组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 健康 > 健康饮食
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:21506007

This is David, an English boy. He is 12 years old. He loves hamburgers. He has one hamburger for breakfast, two hamburgers and two ice creams for lunch.     1     Three hamburgers and a coke (可乐).

Some scientists say, “     2     But if you eat them too much, it is not good for health.” If we have food like hamburgers too much, what can we get?

Scientists have an experiment (实验) on rats (老鼠) to find the answer.

Here are three groups (组) of rats: Group One have fruit and vegetables.     3     But they can only have hamburgers for one hour every day. Group Three have hamburgers and vegetables, too.     4     The rats in Group Three like hamburgers very much and always want them. After the experiment, they are the fattest.

Can it be the same as people? Some scientists say “Yes”. It is OK to love food like hamburgers. But having six hamburgers a day like David makes you fat. You don’t want to be too fat, right? Ice—cream is nice and cool. It’s OK to have one ice-cream after dinner. But it’s not OK to have five ice-creams after dinner.     5    

A.Where does he enjoy sports?
B.Because we don’t want to be the fattest “rats”.
C.Hamburgers, ice-cream and coke are OK.
D.Group Two have some vegetables and hamburgers.
E.For dinner, what does he have?
F.Rats eat fruit and vegetables.
G.But rats in this group can have hamburgers all day.
【知识点】 健康饮食


阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Drinking a little wine (酒) is fine and isn't bad for your health. However, drinking too much can be a problem. If people drink too much wine, they may do something bad. For example, they may fight with other people in the street. What's worse, drinking too much wine is bad for your stomach or even puts your life in danger.

Some young people start smoking (吸烟) just because their friends smoke and they want to be a member of them. Smoking not only costs you a lot of money but also is bad for your lungs (肺).

In the UK, it is illegal to buy cigarettes (香烟) or wine if you are under 18. It is also illegal to sell cigarettes or wine to someone who is under 18.

If someone in your family drinks too much or smokes, it is a good idea to talk to the doctor about this. The doctor will be able to help him or her.

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
A.Drinking too much wine is bad for your health.
B.Men shouldn't drink wine.
C.Drinking wine can make you feel relaxed.
D.Women shouldn't drink wine.
2. Why do some young people start smoking according to the passage?
A.Because they think it's cool.
B.Because they think it's relaxing and interesting.
C.Because they want to be a member of their friends.
D.Because they have too much money.
3. What does the underlined word “illegal” mean in Chinese?
4. What should you do if someone around you drinks too much or smokes?
A.Ask the doctor for help.B.Stop him or her by yourself.
C.Have a fight with him or her.D.Call the police for help.
5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Drinking a little wine isn't bad for your body.
B.Someone under 18 shouldn't buy wine or cigarettes in the UK.
C.The shop can sell cigarettes to anyone in the UK.
D.Smoking is bad for your lungs.
2019-06-20更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Eddie Earle is 14 and he loves chocolate (巧克力) very much. He eats a bar (条) a day as well as chocolate biscuits and chocolate cake. He knows it’s not healthy to eat so much chocolate. So he decided to take a challenge (挑战): Don’t eat chocolate for seven days. Eddie made these notes during his challenge:

I watched a film today. Usually I have a big bag of Maltesers when I watch a film. I knew I couldn’t because of the challenge, but I didn’t feel so bad. Maybe I will be successful.

Help! I need a snack (零食)! There’s nothing in the cupboards (橱柜). What’s in   the fridge? Ah, strawberries! We don’t often eat strawberries, but Mom has bought some for me because of the challenge.

Today I went to football training. I always have chocolate cake after training, but today I had fruit instead. I’m proud (自豪) of myself!

Disaster (灾难)! My cousin gave me a sweet. It was in my mouth before I realized (意识到) it was chocolate! I had to spit it out (吐出来).

1. Eddie decided not to eat chocolate for seven days to keep ________.
A.healthyB.heavyC.happyD.handsome (帅气的)
2. “Maltesers” in the part of Day 1 may be ________.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the part of Day 3?
A.Eddie doesn’t eat strawberries.
B.Strawberries are in the cupboards.
C.Eddie’s mother wants to eat strawberries.
D.Strawberries take the place of chocolate.
4. How did Eddie feel on Day 5?
5. We can infer(推断)________ from the part of Day 6.
A.Eddie and his cousin fought.
B.Eddie didn’t like chocolate at all.
C.Eddie won’t eat too much chocolate.
D.Eddie and his cousin ate nothing that day.
2022-10-06更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】You can see nothing without your eyes.It’s your duty to take care of your eyes.
Eat lots of vegetables and fish.Carrots are really helpful in keeping your eyes good.Broccoli and peppers(辣椒)are also good for your eyes because they have lots of vitamin C.Fish is also good for your eyes.That’s because it has omega-3 fatty acids.They are good for your body.
Put cold cucumber pieces on your eyes.Put them on your closed eyes for 10 minutes before going to bed at night.You can also use green tea bags.
Try not to use your eyes too much.Don’t look at your computer screen for a long time,or your eyes will be tired or feel dry.Try to blink(眨眼)every 30 seconds when you’re looking at your computer screen.
Exercise your eyes and be sure to relax.Here is a good way.Sit down,put your elbows on your knees,close your eyes and rest them in your hands.keep your hands covering your eyes for 10 seconds.
Do it several times.
1. Peppers are good for your eyes because       .
A.they are hotB.they have lots of fat
C.they are greenD.they have lots of vitamin C
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Broccoli is really helpful in keeping your eyes good.
B.Putting green tea bags on your eyes is not useful for eyes.
C.Blink every 10 minutes when looking at your computer screen.
D.Fish is good for your eyes because it also has lots of vitamin C.
3. Which is the best title for the article?
A.How to exercise eyesB.How to use the computer
C.How to take care of the eyes     C.How to choose fruit and vegetables
2019-01-23更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般