how things are sourced, made, transported and assembled. While electric vehicles are a great start, we need to go further. Fossil fuel free vehicles mean greenwash (环保幌子) until the entire production part has been decarbonized (使环保).”

One manufacturer paying much attention is a Swedish electric motorcycle company. It plans to build the world’s cleanest motorcycle. But it may have trouble visualizing carbon dioxide. The company came up against the problem. It said, “As the Cleanest Dirt Bike Ever project involves global suppliers. it is difficult to get primary data, due to the complex global supply chain. It is also difficult to clean up that global supply chain. We investigated the possibility of treating each component separately. This needed to track the entire supply chain of each individual part. We eventually didn’t focus on the end product, but dealt with the materials used to make said parts.”

So instead, they are concentrating on the four main materials in the bikes—aluminum. steel, plastic and rubber. But some parts of the bike, including motor. battery, controller, brakes and suspension. are made by outside suppliers located globally. The company will have much trouble making much of a dent in that.

Ultimately, the answer is how much stuff goes into your vehicle. The motorcycle is said to have a twentieth of the antecedent carbon of an electric car. This is why the company’s work is so important. When people finally understand the effect of antecedent carbon emissions. they may realize that the most important choice they can make is not to drive a car as much as possible.

1. What does Annika Ramskold want to stress?
A.People should stop producing fossil fuel free vehicles.
B.Electric vehicles can solve environmental issues well.
C.It’s important to make production environmentally friendly.
D.Customers should pay little attention to operating emissions.
2. Which one can best describe the Swedish company’s project?
3. What does the author advise people to do?
A.Know the reasons for emissions.B.Make some important choices.
C.Buy the company’s motorcycles.D.Adopt greener means of travel.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Sweden Is Trying to Go Green
B.Making Production Green Is Really Green
C.Global Companies Reject Carbon Emissions
D.Choosing Electric Vehicles to Reduce Emissions
2023-09-08更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Enjoyable and immersive hobbies have the power to make us happier and healthier. Hobbies lead to better physical health, more sleep, lower stress, greater life satisfaction, a larger social network and improved work performance.     1     We asked experts how to discover the hobbies you don’t yet know you’ll love.

Be open.

“Keeping an open mind and not dismissing potential hobbies even if they seem out of your wheel-house is key,” says Katina, a clinical psychology researcher. “We’re wired as humans to be curious and open, but in a very burned-out world, we forget that,” she says. “It’s the first thing to go.” So next time someone hands you a flier or invites you to an event, seize the opportunity.     2    


When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? The answer could point you towards an appealing hobby. If you wanted to be a major league player, what can you do now that fulfills that urge for you? Joining a softball team or coaching some neighborhood kids could inspire a long-dormant passion.

Go back to school.

Consider auditing (旁听) a class at a university or signing up for a lesson to learn more about a potential hobby.     4     Join a fiction writers group. Fascinated by family history? Take a genealogy class. Plenty of e-courses are available free.

Take an assessment.

Lots of colleges offer career assessments to help students determine what to major in and how to guide their professional lives.     5     If you’re a college graduate, connect with your university’s alumni center; sometimes they make these assessments available for free. Or you can pay a career consultant for access.

A.Take a trip back in time.
B.But where do you start?
C.Turn your dream into a hobby.
D.Always dreamed of writing a novel?
E.It could introduce you to something you never guessed you’d love.
F.You can also use these tools to gather insights about potential hobbies.
G.If a hobby makes you healthier and happier, everyone around you will benefit.
2024-06-14更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Snorkeling (带通气管潜泳) can be a very rewarding activity. It benefits from its simplicity.     1    . Here’s our guide to getting the most out of your snorkeling

Improve your swimming

If your swimming skills aren’t the best, take some swimming lessons at your local pool. Focus in particular on the freestyle, as the kicking technique from that style is the one you’ll be using when snorkeling.     2    .

Improve your breath hold

Many snorkelers simply stay at the surface, and use the snorkel to breathe while looking down. A number of more advanced snorkelers, though, do occasional dives below the surface while holding their breath.     3    . You can do this, too, by training your breath holding capacity (能力).


Many new snorkelers swim along using their arms, like they’d do in a pool. But our legs, in particular with fins (脚蹼) on, outperform our arms many times over. So a good way to conserve energy is to keep our arms relaxed at our sides and focus on our fins instead. And don’t kick too hard. It consumes much energy. Plus, it creates loud noises that will scare away the very animals you’re there to see!

Snorkel deep

Are you one of the snorkelers who feel the urge to take short dives to get closer to reefs and marine animals? Get ready by breathing deep and slowly to fully fill your lungs. Once you are underwater, relax.     5    . Slowly extend your bottom time for each time you dive. Soon, you’ll be able to snorkel deep.

A.It also allows for more flexibility
B.Conserve energy while snorkeling
C.Conserve your air while snorkeling
D.Come up well before you run out of air
E.Good swimming skills will help keep you safe in water
F.You’ll explore reefs and other underwater features up close
G.This will allow them to get a closer look at the marine wildlife
2021-07-11更新 | 79次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般