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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:150 题号:8807844

    1     you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” These words come from the book The Secret Garden, first     2    (publish)in 1911. At that time, only the very rich in Britain     3    (have)gardens. However, today, millions of Brits like to say that they have “ green fingers” ,    4     around half the population spending most of their free time gardening. Those without outside space can rent small pieces of land on which     5    (grow)things. Today, there are over 4,000 people in London     6    (wait)for such pieces of land. One recent idea     7    (be)to turn rooftops and walls into private gardens. These gardens have helped make the cities     8    (green)and improve air quality. As well as being good for the     9    (environmental),gardening is also good     10     the soul.


语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Microgreens rank among the simplest, smallest, and yet most delicious plants you can grow in the garden. There are many     1    (reward) aspects of starting these quick-growing plants for yourself, but perhaps the best thing about microgreens is how easy they are     2    (grow) at home.

I planted my first garden in a field with a rototiller (耕耘机). Needless to say, that first experience led to many     3    (fail) and very little food to show for all of my efforts. I wish someone had told me that the best way to start is indoors,     4     a simple set up of seeds, soil, water, artificial light and trays.

It     5    (occur) to me then that I’d been spending all this time, effort and money on big gardens outdoors. And     6     those gardens have tons of benefits and produce many things to enjoy, I had been missing such a simple aspect of growing my own food.

By the time I discovered the joy of gardening in     7     tiny space, I’d already been gardening for five or six years. It was a sudden decision     8     I took a container and tried my hand at growing some microgreens.     9    (watch) those little seeds sprout (发芽) and produce leaves after just a few days was so much fun. I now grow loads of microgreens in an area     10    (small) than my kitchen table.

2023-11-23更新 | 56次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

Crocheting (钩针编织)is a fun hobby anybody can pick up!

Nowadays many students enjoy     1    .(spend) their free time on phones. I encourage them to pick up a small hobby to kill time, instead     2    scrolling (滚动)mindlessly on the Internet.

While crocheting may sound intimidating (令人胆怯的)to get into without any former knowledge, it's pretty simple to pick up, with many instructional     3    (video) online for beginners.

Crocheting is a large stress-reliever (减压品) for me and allows me     4    (get) my mind off schoolwork.     5    is also very meaningful to have made something with your own hands,     6     (especial) after putting much time and effort into it.

One of the most fun things about crocheting is that you can make gifts for friends and family, or just keep     7    (they) for yourselves. A homemade gift     8    (be) always more thoughtful, and crocheting is an easy way to put in a special effort for a loved one. For example, making a simple scarf for my grandmother     9    (take) me about 45 minutes and was both cheaper and more appreciated than something I could buy at the store.

So I'd highly recommend (推荐)crocheting for students     10    are bored and finding a new hobby or some form of creative expression.

2021-08-24更新 | 82次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

If new hobbies don't in and of themselves have a social element, it often doesn't take much to make them social,and it can help to keep you invested and     1    (have) fun. If you want to learn to paint, learn to paint     2     other people. If you want to garden,get     3    (know) the horticulturist(园艺师)at your local garden centre. If finding a physical community is too challenging(and these days it can be),go online,find a group,build social connections and try new things, all while staying     4    (comfort) close to home.

Here's how it works for me: I now take trumpet lessons over Zoom,     5    holds me to playing at least once a week; my teacher is an impossibly     6    (patience) and lovely person (I feel supported); when I started in February, I promised my son that I'd learn to play "Happy Birthday" for     7    he turned three in May (l gave myself a goal and a deadline); and I even     8    (participate) in an online summer recital.

I know playing trumpet won't solve any of my existential middle-aged-mom     9    (crisis), but it's loud and it's fun and I like that.I can toot-toot my way through a “Happy Birthday" serenade for special people. Plus, I'm investing in future     10     (fulfil), a more balanced life and long-term fine-tuning for my brain, which all feels pretty great.

2020-12-24更新 | 53次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般