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题型:短文填空-首字母填空 难度:0.4 引用次数:46 题号:19070336

During the Second World War. John’s family didn’t have a washing machine. And keeping clothes clean b    1     a problem for them.

Later John’s uncle decided to join the army and his wife was going with him. John’s family told them that they could take care of their furniture while they were a    2    . John’s uncle said,” It is i    3     for us to use it during the war. And it would be better for you to use it.”

Young John helped his mother do the h    4    , and he liked the washing machine very much. Later, the war ended and his uncle came back. John’s family planned to r    5     the machine. His mother sent him to give back the machine to his uncle. John felt upset at that time. His mother saw this and said to him, “Son, you must remember that machine didn’t belong to us in the first place. It was a g    6     for us to be able to use it. So let’s be grateful that we could use it for such a long time.”

We have all experienced loss: loss of people and things. H    7    , if we see the thing we lost as a gift that we were given for a long time, maybe the sad memories will change into thankful ones.


短文填空-语境提示填空(约310词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】How do you see the world? Do you look at things with a view as a “glass half full or a “glass half empty”? If you look at the world “glass half empty”, now is the perfect time for you to change that. This is     1     December is Positive Attitude (积极态度) Month. And having a positive attitude is a small way to make big and meaningful changes to your life.

But what exactly does it mean to have a positive attitude? Does it just mean that you have to smile more often? Not quite.

Having a positive attitude shows itself in many ways. First, being positive can help you expect the best from things and make you more creative when solving problems.     2     can also encourage you to better yourself and achieve your dreams. Generally speaking, having a positive attitude makes you a happier person.

Just ask Ryan C. Lowe, a professional speaker from the US,     3     the power (力量) of being positive. Lowe strongly believes in spreading the importance of positive thinking. In his new book Get off Your Attitude, Lowe shares how positive thinking has helped him get through many difficult life events—and     4     near-death experience.

He also points out, nobody feels positive at all times no matter how     5     life can be, but having a positive attitude can help you in so many areas of your life. Being positive increases your     6     to deal with difficult situations and encourages you to keep moving forward. Keeping a positive mindset helps you make a better understanding of what is really important in life. After all, when you think better, you feel better, and vice versa (反之亦然).

Science seems to     7     the power of positive thinking, too. Some studies have shown that being positive can lead to less stress, help fight depression and increase your life expectancy (预期寿命).

Just remember, “Your thoughts (想法) are     8     in your life. If you change your thinking, you change your life.”

2022-04-11更新 | 329次组卷
短文填空-综合填空(约190词) | 较难 (0.4)

Nowadays, studying abroad is becoming more and more popular in China. Many parents send their children abroad instead of letting them receive e    1     at home.

There are many advantages for people to attend school abroad.Firstly, he can use     2     foreign language in his everyday life     3     (以便于) his ability in the second language may be greatly i    4    . While studying in a foreign county, he will meet many students     5     abroad and it is much easier to make     6     with them. Also, he can get familiar with the latest knowledge in different fields.     7     (以这种方式), there is every chance that he is     8    to widen his horizon (眼界) and b    9     his mind.

Of course, attending schools abroad may bring a lot of problems. The most serious one is language barrier (障碍). Most of the students who go abroad don’t have     10     ( [ɪˈnʌf] )   skills in the language spoken there.     11     (结果), on arriving there, they will find it difficult to u    12     what the teachers say. Moreover, they don’t know the customs of local people very     13    , and they may have trouble     14     (处理) some situations.

Therefore, one must think of both sides carefully before     15     (做决定). The place where you study is not very important, but the desire (渴望) to learn matters the most.

2021-07-01更新 | 139次组卷
短文填空-首字母填空(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

A Carpenter’s Story

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire (退休). He told his boss of his plan to l    1     the house-building business to live a more pleasant life with his wife and family.

The boss was sorry to see his skillful worker go. He asked if he could build just one m    2     house as a personal favor. The carpenter s    3     yes, but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used shoddy workmanship (粗糙手艺) and low-quality materials. It was an unlucky way to e    4     his perfect career (职业).

When the carpenter finished his work, his boss came to inspect the house. Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter, “This is your house... my g    5     to you.”

The carpenter was shocked!

What a s    6    ! If I had only known he wanted me to build my own house, I would have done it all d    7     …” The carpenter thought.

So it is w    8     us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting less than our best into the building. Then, with a shock we understand we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it again, we would not do it in the same way.

But, you cannot go back. Someone o    9     said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your attitude (态度) and your c    10     today help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build wisely!

2023-11-21更新 | 206次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般