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江苏 九年级 期中 2023-10-12 311次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 单词辨析、词汇、短语辨析、语法、语用、主题、语篇

一、单项选择 添加题型下试题

单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
1. After dealing with the students’ problems with study, our teacher turned her ________ back to work again.
2022-11-26更新 | 360次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省南京市科利华中学2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
2. —Claire, have you told your mother the good news?
—Yes, but she seemed ________ surprised ________ excited. She might have known it before.
A.either; orB.neither; norC.both; andD.so; that
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)

3. To do the wall sit, squat with your back ________ the wall and feet on the ground.

A.withB.towardsC.againstD.in front
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
4. —Which would you rather ________, paper books or e-books?
—I ________ paper books even if they cost more.
A.choose; preferB.to choose; prefer
C.choose; would ratherD.to choose; would rather
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
5. The teachers in Xuanwu District are ________ to ________ the students’ learning ability.
A.devoted; improvingB.devoting; improveC.devoting; improvingD.devoted; improve
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
6. —Sherry seems not that hardworking, but she always keeps herself on the list of the top students.
—Exactly. I think it has something to do with her learning method. She can _______ what she has learnt in time.
A.tun overB.come overC.fall overD.go over
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7. —I ________ doubt ________ parents are always ready to help their children.
—I agree. Parents’ love for their children never changes.
A.never; thatB./; thatC.never; whetherD.used to; whether
2022-11-26更新 | 434次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省南京市科利华中学2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
8. Nucleic acid testing________routine work for schools in Nanjing because of the confirmed COVID -19 cases.
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
9. —Have you seen the film Home coming, Tommy?
—Yes, I have seen it twice. It is well worth ________.
A.to watchB.being watchedC.watchingD.to be watched
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10. It’s raining so ________ that the driver can ________ see anything 10 meters away. He can’t be too careful!
A.hard; hardB.hardly; hardlyC.hard; hardlyD.hardly; hard
单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
11. —What’s the matter ________ him?
—He’s worrying about his mother. She ________ more ________ him than anyone else.
A.to; matters, toB.to; matters, withC.with; matters, toD.with; matters, with
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)
12. —Do you know why he looks so tired these days?
—He practises basketball every day hoping to________ for the school Slam Dunk Contest.
A.work outB.stay outC.break outD.try out
单项选择 | 适中(0.65)

13. Which reading skill is suitable while reading the following train timetable?

单项选择 | 较易(0.85)
14. —Your help means a lot to me! How could I thank you enough, Peter?
—________. Any other man would have done the same.
A.It’s kind of youB.Well, it dependsC.As you likeD.Don’t mention it
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15. On 16th September, 2022, the China Telecom building in Changsha caught a big fire. Luckily, no one was killed. People wondered ________.
A.why it has happenedB.what caused the terrible accident
C.why was there so much smoke during the fireD.how did the government help solve the problem

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65)

While I was riding a bike, I noticed a man about a mile in front of me. He was traveling at a lower speed, so I decided to _________ him. I had about two miles to go on the road before turning off. I started _________ faster and faster, and every block, I gradually closed the distance. After a few minutes, I was half a mile behind him. Finally, I _________ with him and passed him. I felt like a _________, while he had no idea that we were even in a race.

After I passed him, I realized that I had been so focused on competing against him that I had _________ my turn. I had gone nearly six blocks past it and had to turn around. Isn’t that what happened in life? We spend most of our time _________ with neighbors, friends and family trying to defeat them or trying to outdo them—while there was never a competition in the first place. We use most of our time and energy to compete with others instead of _________ our destination, and we miss out on our own paths to our destinies _________. Unhealthy competition is continuous process, a never-ending cycle, a race of life. No matter what you do, someone will always be _________ you: someone with a better job, a nicer car, more free time and more money.

Stop doing that! Feel grateful for what life has offered to you. Stay focused on your __________ and live a healthy life. There’s no competition in your destiny. Run your own race of life and w others well!

A.caught upB.put upC.kept upD.came up
A.by chanceB.on purposeC.as usualD.as a result
A.just aroundB.close toC.far behindD.ahead of

三、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约30词) | 较易(0.85)

26. Up to now, how many kinds of space crops have been grown in space by China?
A.Seven.B.EightC.More than thirty.D.Over seven hundred.
27. Which of the following is NOT the reason why people take seeds into space?
A.To improve taste and nutrition of the crops.B.To improve the production and quality of crops.
C.To increase the time needed for maturity of the crops.D.To increase the probability of seed mutation.
共计 平均难度:一般