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1 . “Sunday Morning”honored the creative, inspiring and newsworthy men and women who passed away in 2020, who'd touched our lives in unforgettable ways.

Pain and sorrow - the calling cards of 2020. “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers provided us reassurance(保证) that tomorrow may be better. Although Withers left us at 81, his notes of comfort helped during a year that wasn't even a month old before grief was already setting in.

The death of 41-year-old Kobe Bryant, along with his 13-year-old daughter and seven others because of an air crash, astonished everyone-basketball fans or not.

“My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get". COVID was certainly the box we all wished we never got. But Winston Groom, who created Forrest Gump, reminded us through that character that challenges exist, to be overcome.

Dignity for Black Americans remained an unfinished struggle in 2020. The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor-just to name a few-restarted a movement for equality and justice not seen since the 1960s.

Gender equality lost some of its superheroes, too. Helen Reddy, who was inspired to retire after “I Am Woman” became her most popular song in 1974, offered the soundtrack for the fight that she herself engaged in. But there were few champions for women as influential as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In her 27 years on the Supreme Court,she expanded rights for women as well as men. Small in stature(个子),a giant for us all. The only thing tougher than Justice Ginsburg was the cancer that took her at age 87.

While the sun isn't out just yet, the hope is that it's just over the horizon.

1. What did Winston Groom want to tell us through Forrest Gump?
A.Forrest Gump had a box of chocolates.B.A person's character determines his fate.
C.We didn't expect to get Covid-19 in 2020.D.We are living through difficulties in our life.
2. Who died of a serious disease?
A.Kobe Bryant.B.Forest Gump.C.George Floyd.D.Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
3. What can be learned about Helen Reddy?
A.She was a racist.B.She died from an accident.
C.She was a musician.D.She didn't retire until her death.
2021-05-04更新 | 142次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题
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2 .

A group of researchers led by Patrick Yu-Wai-Man. an ophthalmologist (眼科医师) at Cambridge University, investigated a new genetic therapy for a form of blindness. Officially, their study was a failure. But it was also a great success, for 29 of the 37 participants reported big improvements in their vision.

The disease in question is Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)(遗传性视神经病变) .A defective gene leads to sudden and rapid loss of sight, with many sufferers becoming legally blind within a year. It affects between one in 30,000 and one in 50,000 people. Men in their 20s and 30s are particularly at high risk. Since most cases are caused by a mutation (突变) in a single gene, LHON is a good candidate for gene therapy, a form of genetic engineering which aims to replace the defective gene with a working one.

With that in mind. Dr Yu-Wai-Man and his colleagues loaded up a changed virus with a corrected copy of the gene and injected it into their patients' eyes. The researchers controlled the experiment by injecting only one of each patient's eyes--chosen at random--with the virus. The other eye was given a fake injection. Using two eyes in the same patient makes for a perfect control.

The surprise came several months later. The researchers had hoped to see a big improvement in the treated eyes, compared with the untreated ones. They did not, for which the study failed in its primary objective. Instead, in more than three quarters of their patients, they saw significant improvements in both eyes.

On the face of it, that was odd. Only one eye had received the treatment, after all. Follow-up studies in monkeys confirmed what the researchers had suspected. The virus, it seemed, had found a way to travel from one eye to the other, probably via the optic nerve. Tissues and fluids samples from monkeys given the same treatment as the human patients showed viral DNA in both eyes, not just one.

Although it had a happy outcome in this case, the prospect of a gene-therapy virus travelling to places it is not intended to go to might worry regulators. Fortunately, the researchers found no trace of the virus elsewhere in the monkeys’ bodies. And. though the study was technically a failure, its practical success means that an effective treatment for LHON may at last be in reach.

1. LHON is chosen in this study because it________
A.can be easily cured
B.affects young males mostly
C.is a common disease among people
D.results from a mutation in a single gene
2. Why was the study a great success despite a failure officially?
A.Some participants suffered loss of sight
B.The vision of both eyes improved greatly
C.All the participants gave positive feedback
D.The virus didn’t replace the damaged gene
3. The experiment on monkeys is mentioned in order to________
A.confirm the virus travels across eyes
B.prove the virus can affect other body parts
C.show the effect of the treatment on animals
D.highlight regulators' worry about gene-therapy
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.The Future of Gene Therapy
B.The Blessing for Eye Patients
C.Gene Therapy: Eyeball to Eyeball
D.Virus Treatment: From Humans to Monkeys
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If all goes well, a balloonwill soon rise from Esrange Space Center in Kiruna, Sweden. It will float highinto the upper atmosphere and then return to Earth. However, environmentalists have arrived to stop this from happening.

The campaigners are against the balloon because of what occurs in flight. The balloon will shoot dust into the Earths upper atmosphere, causing more sunlight to reflect back into space. The dust, known as stratospheric aerosolinjection(SAI), is part of a solar geoengineering (地球工程) program named SCoPex which is being conducted by Harvard University. The aim of the program is to purposely change the Earth's atmosphere to fight climate change.

Those who oppose worry about two things. Firstly, the moral risk-if solar geoengineering works, talks on reducing greenhouse gases will be challenged. The second concern is the amount of SAI in the atmosphere. To keep temperatures low, the need of the reflective dust tobel released high above Earth will be endless, and a sudden stop could result in rapid warming. Raymond Pierrehumbert, a physicist at Oxford University, says solar geoengineering is even tool risky to research beyond computer models.

Not all environmentalists are opposed to it. Since the world is unlikely to achieve the 1. 5 ℃ global warming target set in the Paris Agreement, some green organizations favour small-sized geoengineering research.

Regardless of the criticism, the research continues. Geoengineering is increasingly gaining international attention. A recent report about climate change suggested that SAI could help keep warming below 1. 5℃. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA has developed a research plan for solar geoengineering and received governmental funding totaling $9 million. Both China and India have also launched research programmes of their own. Activists may oppose the experiments, but balloons will likely fly anyway.

1. What is the function of SAI?
A.To attract dust.B.To throw sunlight back.
C.To absorb heat.D.To fight against pollution.
2. Why does Raymond Pierrehumbert say geoengineering is risky?
A.It may change computer models.
B.It may produce too much dust.
C.It may release greenhouse gases.
D.It may worsen global warming.
3. How do some people expect geoengineering research to be done?
A.To a limited degree.
B.At a lower temperature.
C.By green organizations.
D.Without international attention.
4. Which of the following can be inferred?
A.Voices of environmentalists are ignored.
B.More support is going to geoengineering.
C.Global warming is getting worse in Sweden.
D.Geoengineering has proved effective in India.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.

I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he was driven by the desire to see what lay at the ends of the world.

As we sailed north, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination—English Bay, where Dufferin landed- and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.

This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, for many early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was source of extreme danger.

My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Emest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing for his fourth adventure. The stories of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known: he and four companions died on their way back from the South Pole.

So why do explorers put themselves at such risk?

Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.” “With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death,” said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.

On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful for the great explorers’ spirit and stories. I know I am.

1. Why did the author begin his adventure tour?
A.To assist a film crewB.To realize a childhood dream
C.To memorize Lord DufferinD.To challenge a world record
2. Which of the following best explains "inconceivable" underlined in paragraph 7?
A.Hard to controlB.Too far to reach
C.Hard to imagineD.Too bright to view
3. What happened during the writer's journey?
A.They were trapped in icebergsB.They were kept off the destination
C.They were attacked by a stormD.They were rescued by explorers
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Appeal of the Ends of the WorldB.The Dream of Traveling to the Arctic
C.The Victory over the Control of DeathD.The Gratitude to Great Explorers Spirit
2021-05-02更新 | 504次组卷 | 6卷引用:四川省成都市第七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Trucker Gerlock traveled hundreds of thousands of miles with his dog, Holly, who came with him on every route—including his last one. While driving near Dallas, Texas, on the job, the 59-year-old Marylander crashed into a concrete column. Gerlock was killed instantly. Looking in the back of the truck, though, rescue drivers found one survivor.

Rescue workers cut the Chesapeake Bay retriever(切萨皮克海湾寻回犬)—practically untouched—out of the back of the truck, where she’d been sleeping. “It’s amazing that anything survived, ”Sandy Nordhoff, friend of Gerlock, told The Kent County News.

Unsure what happened to Holly, Gerlock’s friends from his town of Rock Hall, Maryland, made numerous calls and emails to agencies in order to find out where the dog was. Eventually, they found out she had been staying in Dallas Animal Services shelter and a foster family had taken her in for Thanksgiving. The Rock Hall locals hatched a plan to get her home.

Joe Creighton and Sandy’s husband, Russell Nordhoff, both lifelong friends of Gerlock, volunteered to make the 2, 800-mile trip from Rock Hall to Dallas and back, which took two days each way. The friends borrowed Gerlock’s pickup truck for the road, so Holly would feel more comfortable on the journey home, according to The Kent County News.

Back in Rock Hall, some of Gerlock’s friends adopted Holly. Ever since, the dog has been a town icon(偶像), making an appearance in almost every town parade.

“The outpouring of love shown towards Gerlock and Holly was heartwarming, ”Rock Hall resident Jamie Elburn tells Reader's Digest. “It shows how the companionship of‘man’s best friend’and simple kindness can overcome even the most difficult situation!”

1. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 indicate?
A.The trip was extremely tiring.B.The result was quite satisfying.
C.The survivor was very smart.D.The accident was too serious.
2. What happened to Holly after she was saved?
A.She was nowhere to be found.B.She was put in an animal shelter.
C.She was sent back home immediately.D.She was adopted by a foster family.
3. What can we infer about the work on getting Holly back home?
A.It was painstaking.B.It was full of danger.
C.It tumed out to be interesting.D.It required much experience.
4. How did Jamie Elburn feel about the whole story?

6 . Boycotting (抵制) has long been used as a political tool. In the late 18th century, it was used to discourage the use of products made by slave labor. Now it is being used to influence the largest social media platform in the world, Facebook

The Stop Hate for Profit campaign claims the platform doesn’t do enough to remove racist and hateful comments from its site. Already, this has resulted in a series of major companies, including Adidas and Starbucks, removing their advertising from the platform.

Can that boycott hurt Facebook? The short answer is yes — the vast majority of Facebook's income comes from ads. David Cumming from Aviva Investors told the BBC that the loss of trust could “destroy the business.” On Friday, Facebook's share price dropped by 8 percent, making CEO Mark Zuckerberg, on paper, $6 billion poorer. But despite the huge share price reduction, some believe this boycott will only scratch the surface. Apart from companies only committing to the boycott for one month, the biggest factor is much of Facebook’s advertising income comes from thousands of small- to medium-sized businesses, many of which have not signed up for the boycott.

According to CNN, the site's 100 highest-spending brands only account for 6 percent of advertising income. In contrast. smaller brands view social media ads as the only affordable vehicle for mass exposure.

Though unable to force a change, Zuckerberg has shown some signs of flexibility (灵活性) following an announcement that the site would begin to make hateful content. But this pales compared to measures form other sites.

This year is going to be a rocky year for all social media companies. If the boycott goes on into the autumn and if more and more companies sigh up, this could be a defining year for the social network.

1. Why has Facebook been boycotted?
A.It has been used as a political tool.
B.It has posted many inappropriate advertisements.
C.It has launched the Stop Hate for Profit campaign.
D.It has failed to manage discriminatory posts on its platform.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?
A.Facebook will take measures to stop the boycott.
B.Facebook has confidence it will restore its users’ trust.
C.Facebook won’t be greatly influenced by the boycott.
D.Facebook hasn’t been affected by many smaller businesses.
3. What does the author think of the measures Zuckerberg has taken?
A.They are not effective enough.
B.They are not flexible enough.
C.They are better than those taken by other sites.
D.They will help Facebook survive the boycott.
4. How does the author feel about the future of social networks?
2021-05-02更新 | 116次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省杭州市西湖区学军中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . On Nov 2,Williams-Cole, a senior interdisciplinary(跨学科的)major, sworn in (宣誓就职) as the mayor of Camp Hill, Alabama, US, making him the youngest person in history to hold the office, according to WVTM 13, an NBC affiliate(分支机构).

Williams-Cole was prompted(促使) to run for mayor because he wanted to bring changes to his hometown, a town of less than 1000 people. The citizens of Camp Hill have seen a sad decline of their town with many empty storefronts, trees growing inside what used to be businesses and weeds sprouting(发芽) from sidewalks, according to WSFA 12 News, Alabama’s source.

“My main things is to create a foundation and clear up any debts we have to get our town financially stable.” Williams-Cole told Auburn University. “ While doing that, I want to carry out things that will increase unity in the town, like doing quarterly town hall meetings that are more informal and that celebrate the community. We need to open up the floor for people to complain if they want, because they have the right to do that as taxpayers.”

Williams-Cole has designed a detailed schedule so that he would have enough time for both his studies and his duties as a mayor. He hopes to use his education and his position as mayor to help other people, especially children. He said he would want to become an administrator at a boarding school, which gives children holistic(全面的) learning that is essential to contemporary society.

“Cole is different.” Mike Fellows, Lee County Circuit Court Judge, told Auburn University.” “He’s obviously willing to do a lot of extra work to serve his community. He cares enough to do it, and I think that says a lot about him.” The young man is set to graduate in May 2021. He plans to attend either grad school or law school, news outlet CBS reported.

1. Why did Williams-Cole run for mayor?
A.He wants to get some work experience
B.The town’s environment is suffering badly
C.He wants to contribute to his hometown
D.It’s a part of his graduation project.
2. What does Williams-Cole plan to do after being elected?
A.Create opportunities for people to be heard.
B.Hire more teachers at boarding schools.
C.Hold regular meetings with local business.
D.Set up new companies to promote economic development.
3. Which of the following words best describes Williams-Cole?
2021-05-02更新 | 110次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省杭州市西湖区学军中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中英语试题

8 . Jean was a single mother with a young son. She taught the first grade and worked very hard. She drove a small old car. One August, the teachers returned from a summer break to see Jean drive up to school with three children. The two girls were Jean’s former students who had lost their parents. They did not want to enter a foster care center. They turned to Jean-their first grade teacher-for help. Though she and her son lived in a small house, Jean took the girls in.

During lunch, while other teachers shared life stories, Jean never complained about her new responsibilities. She did, however, speak about her car. With three children to transport, the car was too small and slow. It even burned engine oil. Jean needed something new. However, she couldn’t buy one with three children in her home.

As a good friend, I listened to her concerns. At that time, I did not have much money. But I wanted to help Jean buy a car. An idea hit me when I watched a TV show.

One day, Jean received an invitation to a TV show. She was surprised but decided to attend it. Midway through the show the host called Jean to the stage. He explained he had received a letter, knowing her need for a new car. The audience listened to the details of Jean’s story and were all moved. Then the host said that Jean would receive a new car for her family. Cheers filled the studio and Jean shook with disbelief.

Six hundred miles away, I watched the joy of it all from the television in my living room. Jean’s big heart taught me many lessons that year. I did nothing but share her story.

1. What can we infer about Jean according to the first paragraph?
A.She was a driver.
B.She was very kind-hearted.
C.She knew the girls’ parents.
D.She wanted to sell her small car.
2. What troubled Jean?
A.She found it hard to raise kids alone.
B.She couldn’t afford to buy a new car.
C.She couldn’t spare more time for her students.
D.She had no time to transport her kids to school.
3. Why did Jean receive an invitation to the show?
A.The author turned to the show for help.
B.The school rewarded her for her hard work.
C.The school wanted to make her story known.
D.The show picked some single mothers to report randomly.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Letter from My Friend
B.Helping My Friend Get a Car
C.Inviting My Friend to a Show
D.A Single Mother with Three Kids
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Half of the world's beaches could disappear by 2100, a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change suggests.

Michalis Vousdoukas, of the European Union's Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, was the lead researchist. "Tourist areas which have sandy beaches as their main selling point will probably face strong consequences," he said. Aside from economic value, beaches play an important environmental role. "Sandy beaches are important habitats supporting a wide range of species. They also protect the coast from the effects of storms, so without sandy beaches other inland environments can be affected by the effects of waves and saltwater entering," Vousdoukas added.

The main causes are rising sea-level and erosion (侵蚀)from storms, the study says, which warned of the near-disappearance of almost half of the world's sandy beaches by the end of the century. Beaches in the United States will be   “greatly affected”,as will shorelines in Canada, Mexico, China and Chile. In the U. S. , beaches along the East Coast and the Gulf Coast will experience the most erosion.

Michalis Vousdoukas and other researchers used satellite images to track the way beaches have changed over the past 30 years and patterned how global warming might affect them in the future. They found that West Africa will see some of the worst losses, where more than 60% of sandy coastline may be lost in countries such as The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau. Australia will also take a hit:when the total length of sandy beach projected to be lost is analyzed, Australia would be hit the hardest, with more than 7,000 miles at risk.

1. What mainly caused the disappearance of half of the world's beaches?
A.Over population and more tourism.B.Severe erosion and coastline losses.
C.Global warming and climate change.D.Sea-level rise and storm destruction.
2. Which country possibly loses more than half of sandy coastline according to the study?
A.Chile.B.The Gambia.C.Australia.D.The United States.
3. Why are beaches important to wildlife?
A.They can provide habitats for species.
B.They can block out waves and storms.
C.They can be popular tourist attractions.
D.They can stop erosion from happening.
4. What is the author's purpose in writing this text?
A.To introduce beaches.B.To make a comparison.
C.To protect environment.D.To explain a study.
2021-05-01更新 | 132次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省洛阳市2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(含听力)

10 . Located in the southeast of Canada and with a population of approximately 6 million, Toronto is a big and beautiful city, which has developed from a relatively unknown place over the past half century to the center of culture, trade and communication in Canada.

With its colorful ethnic mix, rich history and breathtaking buildings. Toronto offers non-stop adventures to the tourists. To get a sense of how big, various and magical Toronto is, the best place to start is the CN Tower. From this point, visitors can get a bird's-eye view of the city's amazing scenery and unique geography.

In addition to being an important center of culture, trade and communication in Canada, Toronto is also a major muti-ethnic city. It is the most populous city in Canada and its citizens come from countries around the world and from different kinds of ethnic backgrounds. Every day, in most places of the city, a hundred different languages can be heard on the streets, from Hindi to Greek to French. This, perhaps, explains why former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said that Canada is a mosaic(嵌合体)of cultures and languages rather than a melting pot.

Street signs in Toronto are mostly in English. Weekly and daily newspapers are published in various languages, and the city hosts the successful international film festival each September. It is also home to a popular baseball team the Toronto Blue Jays. Toronto has something for everyone.

Moreover, Toronto has been rated one of the most livable cities in the world by United Nations Human Settlements Programme for many years. At the same time, Toronto is one of the safest, richest cities in the world with the highest standard of living.

1. What's the purpose of the text?
A.To draw more tourists to Toronto.
B.To introduce something about Canada.
C.To introduce some famous sights of Toronto.
D.To tell us how Toronto develops from the past.
2. What can we know about Toronto from the text?
A.Toronto is in the center of Canada.
B.Toronto is a city with a history of half a century.
C.The street signs in Toronto are all written in English.
D.From the top of the CN Tower we can see the whole Toronto.
3. How does the author like Toronto?
A.It's worth visiting.
B.It's just a common city in Canada.
C.There are too many foreigners in the city.
D.There aren't many places of interest to visit.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A personal diary.B.A news report.
C.A tourist handbook.D.A student's notebook.
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