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题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:29 题号:9331169
at the start of, all over the country, now that, concentrate on, come on,
be divided into, be replaced with, add…to…, think of, get out of
1. I can’t ____________ my work when I think of my sick child.
2. The disabled child has received thousands of things—wish cards and gifts from ____________.
3. I’ll try to calm myself down ____________ the meeting.
4. “The green train in this city was retired on Tuesday and will ____________a modern, red-painted train with air conditioners,” the report said.
5. ____________ we are all part of the global village, everyone becomes a neighbour.
6. If you want to eat hot food, you can ____________ red pepper ____________ the soup.
7. The teacher lined up the students and told them not ____________ the line.
8. As usual, volunteers from different cities ____________ groups and team leaders will be chosen to organize activities.


选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)


contribute to,   tear off,   approve of,   devote oneself to,   work out,

in store for,   turn up, under arrest,   at the mercy of, set out

1. Others say it’s only natural that newcomers learn the language of their host nation, seeing it as a condition to ensure they can ____________ society.
2. To develop a broader market, we ___________the development of energy-saving products and promotion ceaselessly.
3. Her father will never ___________ her marrying such a lazy fellow.
4. It is reported that the driver of the truck, considered to be fully responsible for the accident, has been________
5. Most farmers lived __________ nature in the past when little water storage equipment was in use.
6. Totally exhausted, he _________his clothes and fell into bed.
7. It took me some time to ___________what was causing this.
8. The lazy bird had nothing _________ the winter, so he had to starve.
9. I’m sure that he will __________at the meeting because he is a man who keeps his word.
10. Determined to complete the job on time, they __________to work immediately.
2024-03-18更新 | 4次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
get into shape,   take advantage of,   rise to, calm down,   lie in,   look forward to,   from one’s point of view, eat away at,   get over,   think through
1. More and more mobile phone users ________ their smart equipment to read and study.
2. The quick development of the company ________ the use of modern technology.
3. I am ________ learning something about your Christmas Day.
4. We should make efforts to develop our economy to ________ challenges from outside.
5. You should ________ and think carefully.
6. You never really understand a person until you consider things ________.
7. If you don’t have a good answer to this, you need to ________ it ________.
8. Doing a job you hate may ________ your happiness over time.
9. No one ever ________ being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness.
10. This year I made a resolution to lose weight and finally ________.
7日内更新 | 2次组卷
选词填空-单句选词填空 | 适中 (0.65)
set out, make sure, contribute to, as a result, do away with, throw away
1. He defeated all his competitors in the table tennis contest and, ______, won the championship.
2. To take part in the English speech contest, I ______ to write the speech draft from last week.
3. Instead of ______ his old toys, Johnson decided to donate them to kids in the orphanage.
4. Whoever leaves the classroom last must ______ that all the windows are shut.
5. The popularization of computers has enabled us to ______ a lot of paperwork.
6. I believe that each of us can ______ the future of the world; in other words, we all have a part to play in shaping the world.
2023-06-12更新 | 4次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般