组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:选词填空-短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:1220 题号:16079816
he   live   final   lucky   people   success   achieve   meet   much   be

In October 2021, a local newspaper told a story of a common man, Jia Shuangdeng. He     1     from Shaanxi Province. He not only works hard but has helped many deaf people     2     a better life as well.

At the age of 14, something     3     happened to Jia and turned him into a deaf person. Sad and heartbroken, he had to leave school and learned by     4     at home for more than two years. Later, with other     5     help, he cheered up and made a living by making shoes. He     6     many diffculties but he faced them bravely and kept on working hard.     7     his shoes became popular and sold well. After a few years, he started his own factory and it was     8     However, he didn’t forget those who had helped him. So he decided to help the people in need. These years, he has offered many deaf people chances to work.

What he did has benefited (有益于) lots of deaf people. “The person I want to thank     9     in my life is Mr. Jia. Thanks to him, I’ve got a good job and have a happy life now. He always tells us although we are disabled, we can also     10     our dreams by working hard,” said Xie Ting, who was helped by Jia.

2022·陕西·中考真题 查看更多[6]


选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)

A. useful        B. wearing        C. replied        D. window        E. while       F. feet   

G. myself       H. continued       I. whatever       J. clearly          K. feel        L. up        

One day,     1     I was sitting in my car in a parking area, I noticed a young boy in front of my car. “What is the boy doing?” I asked     2     and looked closely. “Oh, he is picking     3     a coin from the ground (地面).” When he stood up, we saw each other     4    . He was not older than ten and was     5     one blue glove (手套) and one brown glove. His coat was too small for him.

As he walked away, I saw his shoes which were too old to wear. I rolled (摇动) down my car     6     and called him over.   

I asked him if he needed some money. He     7    , “No, that’s okay.”       

The parking area was wet. I could tell that his     8     were cold because he kept moving his weight from one foot to the other. “Please.” I held out a five-dollar bill (钞票). “It’s not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more     9    ,” I said. He took off one of his gloves and took the money from my hand. His small hand was red and cold. He smiled and went away after saying “Thank you!” to me. That smile made me     10     warm in the cold winter.

2022-03-18更新 | 41次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
A. different   B. asking for money   C. happy and quiet   D. another
E. an idea          F. took children   G. make some toys   H. in bed

Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said: Were you ever in hospital when you were little? How did you feel? The doctors in Children’s Hospital are     1     for children’s toys. Some children in the hospital must stay     2     for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep these sick (生病的) children     3    . Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. Weeks read the story, she said, “This story gave me     4    .”

“Mrs. Weeks, we could bring some money for the toys. We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital...” said the boys and girls one by one.

“Well, your ideas would be nice,” Mrs. Weeks said, “but mine is     5    .”

“We could     6    . ” shouted one of them.

Mrs. Weeks smiled. “Do you think you could make toys?”she asked.

“Yes, yes.” The whole class answered.

“Great! Let’s begin to make toys tomorrow.” said Mrs. Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Weeks     7     to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the class felt happy, too.

A few days later, Mrs. Weeks read     8     newspaper story to the class:

Some school children brought toys to Children’s Hospital last week. The toys were made by the children of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctor said, “We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say, ‘THANK YOU, GRADE THREE.’ ”

2022-06-02更新 | 47次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)

I        big       with       care       which       strong

if       who       hour     have       notice       promise

When I was in the seventh grade, I was a volunteer at a local hospital in my town. I volunteered about thirty to forty     1     a week during the summer. Most of the time I stayed there with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any visitors, and nobody seemed     2     about his situation. I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, helping with anything that needed to be done. Gradually, he became a close friend of     3    . However, at that time, he was in a coma (昏迷).

I left for a week to take a vacation     4     I had expected for a long time. After I came back, I found Mr. Gillespie was gone. I didn’t dare to ask any of the nurses where he was. So I continued volunteering there through my eighth-grade year     5     many questions unanswered.

Several years later, one day a familiar face     6     by me as soon as I got to the gas station. After I realized who it was, my eyes filled with tears. I was so surprised that he was still alive. I offered to ask     7     his name was Mr. Gillespie. He answered yes. Then I explained how I knew him. I could see the tears in his eyes and he gave me his     8     smile I had ever seen. He began to tell me that he could hear me talking to him the whole time. He thought it was an angel (天使) not a person, who was there with him. Mr. Gillespie     9     believed that it was my voice and touch that had made him alive till now.

I know that I have brought him back to life. More importantly, he     10     a great influence on my life since I met him. I will never forget him and what he has done for me: I am an angel in his eyes…

2022-08-21更新 | 58次组卷
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