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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:85 题号:10258907
根据短文内容,   从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How can we understand the culture of different countries?       1    Restroom,campuses( 校 园 ) and trash bins.This summer vacation, I found that the restrooms in the US were different from those I had seen in China. I travelled around the US with teachers and classmates, but I did my own research on the topic.

In the US, almost every restroom has special rooms for people in wheelchairs and aid for the blind. Braille ( 盲 文 ) is on the restroom door to help guide blind   people.     2       But I found that   38(95percent)   of them   had Braille and 36(90percent)had a room for special groups.

    3     .

Another difference in the restroom is super-sized toilet paper. About 77.5percent of the restrooms prepared two rolls of toilet paper.       4     You   might   say   it’s   foolish to pay attention to restrooms rather than beautiful   scenery.    5     From these restrooms, I found equality and respect for everyone in their country. It reminds us that we should show respect and provide a comfortable living for everyone.

A.But I think it’s meaningful.
B.I have visited many restrooms.
C.However, I don’t think it’s necessary.
D.It seemed foolish to visit 40 restrooms.
E.One restroom even had four rolls of toilet paper.
F.It shows the equipment(设施) for special groups are well developed.
G.I believe you can find the culture of a country by looking at three things.
【知识点】 中华文化 外国文化


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Take a look at this year’s February on your calendar (日历), what do you see? Feb 29! It comes around only once every four years during a leap year (闰年), like this year. So, why do we need it? It takes 365. 25 days for the Earth to go around the Sun once.

We call this a solar year. However, our calendar year is only 365 days. That’s why we have leap years. They help make our calendar more accurate (准确的).

The difference between the two numbers may seem small, but think of it over a long time. If we didn’t have leap years, in a few hundred years’ time, July would actually happen during the cold winter months.

Leap years usually happen every four years, but sometimes there are special rules. When a year is a century year, like 1900 or 2000, if the year is divisible (可整除的) by 100 and not divisible by 400, then it is not a leap year. So, 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 was.

Fun facts

People born on Feb 29 are often called “leapings”. So, how do leapings celebrate their birthdays? They don’t wait four years, they just celebrate their birthdays on Feb 28 or March 1.

Because it’s a rare (少有的) day, some people think Feb 29 is a good time to do some special things, like having a party or getting married (结婚).

1. What happens in a leap year?
A.February has twenty nine days.
B.February comes later than usual.
C.There are 365. 25 days in the calendar year.
D.The Earth goes around the Sun more slowly.
2. How often do leap years usually come around?
A.Every two years.B.Every three years.
C.Every four years.D.Every five years.
3. The writer wrote Paragraph 3 to show that _________.
A.a solar year is very different from a leap year
B.it’s important for our calendar to have leap years
C.it took a long time for people to know about leap years
D.leap years usually have longer and colder winter months
4. According to the fourth paragraph, which year will be a leap year?
2024-07-06更新 | 25次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

One of the most interesting entertainment events of the year, the annual Yuyuan Garden Lantern Show was showed last December and will last for 52 days. The lantern festival is important in Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations. It is a tradition in Chinese culture to admire lanterns with family members and catch cultural performances during the Chinese New Year, which will fall on Jan 22. In Shanghai, Yuyuan Garden has been holding lantern shows for 28 years.

“This year’s event takes inspiration (灵感) from a concept in Shanhaijing. Through the use of modern technologies, we hope to present visitors with a beautiful ‘fairyland’.” During the show, a large collection of lanterns describing animals, dragon, flowers and plants from tales are shown at the Jiuquqiao area in Yuyuan Garden. It is suggested that people visit Yuyuan Garden at around 5 pm when the daily ceremony for the lighting up of the lanterns is held, a brand-new program this year. Story-telling performances take place during the ceremony.

At these events, artisans (工匠) from around Shanghai will teach people how to write Spring Festival couplets (对联), sew scented sachets (香包) and make lanterns.

The lantern show is free except for the following periods: Jan. 22-28, and Feb. 1-5. Tickets can be bought online or at the booths around Yuyuan Garden. The lantern show’s price is 80 yuan for adults, 60 yuan for kids under 18.

1. What does “admire” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. When did Yuyuan Garden hold the first lantern show?
A.In 1995.B.In 2022.C.In 2023.
3. What kind of lanterns CAN’T you see at the lantern show?
A.Dragon.B.Flowers and plants.C.Moon.
4. Lisa,12 years old, wants to visit the lantern show on January 30. How much should she pay?
A.80 yuan.B.60 yuan.C.Free.
5. Which program is new this year?
A.A large collection of lanterns are shown.
B.Lighting up of the lanterns.
C.Artisans teach people how to write couplets, sew scented sachets and make lanterns.
2023-12-06更新 | 225次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Shadow puppet play(皮影戏), also called “shadow play”, is a traditional Chinese art of storytelling. Dramas were played out in screen or walls for thousands of years to entertain(娱乐) and teach. It was very popular in many parts of China during the Tang(618-907) and Song(960-1279) periods.

Shadow puppets are made of hard leather(皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person, an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick. Different colors are used to show good and bad of person in the drama. Some puppets have movable arms and legs. They’re shown on the white screen through the light.

During a shadow puppet play, the players stand behind a white screen with lights behind it. The audience sit in front of the screen. The players hold the puppets very close to the screen so the audience can see the puppets’ shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different roles.

Now because of TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. But the basic principle(原理) and ways of shadow performance played an important role in the invention of the modern movie and the development of the movies and cartoons. Nowadays, the Chinese shadow puppet plays have been collected by museums of many countries in the world. It is the treasure in the world culture and art family.

1. Shadow puppet play was very popular ________.
A.between the year 907 and the year 960B.before the Tang and Song periods
C.through the Tang and Song periodsD.after the Tang and Song periods
2. ________ do the voices of the different roles.
A.The puppetsB.The playersC.The inventorsD.The screen
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Shadow play is an art of storytelling to entertain and instruct.
B.The colors of each shadow puppet have different meanings.
C.Shadow play is regarded as the treasure in the world culture.
D.Shadow play is unimportant for the development of cartoons.
4. The best title for the passage may be ________.
A.Shadow Play — A Traditional Chinese ArtB.The History of Chinese Shadow Play
C.How to Put on a Shadow PlayD.The Steps to Make Shadow Puppets
2021-11-16更新 | 269次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般