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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:5214212
Many years ago, an enemy army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy(敌人) out of Scotland. But the enemy was very strong. It seemed that the enemy would win.
One night, the leader of Scots led his men to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight,” he said, “Tomorrow we will fight again. We must win or we will die.”
They were all tired so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they too, were very tired, and one by one they also fell asleep.
The enemies were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they were up the hill, taking care not to make a sound. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on the thistle. He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment they were on their feet and ready for fighting. The fighting was hard, but it didn’t last long. The Scots beat the enemy and saved their country.
The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland like it so much that they made it their national flower.
1. One night the leader of Scots led his men to the top of a hill to _______.
A.fight against the enemiesB.see the thistle there
C.have a good restD.build their homes there
2. The enemies took care not to make a sound because _______.
A.the Scots were sleeping on the top of the hill
B.they didn’t want to be found by the Scots
C.the Scots would become very strong when they woke up
D.they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle
3. One of the enemy soldiers cried out because _______.
A.a snake bit himB.he fell off the horse
C.he put his foot on a thistleD.he fell into a deep hole
4. The underlined sentence means _______.
A.They took off their shoes.B.They were all standing in line.
C.They got up and quickly made their minds clearD.They looked for their shoes.
5. People in Scotland made the thistle their national flower because _______.
A.it has sharp needlesB.its fruit can be used a medicine
C.people can sell it for moneyD.once it saved Scotland
【知识点】 世界历史


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Along the history of human society, it seems that there isn’t a civilization(文明) without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do.

In ancient times, just like today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are strictly divided, boys copy the behavior of their fathers and girls copy the behavior of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are preparing to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world even in the game.

Surprisingly, from the history of toys, small changes have taken place over the centuries. The changes have been mostly about workmanship, mechanics and technology. It is amazing that toys are similar in the development of all parts of the world. What’s more, toys used to be similar to what they are now. Among people in Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and the Arctic, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Changes depended on local customs and ways of life because toys show the real world around the people. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.

Since toys can often be regarded as an art form, they have not been influenced by technological progress. The development from wheels to carriage to automobiles is a straight line. If we compare a rattle(拨浪鼓)used by a baby today to the one used in 3000 BC, we will find it does not appear to be more creative. Every rattle is a product of the artistic taste of the time and is limited by materials.

1. Why are the toys for boys and girls different?
A.Their fathers and mothers are different.
B.Most of the boys are more active than girls.
C.Their mothers are more powerful than their fathers.
D.The future adult society requires men and women differently.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the author’s opinion?
A.Not every civilization has toys in human history.
B.Similar kinds of toys appears in almost all civilization.
C.Toys have changed a lot during the long history.
D.People from different countries have totally different kinds of toys.
3. In the next part of the article, the writer may ________.
A.talk about some popular toys in China
B.tell us what kinds of toys the boys like
C.show more about the history of the toys’ development
D.give another example to show toys are works of art
2021-06-05更新 | 213次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】During the 1800s, African Americans worked long days in the fields of the American South. They sang songs that they had brought from Africa while working. One person sang a line. Then a group of workers repeated it. The songs' words told of the hardships             (艰苦) that people suffered. They clapped their hands and stomped (跺) their feet to the music.

In the 1860s, the music changed greatly. African American music took new forms. It was also influenced by dance music, which had great rhythm. Banjos (班卓琴) became popular. A blues singer usually sang a line and then played the banjo in reply. By the             early 1900s, the guitar had taken the place of the banjo in the blues music.

The blues music has many obvious characteristics. One of them is that the musical notes are often "bent". That is, they are changed slightly to give a song more strength.

Lyrics are the words of a song. Blues lyrics describe everyday life. The lyrics are often about the relationships between men and women. They tell about sadness and overwork. They tell about finding and losing love, having money or being poor, being             happy or sad and lonely. They almost always use the rhythms of everyday speech. A group of blues lyrics usually has three lines. The second line repeats the first line. The third line has different words.

By the 1940s, a large number of African Americans moved to Chicago. There, a new kind of "Chicago" blues began. The new music was excellent dance music. Chicago blues led to the birth of a new music style-rock and roll.

1. This passage is mainly about ___________.
A.the rhythms of different music
B.the life of African Americans
C.the blues lyrics
D.the blues music
2. What information does the passage NOT provide?
A.How the blues music developed as time went by.
B.What the blues lyrics are mostly about.
C.When African Americans moved to the American South.
D.How long the banjo was popular in the blues history.
3. Which of the following is the most likely taken from a blues song?
A.You have to help me. I’ll die if you don't. You have to help me.
B.You have to help me. You have to help me. I'll die if you don't.
C.I'll die if you don't. You have to help me. You have to help me.
D.I'll die if you don't help me. You have to help me. Please help me.
4. What fact does the passage lead you to believe?
A.African Americans sang songs after a long day's work to relax in the 1800s.
B.The blues singers in the 1860s usually played the guitar while singing songs.
C.It is not difficult to tell the blues music from others from its musical notes.
D.Rock and roll was the most popular blues music in Chicago in the 1950s.
2016-12-12更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

People use money to buy food, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need. When they work, they usually get paid in money.

Most of the money used today is made of metal(金属) or paper. But in ancient(古代的) time, people often used all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells(贝壳).

In China, cloth and knives were used as money. Elephant tusks(象牙), monkey tails and salt were used in some parts of Africa. Rice was also a kind of money used by the ancient people in some islands. Cows and other animals were used as money, too.

The first copper coins(铜币) were made in China.They were round and had a square(方形)hole in the center. Different countries had used different metal for their money. Later some countries began to make coins of gold and silver. But gold and silver were heavy to carry when people need a lot of coins to buy something expensive. The Chinese were the first to use paper money. The first paper money looked more like a note from one paper to another than the paper money used today.

1. People used all kinds of things as money in ancient times.
2. African people used copper coin as money in the old days.
3. People gave up gold and silver coins because they were easy to slip off.
4. The Indians were the first to use paper money.
5. The passage is mainly about the history of money.
2016-11-25更新 | 1096次组卷
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