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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

1. Where are all the books listed above showed?
A.In a library.
B.In an online bookshop.
C.On the second-hand website.
2. Tom is so interested in detective (侦探) novels, so which book can he buy?
A.The Return of Sherlock Holmes.
B.Let’s Make Some Great Art.
C.The Origin of Modern Science.
3. If you want to know something about local culture, you can choose _________ .
A.Let’s Make Some Great Art and Café Life London
B.San Francisco and The Return of Sherlock Holmes
C.San Francisco and Café Life London
4. Which book will be chosen by a mom if she wants to get on well with her naughty son?
A.Let’s Make Some Great Art
B.Café life London
C.Creative Interventions
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省临沂市河东区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,将1—5小题中五位学生喜欢吃的食物与喜欢的原因A—E 进行匹配。
    1    . I come from Chongqıng. I like to have hot pot when I’m feeling blue.
    2    . I’m a student from Jinan, Shandong. My comfort food is mutton soup.
    3    . I’m from Harbin. I like to have a barbecue with my family when I’m in low spirits.
    4    . I’m studying in Suzhou. In winter, I enjoy a cup or warm milk tea once in a while.
    5    . I live in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Eating noodles can bring me simple pleasure.
A. I sometimes have no appetite (食欲) on cold days, but I still want to have something to warm my stomach. The sweet drink is a good choice. I feel happy when I have it. What’s more, my hands are always cold. It can also warm my hands.
B. We like to have it in our yard. I always help cook it. Though it takes much time to prepare for it, I never feel upset. Seeing the food being lightly smoked on the metal frame (支架), I feel relaxed. Watching my family eat the food I’ve made gives me a sense of achievement.
C. I like to make them for my family. They’re easy to cook. I just need to boil some water and add some eggs into it. Two minutes later, I put noodles into the water and add some vegetables and ingredients. Every time I cook noodles for my parents, they feel so happy. They’re a symbol of love in my family.
D. I like to have it, especially in winter. And my mother is good at cooking it. The mutton is cooked in the flavorful broth (高汤) with onions, garlic, ginger, and spices. Then the soup is garnished with cilantro (香菜叶) and served hot. After I have it, my whole body warms up.
E. I like to have it with my family. It’s relaxing. My parents always give me my favorite food, and tell me to be careful of hot food. Foods in the pot like beef, mutton and potatoes taste spicy (辣的) and delicious. At the same time, I feel family’s love. And my bad feelings go away.
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市淄川区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,将1—5小题中五位同学在辩论赛中针对不同辩题发表的观点与反方观点A—E 进行匹配。
    1     Modern technology makes it much easier to pay. Why do you carry around lots of money when you can use your phone to pay for everything?
    2     It is good for students to take a long break during the hot summer days. The holiday provides them with a good chance to relax and go on trips.
    3     Writing by hand is out of date. Now people can use different ways to communicate with others, like making phone calls and sending messages.
    4     Given the choice, wouldn’t everyone prefer more space and cleaner air? Country life improves our health as the environment is better there.
    5     Mobile phones offer people so many ways to communicate that they have fewer face-to-face talks. This can stop friendships and make people lonelier.
A. Being able to write well is a very important life skill. What’s more, studies have shown that people learn more when they write things down. This is especially good for students.
B. Mobile phones allow you to keep in touch with others wherever you are. They can also help keep children safe. Parents can talk to their children and find out where they are when they go out alone.
C. Cities are usually full of interesting places and events. Also, there are many more chances for us to meet different people and experience different things, especially in big cities.
D. First, if a person is unable to use the mobile phone, that will make it hard to buy things. Second, there are thousands of designs for coins and notes. You can learn about different countries’ people, places and cultures from them.
E. During the long summer holiday, many parents have to pay others to look after their children. It costs them a lot of money. And the long summer holiday makes some students fall behind at school.
7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市沂源县中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .

Hi, Dan! Please let us know about yourself!

I’m 31 from Canada. At the age of seven, I was hurt in the head and went blind in my left eye. In 2008, my right eye started to go red and the doctor told me it would also be blind later.

I’m sorry to hear that. Where does your passion (热情) for travel come from?

I am greatly influenced by my parents. What’s more, besides my family, I travel for the people. I know people are curious about my travels and I love sharing my stories.

Being almost unable to see, you must face many difficulties. How do you overcome them?

My travel is nothing different, just slower. Usually help is available but I’m unwilling to accept it and I try my hardest to direct myself. For example, I use an iPhone to take a photo of the train times and then make it larger. Thus, I can move at my own speed.

What will be your next destination (目的地)?

I don’t know what my next destination will be after this trip in Europe. But to tell you the truth, I think it’s time for me to get around my own country. It’s really a pity that Canadians travel the world because traveling in our own country is so hard and expensive.

1. What does the underlined word “direct” mean in the dialogue?
2. What can we infer from the dialogue?
A.Dan’s parents may be travel lovers.B.Travelling in Canada is expensive.
C.Dan was blind when he was seven.D.Dan will travel to Europe next time.
3. In which newspaper column can you most possibly find the dialogue?
A.Travel guide.B.Education and society.
C.Health and environment.D.Character stories.
2024-06-03更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省潍坊市昌邑市中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . 阅读材料,将各小题中“我爱淄博”的志愿项目与A-E 五个同学的简介进行匹配。

1. Clean the People’s Park! Six volunteers are wanted. We need to help clean the People’s Park. We will help to collect rubbish and protect the environment there. If you are free, join us.
2. Guide the Children’s Park. Five volunteers are wanted. We need to create a guide to important places in the Children’s Park. We will create maps and write descriptions of the places in the guide. Come and help.
3. Be a guide in the Chinese Ceramic Museum of Zibo. Ten volunteers are wanted. We need to show the tourists around the museum. We will introduce the fine ceramics (陶瓷) in Zibo. If you are interested in this, welcome to join us!
4. Help in the City Library. Four volunteers are wanted. We need to help the librarians to put the books in the right positions. We also need to do some work on the computer. If you are good at computer science, please help us!
5. Offer help in the Haidai Tower. Fifteen volunteers are wanted. We need to offer good service to the tourists who ask for help. We also need to introduce the cultural and creative products. Join us if you’d like.
A.Wei Ling loves volunteer work, and she is good at drawing pictures and writing articles.
B.Jack is an English boy who likes volunteering. He has lived in Zibo for five years with his parents. He knows Zibo a lot. He often buys and reads books in the bookshop.
C.Li Ming wants to be a volunteer. He is interested in art. He knows how to make artworks out of clay and other materials.
D.Liu Rui wants to have a volunteer experience. He doesn’t have any special talent. But he is a kind and tidy boy.
E.Wang Hua often volunteers in her free time. She keeps making videos about reading different books and then posts them online. Now she has a lot of fans online.
2024-06-02更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市张店区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约90词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 下面材料A-E分别是五个中华成语故事,请根据学生英语学习中常见的问题,帮助他们选出相对应的成语故事。
1. “Because” and “so” shouldn’t be put together. But some students often add “so” to the sentence with “because”.
2. Some students may be lucky to get the right answers. But if they depend only on luck failure may come.
3. Some students pretend that they know the grammar rules but in fact, they don’t.
4. Students need to learn a lesson from mistakes so that they won’t make them next time.
5. Some students seem to be able to recite (背诵) the English texts in groups. But if they asked to do it alone, they can’t.
A.The old emperor liked group music. A man knew this and joined the musical team. But the new emperor enjoyed the music played by every single musician. The man without any music ability was afraid and ran away.
B.Several men were drawing snakes on the floor. One man was the first to finish a snake but he didn’t win because he added feet to his snake.
C.One day, a rabbit knocked itself into a tree and fell dead. A farmer nearby enjoyed the rabbit for dinner and waited for more at the same place every day. However, no rabbits came and his fields went worse.
D.A man wanted to steal a big bell next door. However, he had to make a lot of noise so he covered his ears with pieces of clothes, thinking if he couldn’t hear the noise, neither could others.
E.A sheep keeper found a sheep was gone and he discovered there was a hole in the sheep hold (羊圈). So he fixed it right away. As a result, the rest of the sheep were safe.
2024-06-02更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市高青县中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . D

    1    . Lin Tao is a English teacher from Guangzhou. His major is computer. And he once learnt basic design skills. He has more than two years’ experience in designing (设计).
    2    . Li Xiang, a Chinese good at English. In university, he learnt electric engineering. He has five years’ experience in designing and training staff.
    3    . Maggie has good looks, and she is always kind to everyone. She has three year’s working experience in hotel, so she knows well how to deal with customers.
    4    . Mike is a native (本土的) English speaker from the UK. He is a qualified (有资格的) teacher, so he wants to find a job in a school which can provide extra money for more classes.
    5    . Hank is 25 years old. He does not receive much education, but he is strong and works hard. He has ever been a part-time truck driver and has a driver’s license. Now he would like to do a full-time job.
A. Part-time Waitress Busy hotel needs kind and good-looking waitress for weekends. Must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers.
B. Porter (搬运工) wanted We need young and healthy man able to carry heavy boxes of books. Must have a driving license and be hard-working.
C. English teacher Our school needs a native English part-time teacher for weekends Better from the USA, Canada or the UK. 120 Yuan an hour.
D. Electric (电子的) engineer Graduated from university and the major in electric engineering. Have more than 3 years’ experience in designing.
E. Service engineer More than I year’s experience. Must have received design education Good computer skills and can speak both Chinese and English.
2024-05-20更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市桓台县中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 .

Mrs. Smith

Hello, boys and girls! Let’s talk about your parents’ jobs in this class! It doesn’t matter what kinds of jobs they have. They make our city a better place. Everyone should take pride in them.

My father is a basketball coach. He often teaches me how to play basketball in the gym. My mother is a nurse. She cares a lot of patients.


My father is a scientist. He works in a lab. I want to be a scientist like him. My mother is a middle school teacher. She loves her students very much.


My father is a pilot. He takes people to different places. My mother is a TV reporter. They are very busy so they have little time to be with me. But still, I love them.


My parents are cleaners. No matter how bad the weather is, they get outside early in the morning and clean the streets. Sometimes I prepare breakfast for them.


1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.On the street.B.In a hotel.C.In a bank.D.In a classroom.
2. How many kinds of jobs are mentioned?
3. What does Judy’s father do?
A.A basketball coach.B.A scientist.C.A pilot.D.A cleaner.
4. Why do Sally’s parents have little time to be with her?
A.Because they have different jobs.B.Because they are very busy.
C.Because Sally loves her parents.D.Because Sally’s parents are nice people.
5. What does Mrs. Smith want to tell the students?
A.Different jobs have different values.B.We need to help our parents.
C.Different people have different jobs.D.We can learn from our parents.
2024-05-09更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用: 2024年山东省济南市东南片区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约40词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 .

1. Where does the conversation probably take place ?
A.On the street.B.In a hotel.C.In a bank.D.In a classroom.
2. How many kinds of jobs are mentioned ?
3. What does Judy’s father do ?
A.A basketball coach.B.A scientist.C.A pilot.D.A cleaner.
4. Why do Sally’s parents have little time to be with her ?
A.Because they have different jobs.B.Because they are very busy.
C.Because Sally loves her parents.D.Because Sally’s parents are nice people.
5. What does Mrs. Smith want to tell the students ?
A.Different jobs have different values.B.We need to help our parents.
C.Different people have different jobs.D.We can learn from our parents.
2024-05-07更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省济南市历城区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约70词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 下面材料A-E分别是五本杂志的介绍。请根据五位同学的兴趣爱好和需求,帮助他们选出最感兴趣的读物。
1. Brigitte plans to study abroad. She would like to know the study and life in foreign high schools.
2. Eleanor has travelled many places. She enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs.
3. Amy is interested in English news, but she doesn’t have much time to read.
4. Carrie likes pop music. She wants to know about the stars and the latest fashion.
5. Leroy dreams to be a policeman. He takes interest in the stories about detectives.
A.English Square
The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what’s happening in the world. You can find the latest news. Special back page sums up the news for busy readers.
This magazine has a circulation of over 1,000,000. Every week well-known writers bring you the latest music. There are three full-length stories as well as color pictures of your favorite film stars.
C.National Geography
This monthly magazine can bring the world to your home. It includes geography, natural science, and the study of world culture and history. This amazing magazine is full of color photos, which is your window on the world.
This monthly magazine brings you real life of detectives (侦探). They chase criminals across different countries and find out the truth of the incident. It is filled with the stories of adventures.
The magazine is in full color, more than two hundred pages, and packed with support and fun! It gives readers more choices to learn more about courses and activities in foreign high schools.
2024-04-27更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省淄博市高青县中考一模英语试题
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