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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.4 引用次数:197 题号:9018433
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Should Video Games Be Art?

Back in April this year, film critic Roger Ebert decided to handle the topic of the cultural importance of video games from the perspective of whether they could ever be regarded as art. Clearly, Ebert     1     (convince) that no game so far could even dream of being considered as coming close to a work of art.

In today’s post, Ebert returns to the topic to put an end to the debate that has been going on ever since: though he stands by     2     he believes in — namely that, at least in theory and principle, video games will never be art — he can now admit that he shouldn’t have expressed his opinion without knowing what he was talking about. And that is his biggest mistake, as far as he is concerned,     3     he expressed a judgment on a public forum(论坛)without having played a single video game — and all the while     4     (insist) that was the last thing on his wish list. He approached the matter strictly from a theoretical point of view and that’s not fair     5     the gaming industry — or the gamers who took offense, for that matter.

“I was a fool for mentioning video games in the first place. I would never express an opinion on a movie I hadn’t seen. Yet I have declared that video games     6     never be Art. I still believe this, but I should never have said so. Some opinions are best kept to yourself. So far, 4,547 comments     7     (rain) down upon me for that blog entry. Perhaps 300 supported my position. The rest were united in opposition. What you see now posted are almost all of the comments     8     (send) in. They are mostly intelligent, well-written, and right about one thing in particular: I should not have written that entry without being more familiar with the actual experience of video games,” Ebert writes about the very post     9     started the debate.

Most posters pointed to him that he was also doing so without as much as offering a clear definition of Art. “    10     gamers experience video games as a form of art, does that not automatically make them so?” some said. Others, tired of reading what others had argued before them, were simply content to say “Ebert doesn’t get it.”


语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。介绍了最近很火的一款游戏“羊了个羊”,介绍它的玩法,但是一些网友却认为它抄袭了另一款叫做“3 Tiles”的游戏。

The mini-game Yang Le Ge Yang,     1    roughly translates to “Sheep A Sheep”, is a new match-tiles-style game available on WeChat’s mini program and     2    (rise) to be a national online sensation in the past few days. The cartoon background eliminate game “ Sheep a Sheep ”     3     (sudden) exploded. But then, many netizens pointed out that “The Sheep ”     4    (suspect) of plagiarizing another matching game “3 Tiles”.

Judging from the exposed game screen, there are many     5     (similar) in the gameplay between “ The Sheep”     6     “3 Tiles” , the difference is that the icons of the two are abnormal. Some netizens expressed abandonment for this, but some players pointed out that the gameplay of multi-layer Lianliankan is similar, so it cannot be concluded that there is plagiarism in “Sheep a Sheep”.

    7     is reported that “Sheep a Sheep” is a cartoon background elimination game. Players need to click the card and it will move down to the wooden frame at the bottom. The frame can store up to 7 cards. When there are 3 identical cards placed in the frame, the elimination can be achieved.

It is worth     8     (mention) that according to a number of media reports, the game developer has been invested in gigabits. In this regard, Gigabit said: they has paid attention     9     the explosion of “Sheep a Sheep”,     10     game is developed by Gigabit’s shareholding company, the investment ratio is not high, and the relevant income will be reflected in the investment income of Gigabit.

2022-12-01更新 | 364次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较难 (0.4)

The annual League of Legends World Championship, commonly referred to as “Worlds,”     1     (feature)qualifying professional teams from across the globe competing over a prize pool of $2,225,000. On Saturday, Chinese team defeated South Korean team and     2     (eventual)won the 2021 League of Legends World Championship in Iceland. The Chinese players     3     (award)the world champion for the first time in history. Due to the pandemic, there was no     4     (admit)to the live competition this year, but millions of audiences tuned in online to watch the game.

The International Olympic Committee is introducing new events     5     (make)the games attract more young people, so why not go further and let national teams compete at video games?

In fact, compared with most mainstream sports, electronic sports     6     “Fortnite” are more popular. But     7     critics may consider is that e-sports are not proper sports. Some of them even offer moral objections, too. In their opinion, they are     8     (violence). Prince Harry has even called for "Fortnite” to be banned for this reason. Surely, at a time of global disharmony, it is a bad idea to make simulated(模拟的)killing     9     Olympic sport. The Olympics aim to promote peace.

Yet video games are highly competitive, with professional leagues     10     (head)for packed stadiums.

2022-01-20更新 | 308次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较难 (0.4)

In one club in Beijing, for example, players enter into a fictional martial arts school     1     they wear costumes and assume roles like a peach fairy or a dragon. The script offers character backgrounds, relationships and potential storylines. The plot develops as the players go around the table, talking in character, taking clues from the script and the host. In the end, they vote on     2     they think the murderer might be.

The whodunits may be imaginary,     3     they provide a real-world alternative for young Chinese people who spend increasing amounts of time on their screens. The country’s one billion Internet users spend much of their time on their phones,     4     (cause) worries from the public and the government alike about too much screen time. The government’s concerns over children in particular     5     (lead) it to restrict video game time for minors recently.

The games also provide free-flowing opportunities for young people to get together, something     6     can be rare in China, according to Kecheng Fang, an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The games provide “    7     participatory experience and a way of socializing, which is     8     (miss) from the life of many Chinese young people,” Dr. Fang said. They are     9     (lack) in participation in civic affairs, community     10     (engage) and meaningful socialization.

2023-11-15更新 | 849次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般