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1 . More than half the world’s population live in cities, and by 2050 the UN expects that proportion to reach 68%. This means more homes, roads and other infrastructure. In India alone, a city the size of Chicago will have to be developed every year to meet demand for housing. Such a construction increase is a bad sign for dealing with climate change, because making steel and concrete, two of the most common building materials, generates around 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions (排放). If cities are to expand and become greener at the same time, they will have to be made from something else.

Wood is one of the most promising sustainable (可持续的) alternatives to steel and concrete. It is not, however, everyday wood that is attracting the interest of architects.

Rather, it is a material called engineered timber. This is a combination of different layers, each designed to meet the requirements of specific parts such as floors, panels and beams (横梁). Designers can use it to provide levels of strength like steel, in a product that is up to 80% lighter. In addition, engineered timber is usually made into large sections in a factory for future use, which reduces the number of deliveries to a construction site.

According to Michael Ramage of the University of Cambridge, a wooden building produces 75% less CO2 than a steel and concrete one of the same size. However, if building with wood takes off, it does raise concern about there being enough trees to go round. But with sustainably managed forests that should not be a problem, says Dr Ramage. A family-sized apartment requires about 30 cubic metres of timber, and he estimates Europe’s sustainable forests alone grow that amount every seven seconds. Nor is fire a risk, for engineered timber does not burn easily. Besides, fireproofing layers can be added to the timber. All in all, then, it looks as if wood as a building material may get a new lease of life.

1. Why is India mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To point out the severe pollution.
B.To predict the population increase.
C.To indicate the high degree of urbanization.
D.To show the great need for building materials.
2. What can be learned about engineered timber?
A.It is produced at a low cost.
B.It hardly appeals to architects.
C.It helps save energy in transportation.
D.It possesses greater strength than steel.
3. What does the underlined phrase “takes off” in the last paragraph mean ?
A.Becomes cheaper.B.Gains popularity.
C.Requires less work.D.Proves sustainable.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Making Future Cities More Attractive
B.Living in a World with Less Emission
C.Building Sustainable Cities with Woods
D.Growing More Trees for Future Building
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2 . The planets Jupiter (木星) and Saturn (土星) have been moving closer and closer to each other in the night sky. In fact, on December 21 , they appeared closer together than they have been in hundreds of years.

When two astronomical bodies appear close in the sky, as seen from Earth, it is called 4 conjunction (合相). Conjunctions can happen with any two bodies, such as planets, moons, stars and asteroids (小行星). When Jupiter and Saturn come together, it is called a "Great Conjunction".

Astronomers say these events between the two largest planets in our solar system are not rare. Jupiter passes its neighbor Saturn once every 20 years as they circle around the sun. But this conjunction is especially close: From Earth, the two planets will look to be just one-tenth of a degree apart. That is about the distance of one-fifth of a full moon.

If weather permits, they should be easy to see just after sundown. This just-in-time-for-Christmas sight promises to be one of the greatest of Great Conjunctions. What makes this modern Great Conjunction different is that it is happening at nighttime. The last time that happened was almost 800 years ago.

Saturn and Jupiter have been getting closer in the sough-southwest sky for weeks. Jupiter, which is bigger and closer to Earth, is much brighter. The two planets might look like one body if viewed with eyes alone. If sky watchers use telescopes they should be able to see the planets as separate. Saturn will be the smaller, less-bright body at Jupiter's upper right.

Even though they appear close, more than 730 million kilometers of space lies between them. Observers using telescopes will not only see Jupiter and Saturn in the same field of view, but also some of their brightest moons. Their next close pairing will happen on March 15, 2080.

1. What do astronomers think of planets getting close to each other?
2. What makes this Great Conjunction special?
A.The time when it takes place.
B.The part of sky where it happens.
C.The distance between the two planets.
D.The brightness of the two planets.
3. Which of the following shows the right position of the two planets?
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Two Planets Reach Especially near Earth
B.Jupiter and Saturn Come Together in the Night Sky
C.Conjunctions of Planets Excite Astronomers
D.Good Chances to Observe Jupiter and Saturn Appear
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3 . There are many therapies (疗法) for depression, including medical treatment, psychotherapy and talk therapy. Having a range of treatment choices is a good idea because no single treatment works equally well for each of millions of sufferers. Choosing the most suitable treatment is important to them. Now researchers say a new therapy proven to relieve depression should be added to the established treatments. It's called nature therapy. "Interacting with nature can have positive effects on those with depression," says Ethan Kross, PhD, an expert who has studied the nature depression link.

A little exposure to nature helps all of us get our energy back, and it may have special benefit for those who are depressed.“It seems that, from our work, the restorative effect of nature seems to be stronger for individuals with depression," says Marc Berman, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. That might be because they feel mentally exhausted, and being in nature re energizes them. However, Dr Berman has a strong warning. “We're not arguing that interacting with nature should replace clinically proven treatments for depression," he says, “Nor should those with clinical depression try to treat themselves.”

However, Berman and others say, interactions with nature could serve as a very effective supplementary treatment. Compared to adults with depression walking for 50 minutes in an urban setting, those who took a 50 minute walk in a natural setting were less depressed and had better memory skills.

Why does nature hold this special effect? Berman says, “In a natural environment, we can choose to think or not, and this choice is believed to help us rest our brains. You can then pay attention later, when you need to.”He adds, “It gives people more ability to concentrate, which is a big problem for those with depression. ”Nature provides an effective setting for resting our brains, unlike urban setting. Even in the most peaceful urban environment, you have to pay attention to such things as traffic and stoplights.

1. What can we learn about depression therapies from paragraph 1?
A.They focus on physical activity.
B.They pay no attention to interactions.
C.They mainly depend on natural environment.
D.They need to be tailored to different patients.
2. How does nature benefit patients with depression?
A.By making them feel energetic.B.By reminding them to rest in time.
C.By taking the place of clinic treatment.D.By covering up their mental problems.
3. What does the underlined word “supplementary" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An urban setting of restoring energy.
B.The positive role of nature in treating depression.
C.The popularity of using multiple ways to treat diseases.
D.An effective replacement of clinical therapy for depression.
2021-03-28更新 | 375次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省新乡市2021届高三第二模拟考试英语试题

4 . American billionaire Elon Musk has demonstrated a technology designed to use a computer chip inside the head to control the brain. During a video demonstration on Friday, Musk provided details about the system, called Neuralink.

Musk says he hopes the technology can be used to treat neural disorders and help spinal injury victims regain body movement. Musk also believes the system could be used in the future to improve intelligence to help humans keep up with supercomputers and artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

During the show, Musk showed off a model of the Neuralink device. It is about 23 millimeters wide. It is designed to be implanted into a person's skull. Small wires would connect the device directly to the brain.

The Neuralink system is currently being tested in pigs, with plans to seek government approval for human testing sometime in the future.

A pig named Gertrude was also shown during the show. Musk explained that Gertrude had a Neuralink chip inside its head. The device is meant to record nerve activity in the pig's nose and mouth.

Musk said the company had three pigs, each with two chips. He described the animals as "healthy, happy and indistinguishable from a normal pig." Musk said the company was able to predict with "high accuracy" a pig's leg movement on a running machine using data from the chip.

Musk noted that Neuralink first wants to use the device on people with severe spinal cord injuries to help them talk and move using their brain waves. He said he is hopeful that, in the long term, those people could regain "full-body motion."

Some neuroscientists not linked to the company said the presentation suggested Neuralink had made great progress with the technology. However, they warned that many more studies will be needed to test the long-term success of such devices.

1. What good can the Neuralink device do to the disabled?
A.Making them think clearly.
B.Treating their diseases successfully.
C.Having them keep up with supercomputers.
D.Helping them to move again.
2. Which can best describe the pigs with a Neuralink inside their heads?
3. What do some neuroscientists think of Neuralink?
A.it has been a great success.
B.it will succeed very soon.
C.it has a long way to go.
D.It needs support from new theories.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.There Will Be Great Progress in Brain Science.
B.Musk Shows Technology Linking Computer to Brain.
C.Three Pigs Are being Tested Instead of Human Beings.
D.The Disabled Will Receive Better Treatment in the future.
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