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help, fond, country, they, culture, used, well, through, however, wonderful

Chinese movies are getting popular around the world. Many young people in Malawi are     1     of watching Chinese movies now.In the past, people there had no chance to watch Chinese movies.Now people can watch     2     in video show halls, homes and through the Internet.

Luis Ndalama is 38 and he has been doing a videodisc business (影碟生意) for over 15 years. He says Chinese movies are     3     and his customers (顾客) have been watching Chinese movies for a long time. Many of them     4     to have difficulties (困难) in following the movies because they didn’t understand Chinese. “    5    , now we can see many Chinese movies with subtitles. This     6     many of my customers. With subtitles, they can understand the movies     7    ,” Ndalama said.

Because of Chinese movies, now many young people in Malawi fall in love with Chinese     8    . “It’s always fun to watch Chinese movies. At first it was hard to fully understand them because the two     9     have different culture. But now, I know a lot of things about China     10     the movies. For example, I know about Kung Fu, the Great Wall, food like the dumpling and many other interesting things about China,” Khama said.

【知识点】 电影与戏剧 中华文化


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“This spring, the most eye-catching movie might be YOLO. By Feb 26, it had made over 3. 3 billion yuan at the box office,” reported The Paper.

The movie was     1     by 41-year-old Jia Ling. It tells the story of a woman named Du Leying tired of the world, finding     2     and learning to love life through boxing. The name YOLO is short for the movie’s main idea—you only live once.

Jia Ling has tried many     3     roles in her life. They include crosstalk (相声) and sketch(小品)performer, variety show(综艺节目) guest and     4    . In 2019, she became a director. She made her     5     movie Hi, Mom.

Jia Ling didn’t study directing at university. And she believes this is both a good and bad thing. It makes her feel     6     in film making than before because she doesn’t need to follow a fixed(固定的)style. To     7     surprise, Hi, Mom made her the world’s highest-grossing(票房最高的)woman director before 2023.

Before making YOLO, Jia was often seen as an overweight comedian. At that time, she often     8     jokes about herself to make people laugh.

Jia Ling tried her best to lose     9     for this movie. Now, she looks very different. She has     10     50 kg for a year. Some people online said even her voice became softer, and they call this a “rebirth” for Jia.

2024-04-17更新 | 49次组卷
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turns   for   through   patient   on   preparation   directed   less   visit   kinds   won   culture

Hair Love tells a heartwarming story of an African-American father. He struggles (努力) to do his daughter’s hair in     1     for a big occasion (场合). This film is     2     than 7 minutes long, but it’s long enough to make you cry.

Hair Love is told     3     the eyes of a young girl. In the short film, the daughter, Zuri, wakes up one morning and tries to make her hair into a style. When things don’t go as planned, she     4     to her father, Stephen, for help. However, Stephen has never done his daughter’s hair. So he has to learn     5     his own. This sounds easy, but we soon find that Zuri’s hair has its own mind. It’s shown at the end that the big occasion is a     6     to the hospital to see the daughter’s very sick mother. Having lost all of her hair (probably because of cancer), the mother receives a drawing from the brave little girl.

Written and     7     by Matthew A Cherry, the film focuses on the love between a father and his daughter. The father is     8     and caring. The film also takes a look at what beauty is. It will resonate (共鸣) with people from all     9     of families, no matter what their hair looks like.

The Hair Love short film     10     the 2020 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. Now take your tissues (纸巾) and enjoy the short film.

2022-03-19更新 | 81次组卷
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humorous       in search of       pick       work with       made into

My Father’s Dragon is a children’s novel by Ruth Stiles Gannett. It tells a moving story about friendship. Now the story has been     1     a film.

Jacob Tremblay, 16, is the voice of Elmer Elevator. Elmer moves to a new city after his mother loses the family store. Elmer wants to help his mom so much that he runs off to Wild Island     2     Boris the dragon, voiced (配音) by Gaten Matarazzo. Elmer hopes the dragon can help him make some money for his mom.

The relationship between Elmer and Boris is at the heart of the film. Jacob said that his favourite part of voicing Elmer was working side-by-side in the studio with Matarazzo. “To     3     Matarazzo was so powerful. He is such a good actor, and he’s     4    ,” he says.

Elmer and Boris meet many different animals together. Each has its own personality. One is a whale named Soda. If Jacob could voice another character in the film, which one would he     5    ? “I’d love to play Soda,” he says. “she’s just so lively and fun while Elmer is kind of serious.”

2024-03-23更新 | 75次组卷
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