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题型:补全对话-填写单词 难度:0.4 引用次数:223 题号:18363744
Tom:Hi, Lucy! Did you watch the opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games on February 4th?
Lucy:Yes. It was so amazing! I saw a number of athletes from different countries join in it.
Tom:But athletes weren’t the only ones that appeared in it. Students from many universities     1     to work for it without being paid. Some of them     2     service and comfortable environment for athletes. They were so great and friendly.
Lucy:I     3     agree with you. They worked tirelessly amid the pandemic-related challenges. Because of their support, the opening ceremony was held very     4    .
Tom:That’s right. More importantly, athletes were the main characters of the Games and they     5     with others for medals and for their countries.
Lucy:Besides, the     6     athletes who took part in Paralympic Games a month later overcame many difficulties and also showed the     7     of the Olympics like friendship and togetherness.
Tom:Holding the Games is not the only purpose itself. With the fast     8     of winter sports since 2015, over 300 million people have joined the winter sports and many of sports lovers showed strong     9     in them.
Lucy:Many areas in China have set up winter sports centers so I can also     10     my dream like Ms. Gu. Tom, let’s go skiing right now!
21-22八年级下·四川成都·期中 查看更多[4]


补全对话-填写单词 | 较难 (0.4)
A: Excuse me! I’m a reporter from Dexin Radio Station. May I have a talk with you?
B: Certainly!
A: As everyone knows, Chengdu was hit by the epidemic in a sudden, and there was an     1     in the number of people who got infected (感染). The whole city almost stopped running. I know you worked as a volunteer. Why would you like to     2     with the crowds at that time? Weren’t you afraid of being infected?
B: Like what you say, citizens couldn’t stay out more than one hour a day, which was allowed based on their green codes and reports of the Nucleic acid test (核酸检测). That’s to say, there must be a large number of workers needed for the testing work. Although I’m a student, I believe it’s my duty to give a hand when my city is in need.
A: Then what did the volunteer work     3    ?
B: Nothing more, as long as you’re available and warmhearted. But being a student, I can only volunteer in the neighborhood, doing some simple work.
A: You’re really an aspiring young person.
B: Thank you. Actually, to answer the call, at least 50 students and teachers from our school reached out to     4    
A: So, what work did you     5     do as volunteers?
B: Not only did teachers help to scan the codes, but they as well as students also collected people’s     6     information. Or we could keep order in streets, giving people a word of     7     to keep distance when waiting in line.
A: Thanks     8     your help, the testing work went on better. And the terrible     9     was controlled sooner than we thought.
B: It was my pleasure. As we work together, nothing can knock us out.
A: That’s the point! You have     10     a good example for us all to encourage us to fight on.
2022-11-24更新 | 134次组卷
补全对话-填写单词 | 较难 (0.4)
Helen: Hi, Tom. I’ m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer.
Tom: Really? I did that last summer.
Helen: Oh, what did they ask you to     1     out with?
Tom: Mmm.… things like reading the newspaper to the old people, or just talking to them. They told me stories about the past and     2     things used to be.
Helen: That sounds interesting.
Tom: Still some of old people are lonely. We are     3     to listen to them and care for them.
Helen: You’re right. I mean, we’re all going to be old one day, too.
Tom: Yes, and helping the old is a big     4     in China. Every one of us students should pay attention to it.
Helen: I can’t agree with you     5    .
2022-04-07更新 | 60次组卷
补全对话-5选5 | 较难 (0.4)
A: Hi, Mary! Jack and I want to go to an old people’s home this Saturday. Would you like to join us?
B:     1     But what will we do there?
A: We haven’t decided yet. Do you have any good ideas?
B:     2     I’ll ask her to make some and we can give them out to the people there.
A: That’s a really good idea.     3    
B: I like playing chess, you can play tennis and Jack is good at playing ping-pong.
A: Yes. We’ll try our best to make the old people there happy.
B: I agree with you.     4    
A: Do you know if Linda has time this Saturday?
B: No.     5    
A.And we can do activities with them.
B.Yes, I’d love to.
C.My mother can make delicious cookies.
D.But let me give her a call.
E.We can ask more people to join us.
2022-01-12更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般