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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:314 题号:9361749

We may be living in the digital age, but reading books is still a big part of growing up. When they’re in primary school, children read books that really challenge them. But once they reach secondary school, the level of difficulty doesn’t change much. Secondary school students tend to read books which are also read by upper primary students. They are not challenging themselves enough.

To discover these trends, I analyzed data collected by Accelerated Reader (AR) software, which asks pupils to check their understanding of the books they’ve chosen to read. The difficulty — which I call “readability”.

I also created two lists of books: one for the books that most secondary pupils had chosen to read, and another for the books they had voted as their favorites. According to the readability, these students’ favorite books tend to be much more advanced than the other books they chose, but they could still understand them. The rest of the books most often chosen by them are quite simple.

You might think that students who read harder books might make more mistakes and understand them less well. But students’ quality of comprehension does not depend on the difficulty of the book, no matter what year of secondary school they’re in. Having an interest is the most obvious factor here — if you like the book, you try hard to really understand it.

As children become teenagers, they listen less to advice from adults and more to advice from kids of their age. So, rather than trying to lecture young people on the benefits of Jane Austen, we should make the nature of the problem clear to them. Students should challenge each other to read more difficult books. Adults could help by setting up noticeboards or organizing social media networks for young people to share their recommendations. And teachers can lend a hand by setting aside time for reading in school. Young people will realize the problems that come when they don’t challenge themselves to read difficult books.

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Children spend little time on after-class reading
B.Secondary school students seldom read tough books
C.Children’s reading interest tends to decrease as they grow up
D.Primary students have difficulty choosing good reading materials
2. The author made use of AR software to ________.
A.understand children’s different reading styles
B.show the average time children spend on reading
C.find out the causes of children’s reading difficulties
D.make clear the difficulty levels of books read by children
3. What can we infer about secondary school students from the readability scores?
A.They find some advanced books interesting
B.They often make mistakes during advanced reading
C.They prefer to read books recommended by their parents
D.They can hardly improve their scores on reading comprehension
4. According to Paragraph 4, what is vital for improving reading comprehension?
A.Basic knowledge
B.Reading skills
5. What does the author want to express in the last paragraph?
A.Designing relatively difficult textbooks is necessary
B.Improving students’ reading is a shared responsibility
C.Advanced technology should be used in reading reaching
D.Students should be encouraged to read more literary works


阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When you decide to lose weight, ideas of boredom and starvation usually come to mind. But they don't have to.     1    — if you have the right rules. Here are some rules that can make the process more fun.

Eat more often.

Out-of-control hunger is a common predictor of overeating. When you go too long without food, you tend to eat more. Instead of starving, feed yourself at least every 3 or 4 hours.    2    .

Love what you eat.

When you eat or drink anything, do so slowly, mindfully and without distraction (分心).

    3    . It will also allow you the time to notice when you’ve had enough.


What’s the best workout (锻炼) for weight loss? The workout you'll actually do — not the one that was suitable for your friend, or that you heard burned the most calories. If you pick what you think is best, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Hang with your friends.

Having support is a huge help while working on healthy lifestyle change.     5    . Ask friends with similar goals to work with you. You can share success stories and disappointment. They are always there to cheer you on.

A.Keep your exercise short
B.Make weight loss a team effort
C.Stop searching for the best workout
D.Weight loss can be fun and enjoyable
E.This will keep your hunger monster(怪物)at bay
F.By doing so,it will increase your enjoyment
G.Forget the ''dieting'' rules that make you feel bored
2020-09-18更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Reading books is one of the best hobbies. It not only helps you pass your time but also helps you increase your knowledge in a meaningful manner.     1     Here we will give you a few tips that can help you.

● Fall into the habit of borrowing books to read.

This is a very old school practice but still it can be highly effective. When you borrow a book, there is obviously a deadline set.     2    

● Read everywhere.

Keep a book in your bag and read it anywhere you go. This will help you to pass your time in a very productive manner.     3     Anyway, you can read your book 24 hours a day.


This can easily be described as a new school technique. You can read out to your brother or sister and this will enable you to finish your book as well as increase the knowledge and understanding of your brother or sister.

● Choose your books very carefully.

    5     Thus choose your books very carefully in order to enjoy your time and also finish your book effectively. If you choose a good book that can keep you interested for a longer period of time, there is no way that you are going to leave it incomplete.

A.Therefore, it is necessary to develop the reading habit.
B.Realize the importance of reading books.
C.Read out to someone else.
D.Find an excuse to read every day just by visiting book clubs.
E.This can encourage you to read it often to finish the book on time.
F.It doesn’t matter whether you are traveling or are about to sleep.
G.Yes, life is too short to read a book that doesn’t impress you.
2019-01-14更新 | 453次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】My mom is one of the least wasteful people I know. She often brings her basket to the market to carry food.     1    . The key is to be creative about redesigning your behavior to cut plastic and other waste. Here are a few simple ways.

Reuse your containers

A lot of low-waste solutions require buying special containers. But you don’t need to spend money on them.     2    . Maybe you can use a cola bottle to water flowers. Or maybe you can use empty boxes and other food containers to store leftovers or organize other small things.

Save what you can

There are many things in your household you can save before dropping them. Maybe you can repair an old pair of jeans instead of buying a new pair. Or maybe you can cut up old T-shirts into rags (抹布).     3    .

Depend less on pre-packaged (包装) foods

    4    . Tomatoes come in plastic containers, and some drinks come in plastic bottles. So try to source your food in ways that don’t require you to get it from a package. Instead of buying vegetables in a non-recyclable container at the store, you can try to plant a vegetable garden in your community.


Once you start noticing how much rubbish you produce at home, you can start to see places to cut down on rubbish elsewhere. Bring your own reusable fork to a restaurant that uses single-use plastic utensils (餐具). Or ask your local waiter to fill up your glass coffee cup instead of a paper one.

A.You can do much cooking at home
B.Save part of your meal for the next day
C.Often, food comes in wasteful packaging
D.Look for ways to cut waste outside the home
E.You can also live a low-waste lifestyle like this
F.You’ll save as much as you can in such a creative way
G.Instead, figure out a way to reuse the waste you have produced
2023-12-30更新 | 40次组卷
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